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Posts posted by nachinus

  1. I'm not a big friend of frustration either. I played through 'School of Hard Knocks' several times and lost like a sissy everytime. I'm quite proud of not just bypass it and endure the frustration, as in a couple other scenarios of CW campaigns I don't remember their name. But that level of difficulty and frustration is only ok if you have to face it rarely. Winning is usually better.

    I enjoy this kind of scenario, managing tactical or force superiority so you can obtain a big victory, avoiding casualties and crushing the enemy with the highest refinement :)

  2. You're not the first to ask about those.

    Mord and I had been talking about releasing a mod that covers the counters.

    His computer troubles lately have had an impact on that project.

    I am still planning something in the near future.

    You mean using them in-game as floating icons? That'd be interesting to see!.

    But what I'm thinking right now is to use them for image edition, to create the scenario briefing .bmp files.

  3. Thank you, warloch. That's interesting news.

    I'd really like to try your sound mod, where can I find it?

    On the issue of the list of files, I found this very helpful thingie elaborated by stikkypixie


    It's a list that contains ALL the files used by the engine, including the sounds. If I'm not mistaken, FI only creates one new shot sound (compared with CMBN+CW), 'gun 6 italian'. I have yet to discover if it's used only for carcano rifles or for the light Breda as well.

  4. Don't you hate how vineyards completely dissapear without trace when you move away from them? There is no sign of its existance, no indication that although you can't see them, there are vineyards there.

    There are times where I didn't knew that there were vineyards in a field until I got close and found the surprise. I find it very confusing and quite weird to watch.

    I know that these kind of things are made to save processor or graphics card memory and make the game smoother, it's done with the grass and small flavor objects and it isn't so noticeable. But it's quite noticeable with the vineyards. Would it be possible that instead dissapearing, a very low poly-count model would kick-in when moving the camera away?

  5. I'm tinkering with some old sound mods and some samples I got myself to reuse some of them for the new weapons in FI, but I'm not familiar with sound modding.

    -How do you know how to name the files? Is there any list? I don't know how to name the new files to play for the italian weapons.

    -How does the system work?. I see that there are some weapons that have two files in some mods, named a and b, with a slightly different pitch. Does the game use alternatively both files to create variation? Some have a x1, x2 and x3 versions, which unsurprisingly contain one, two or three shots bursts. When does the game use each one?

    Thank you in advance.

  6. Is there any rock type flavor 3d object that can be added by map designers to make these terrain tiles more evident from afar? I believe that would be a good idea, since lots of people don't zoom in so close to tell some terrain types from others, specially when you have a whole batallion to give orders and wayponts to.

  7. Somewhat related to the poster's original comment about the lack of firepower in CW sections; CM2 has stuck strictly to the regulation load-out. However according to "The World War 2 Tommy" by Martin Brayley and Richard Ingram; "By 1944 Sten guns were in plentiful supply and privates might acquire them or be issued with them for some tasks, such as patrols or street fighting..."

    Agreed!. CMx2 CW section ammo loadout is certainly lacking, both for Sten and Bren guns. Even the dedicated Bren 3 men teams have no more than 120rds IIRC. I can't really believe that a Company prepared for an offensive (or defense) would be so ill equipped for combat IRL.

  8. Regarding the OP subject:

    I really like Beevor, and I'm currently reading D-Day. I'm enjoying it, but as another poster pointed out, the subject is too broad (not only Overlord but all Normandy Campaign). So there is no detailed, deep, thorough reconstruction of combats, which I would've prefered.

    My favourite Beevor book is Crete. Just because is a smaller scale operation, the details and reconstruction of events and characters are deeper. Plus is a really interesting operation, unique in the war. A little war in itself, caged in an Island.

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