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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by nachinus

  1. Playable as a game? Damn sure it is, I have far worse rig than you and I'm playing it currently.

    And there are plenty of people on these forums who have finished all the campaigns and individual missions from A to Z.

    Another question is if it's at its zenith or not. Although the game is currently highly enjoyable if you like this kind of games, I'm sure it's going to get better with updates. The first one already gave a big improvement specially in performance in my PC, and I hope the ones to come will continue in this path.

    And I have the same feelings with the new CM. I'll buy it and play it for sure, but I'm afraid that the game won't reach its peak after some months and patching, as its usual in complex games. My policy regarding games is usualy to leave some months before buying or playing them, so that patches, updates, fixes and improvements have taken place. But with games so attractive to me as this ToW and CM:SF, I'm afraid I can't wait...

  2. In this moment, the lack of a retreat/endmission or better victory conditions assesment is my biggest complaint about TOW, followed by the lack of a Line of Sight tool.

    So your 'same old complaint' is totally valid, and it claims for a solution.

    I hope that things like this will be adressed in the near future. Unfortunately the lack of any news about the next version makes me worry a bit...

  3. -A Line of Sight tool to easily check LoS in a matter of seconds with just drawing a line with your mouse, like in CM or in CC. I think that Madmatt said this was a possibility, but I'd like to see it implemented as soon as possible.

    -Automatic loose battle condition that makes one side loose the battle when all its units are retreating/broken. This would be better than having to exterminate ALL units on the map to win a battle.

    -Surrender. Soldiers that surrender when reasonable.

    -Retreat out of map. Broken/ retreating units should be able to exit the map.

  4. Rather than having gunpits drawn on the map, which as it has been said, would be detected by the enemy since map objets are not affected by fog of war, I'd suggest that AT guns deployed at the deployment phase get a small hide+defence bonus to abstract the time that the crew has had to prepare its position. It could be graphically represented by adding some static sandbags, bushes or cammouflage nets to the 3d model of the AT gun at the beggining of the scenario. Nothing too fancy or spectacular, just some cheap small 3d models here and there to give visual information. Of course this bonus and gfx will dissapear as soon as the gun moves or even rotates. This method would not alter the map, would not need decals, and thus would not be seen by the enemy.

    Oh, and IIRC there are some working gunpits drawn on some maps, just don't remember which ones, but I do remember bombing them just from the start just in case...

  5. I'm confident that 1C will continue to improve this game as time passes, and it wouldn't be very clever from Battlefront if those improvements doesn't make it to their costumers.

    I'm sure that this is going to be one of these games that remain in our hard drives for a looooong time smile.gif

  6. What TTorpedo describes is for me the biggest problem that the game currently has (alongside with the lack of a LOS tool). There should definitely be a way to win or lose an scenario when all units in one side are broken and fleeing.

  7. In my case, the answer is a short one: probably both. smile.gif

    I already have TOW and I'm really interested in CM:SF. Although of course I first played TOW demo and I'll play CM:SF's before buying it. This demo policy that Battlefront has is a great thing for us compulsive consumers and gamers.

  8. I think that FinnN explained perfectly the point of a LOS tool in TOW.

    I've read a thread in which a guy shows clearly with screenshots that ENTER view doesnt really depict what the game mechanics use to calculate LOS. In one of the screens all you could see was the green wall of a tree's foliage, but the icon of a spotted tank was behind it. If I would have used ENTER view when deploying his units in that spot, I would have determined that angle was a dead zone, and would have been very suprised when once playing, I would have had visual contact with the enemy (and viceversa) in that area.

    The gfx that we see in the game and the information that they give us are not exactly the information that the engine uses to calculate LOS and LOF. So I'm absolutely sure that this game would greatly benefit from a LOS tool.

  9. I read somewhere (I think it was Moon who wrote it) that they were working in some kind of ingame LOS tool to check lines of sight of the units in the map. I guess that something as the LOS line in Close Combat or Combat Mission. Is there any news on this?

    I'm very interested in this feature, I think any Tactical Game needs it.

  10. I'm with Spartan. I really like this game, but micromanagement is a pain for me. I'd like the AI to be more autonomous and efficient so I dont have to make babbysitting with each soldier.

    And when I say 'autonomous' I mean in an intelligent way, not moving around towards the enemy without being told to do so :D

  11. I think that the main objective of this game, at least at the beggining, was to focus in Eastern Front. The game is Russian after all. Maybe Western maps and terrain particularities hasn't got the same attention.

    I hope that new terrain types and map improvements are added in the future.

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