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Posts posted by massive1974

  1. Well,

    I cant give you numbers, i mean i don't know which numbers to give you. I guess it depends on the size of the map and the nr of units. In the earlier CM games you had a clear indication in the menu (small, medum, large), you dont have that with CMSF.

    Anything with a town in it presents serious framerate issues for me. even smaller areas with buildings. Two Stryker platoons and a couple of T2s on the other side are already reason for lag. Put that in a city and that's it.

    I guess recon in force, ambushes are medium scenarios.

  2. Hi,

    My rig is the minimum required for this game, Win XP SP2, AMD 2400+, 1 GIG RAM, Radeon 9600, 256 MB.

    I can only play the smaller scenarios, e.g., the first campaign scenario is just awful frameratewise. I know i can't expect much with this system, i was just wandering whether there was anyone else running low-end systems and what was their experiences?

  3. Originally posted by Moon

    "The ability to think and re-think perhaps helps offset the fact that you as the player have to think for dozens and sometimes hundreds of individuals."

    But then for me this is solved by the fact (or will be, I still have to see what the AI does in RT) that the Ai takes care of its own to a certain extent, right? I have a general plan, I adjust but I'd rather not ponder over every single grunt and his moves. I sort of like the idea of having that endless freedom being taken away. I like the idea of limitations that come with RT. It might be my Russian style of command.

  4. well,

    i admit i gave the wrong example. AT gun placement definitely needs some thinking.


    time-pressure in the wego system i think is somewhat corrupted by the endless thinking time you have between turns. the fact that those 60 minutes unfold the way they do without you being able to do anything about it helps realism a bit but still. it is too fragmented.

    I'd say, WEGO gives you the real god's eye perspective because you can go over every tiny detail on the field and make adjustements. in RT things happen at the same time which will necessarily increase fog of war because you just cant be everywhere. so less micromanagement and more general orders and then improvisation when the brownie hits the wind.

  5. Londoner,

    I wouldn't miss the opportunity to tell them "you're either with us or against us". just don't tell them the mission is complete.

    hell, the mission hasn't even started yet. i want some syrian oil.

    so what am i doing tomorrow...? nothing. now i just need to be really careful going home, watch the red lights, bricks falling...

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