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Posts posted by nachinus

  1. I would certainly love ANY early war scenario. I'm particularly interested in Case Yellow, but I'd take anything. These are scenarios barely depicted in PC games and that makes them specially attractive to me. After playing so many many games of diferent genres with the same settings once and again, I'm really eager to explore less exploited theaters.

  2. 1) Improve Terrain Lighting. This accomplishes two important objectives:

    -Make terrain elevation more noticeable, hopefuly making grid mods less necessary.

    -Make the game look cooler. :P IMHO terrain graphics have a bigger impact on the look and appeal of the game than unit details.

    2) Ability to man friendly abandoned ATGs

    3) Increased chance of surrender or flee for demoralized, outnumbered soldiers when the enemy gets *really* close quarters. This also accomplishes two objectives:

    -Makes up for the absence of melee mechanics

    -Improves realism (I believe)

  3. The models look good enough for me in CMBN and in those pics. I don't really zoom in so much. I understand that some people here love to make close pics and post them in the forum, but the actual gameplay happens quite above the pixeltruppen heads and I don't find it so urgent to improve their looks.

    In the visual area, the game would benefit much more from improved terrain and lighting, corner-smoothing (I think I just made up this word) and such things. These are much more visible to the average player.

  4. What car do you have nachinus?

    I don't really *have* a car. As a matter of fact, it's my wife's car what I'd be betting. ;P

    So you think if you were in a battle you would blaze away at where the enemy might be with no concern of ammunition consumption?

    Of course not without concern of ammo consumption, but it certainly seems to be a sound and widespread doctrine to overwhelm the enemy with supressive fire of all kinds.

  5. I use area fire quite often and it is a very powerful tool.Also remeber IRL troops are not going to area fire anywhere near the amount you would in this game.They would be much more concerned about ammunition conservation.In most cases in the game you get a boat load of ammo.This was not the case IRL.

    I disagree. If a RL squad knows that in that big tall hedgerow 100m away -whose base you cannot see very well because of the crops- there is an enemy unit who is firing at your mates, I bet my car that the Brens/BARs/MGs/whatever are going to burn magazine after magazine.

    For what I've read, it seems that people have a strong tendency of firing their weapons at locations where the enemy is believed to be without having to much of a target.

  6. Good points, YankeeDog.

    Maybe there should be a new step in the LOF system for this kind of thing. To the current blue (good) transparent (poor) magenta (blocked), a new grey one could be added (blind fire). This level would mean that there is no proper LOS but blind fire can be conducted, as in the above smoke/crop fields situations. This Blind Fire should have limitations (like those you propose) and be of very, very limited effectiveness. Only MGs should really have some decent supression effect doing this kind of fire.

  7. I knew from CMSF that you can't order area fire when there is something obscuring LOS in your way. It felt odd that you couldn't try to surpress a 'smoked' area as if some was bullet proof, but I eventually learnt to live with it. Unfortunately, in Normandy a new and ubiquitous element appears... the crop!.

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Is there any way to fire through a wheat field? LOS in those fields only extends for 50m aprox., so even though the bocage in the other side of the field is clearly visible (because it's taller than the crops), I can't order my MGs to make area fire across the field. Is this WAD?

  8. Months after the breakout from Normandy the Forces Francaises de l'Interieur scavenged the battlefield between January and March 1945 and still were able to get together a small task force from abandoned equipment still in place six months after the battle - the Escadron Besnier was formed with 1 Tiger I, 2 Panther and 11 Panzer IV, 1 Marder I, 2 Jagdpanzer IV, 1 StuG III and quite a few of light vehicles (Sd Kfz 251/1, Sd Kfz 10/5, Maultier) and fought at Saint-Nazaire.

    all brought to running condition and enough spares in 4 trucks and 4 small truck and one repair truck.

    I bet the guys of that task force got a bit nervous every time they saw their own planes flying anywhere near them. I reckon they didn't ask for a lot of close air support. :P

  9. Ah that's a good one! I've experienced something similar now you mention it, but maybe even more extreme. One AP shot from a Panther took out 3 Shermans. Talk about bad luck. The shell penetrated the turret of the first, went straight through the turret of the second and ended up in the hull of the third. The first two Shermans brewed up, and the third was stopped dead in its tracks. The crew successfully bailed from the third Sherman but all 10 crew members were burnt to a crisp in the first two.

    Wow. Is that even possible in RL? It sounds quite hard to believe. Sherman Turrets are not M10 turrets.

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