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Posts posted by targul

  1. My grandfather was a Southern Baptist minister. I loved the man dearly. He raised me and taught me almost all my believes. I was even a minister at the age of 16 as he ordained me.

    As I grew and found that there was more in the world then the Bible could explain I understood the Bible was just a really good book with lots of interesting stories.

    I even studied the Catholic religion when I was engaged to a cute Italian girl who got killed. Went all the way to the last step and I just dont do confusions to a man so no Catholic am I.

    It was actually my grandfather/mother that turned me away from the Christian religion. I married a wonderful Chinese girl whom I have as of yesterday been married to for 40 years. She is Buddhist and my step grandmother would not even allow her and my children into the house because they were Buddhist. My grandfather only made a faint attempt to defend me and my family and that really disappointed me.

    I at that point KNEW the Christian religion was nothing but words not actions. As a Christian at that time my in laws invited me in and shared all they had with me. My grandfather who had raised me and taught me Christianity didnt respect me or my family enough to allow us to visit him. That is Christianity a believe that they are better then everyone else.

    My middle son is now Christian and his wife tried that same crap and I pulled both of them aside and expained that I did not mind them being Christian but if they wanted to visit my home we are Buddhist and you will not make a bad comments about our religion as I do not make bad comments about yours.

    Regrettfully for my granddaughter they have never allowed her to stay with us overnight or go on any of our cruises or trips aboard. I believe that is part of the religion crap but when she married my son she knew we where Buddhist. He change to Christian for her and that is fine just dont force me to believe in false things.

  2. I have not recieved a W-2 since 1983. I issued them to my employees. When I retired I issued over 100 of them to my employees. I also gave them 1099's since I wanted to provide some of the profit I recieved from selling my businesses to my loyal employees. Not sure why you would want to compare income. I am retired and have not made money since 1995. I recieve no government assitance other then free medical care since I am a combat disabled vet. I do not even collect the disability I am entitled to by the VA.

    I have read your Bible and never saw that verse that said thou shall support Israel and make them more powerful then there neighbors.

    Since the majority of Israel are Jews do not see why your Christian religion would support all those people who are going to hell according to you.

    Remember they too are not saved so it off to hell they go. Goodness hell is going to be great since the couple of saved Christians wont be there to tell us we are all going to hell.

  3. I can not image any president expect for maybe our present dictator president to ever use nuclear weapons.

    They are like the chemical weapons of WWI. After there use no one uses them. Even Hitler was wise enough to stay away from chemical warfare.

    Sure there maybe incidents but full scale nuclear war makes zero sense for all sides.

    Israel is an extreme danger to the US. Our involvement with them is strange. They provide nothing we need and we provide them with existance and the ability to bully there neighbors which they do often.

    I can remember in 67 they placed us on airplanes and flew us over Israel while doing air refueling to watch that war. We were told should the Israels not pull back we would be required to jump in a destroy all the oil wells.

    We seem very confused there. We make them overpowering for there neighbors then expect them to not use that overwhelming power. That has zero chance of working.

    Hell, if it where left up to me I would sell arms to all sides let them fight it out and negoiate the oil treaty with the winner.

  4. There is only one way to stop terrorism. That is to stop terrorising the world. We as Americans need to understand that we are no better then anyone else.

    We need to make friendly jestures to all countries even those we dislike. We need to maintain a strong military in the US. We need to remove our military from those nations who do not wish us to be there.

    Our interventions should be only with the UN. We should discontinue supporting countries like Israel who is causing only more friction in the Middle East.

    As to the worst President the present Mr Bush takes that position hands down. No other president in our history as ever invaded another nation. Premptive attacks should be left to the Hitler's of the world not America. Carter was the second worst in my lifetime. I must confess I did vote for Carter but I never voted for Bush and never would.

  5. You are the one calling me a non believer after I just stated I belive in a supreme being. Read before you write.

    I just do not accept your Jesus. He is simply not the only way to heaven. To think such a thing is naive.

    Also you should investigate you Jesus closer. Check out his teen years. Those years not discussed in your Bible. You will find he was a teenager. Teenagers are not all good they are wild and so was your Jesus.

    Guess you didnt attend Biology class on conception. It takes two. Makes for an interesting story but only if we could check the DNA could you validate that tale of virgin birth. Otherwise it is an interesting myth.

    But then you see women everyday having virgin births if you ask them.

  6. We were well warned that by using the Atomic Bomb in Japan we would probably start some sort of conflict with Russia.

    We did not inform the Russian that we had and where dropping that weapon. The advisors informed the President that failure to inform Russia would make relations with them bad.

    The president not only wanted to end the war with Japan but wished to also make a statement to Russia about our power so he dropped the bomb.

    The statement came in loud and clear to the Russians.

    Each war produces another war. We make mistakes and abide or fail to abide by agreements that cause more actions.

    I wont try to second guess that action based on the result in Russia since I am unaware of what might have happened had we not given them the demonstration.

  7. Now there is one seriously silly notion that some guy named Adam who none of have ever known and some woman named Eve who we know as well as Adam committed a sin by eating an apple.

    That this apple eating is so bad that all men and women from that time are born as sinnners.

    That is one of the dumbest things anyone could think of. Then they write this in there book to account for why you must be saved or you are a sinner.

    Wake up. I have faith there is a supereme being but to think that he would be that ignorant and arrogant is just stupid.

    If this is your pearls then dont pass them along. Please attempt to base something on not only faith but intelligent thought also.

    Regretfully your religion seems to base everything on faith and nothing on common sense. It is not a bad thing to be born by a woman. You dont need to make up a virgin birth. Finding a legitiamte way of feeding people is also not a bad thing. But dont tell me you feed 5000 people on 5 fish. That would leave 4995 people to starve. Water to wine so you found so not so great water and want to make it a miracle okay.

    The believe that a God who is all knowing and all good would not create man simply to send him to hell for eternity. That is not my kind of God.

    My God is loving, charitable and wants all men to live a good life. He doesnt force you into a mode but simply lets you decide never considering placing you in hell for bad choices.

  8. Blashy it is a life philosphy but it is also definitely a religion.

    We go to the temple, we preform our rituals, and most importantly we believe in a supreme being. The Buddha's that people see are simply men who once lived that are considered great teachers. But all of them teach you how to get to God. Each Buddha has assigned duties by God. One protects the children. One teachs about evil. One happiness and love etc.

    Our household primary Buddha is Quan Yin. She is the Buddha responsible for the protection and safety of children.

    As to the philosphy that is true but it is really the same bases as all religions. Do good, help your fellow man. Do not seek riches but intead seek a glorious after life.

  9. I will not say Rambo would do this or that if he was allowed to since he may actually be more sane then his posts appear.

    Also you need not be threaten by this believe or not. As a Buddhist we also believe in one God. We dont really accept all of the Jesus stuff since that is left for Christians.

    All of live eventually goes to what you call heaven. Sometimes they find they were not worthy in this life but you can try until you get it right.

    Now we do have earth and our present existance. This is as close as we come to hell. Having been on this planet as long as I have I can say this certainly meets the requirements of hell.

    It appears the arguement here has run its course. This is good. Airing the different believes or non believes has allowed us to know those who we play better. Most have kept from personal affronts so I have been happy with this particular line.

  10. I find the supply in this game to be its weakest point.

    I never know when or if I will be in supply. The manual only adds comfusion. It maybe the squares that screw it all up I dont know. With most games hexes show if they are in supply or not this one has some strange farther then this and that lowers supply. Maybe correct but how it actually works is anybodies guess.

    For me anything that let me know the supply would be great.

  11. Not positive how the military operated in WWII but in the military of the 60's and 70's attached units were extremely rare.

    The division has a TO&E that provided all the needs of that division. Combat units had exactly the same TO&E weather in combat zones or out. Only difference was in combat zone there would be a greater attempt to fill those TO&E's as completely as possible where shortages in stateside and non combat units would receive priority 2 for those fills.

    Each Division had a DivArty. This controlled all the division artillery assests. Infantry battalions had a battery usually 105mm guns assigned to their support. Brigades had an artillery unit assigned to them these where either 155 or 175 in a few cases some of each. Division itself didnt really have artillery it was just a command operations center that would assign priority to call missions if there was an overload. It also was the coordinator to helicopter and other air support. Corps would have access to request of shore batteries of naval guns and air force support.

    AA is typically assigned to Corps level and Army level. Those during the Vietnam war where not required so I cannot say how they would have been handled if they were even available.

    Anti tank units are assigned to the Divisions. Each platoon has an anti tank squad and these increase based on level same as artillery.

    When we entered Cambodia in January 1970 we were aware the Vietnamese had tanks. There was no augmentation to the units for these tanks.

    My battalion encounter a platoon of Vietnamese tanks. I was leading the battalion of Loation Infanty. We had 3 LAWS for anti tank. After I expended these I requested air support. My troops were equipped crossbows and spears so they did not have standard army TO&E. My next command was to get out of there so I do not know the final result of those tanks.

    But the primary purpose of this post is attachments are extremely rare. In fifteen years I never saw one. My last 7 years I speent as a Personnel Management Supervision at Brigade and higher levels. It would have been one of my functions at that time to make those attachments and I never did one. I did find a special need one time and as required by Army Regulations I requested a TO&E change. These are rare but I did get it.

  12. Never said I was an expert. I have a masters in Asian Culture with a concentration in Chinese. I speak Chinese so I can translate the original works for myself. Just so you know my native language is German but I was born and raised in America.

    Only touched on Japanese and Korean History those are really seperate areas. Never studied any Korean or Japanese Culture.

    Sorry cant answer your question on Bunta. Do not know what that is and the word is not in the dictionary so I am able to tell what you are asking.

    I have been to the ancient Buddhist temple in Pusan Korea. It has a tapestry donated to it on its 100 birthday by the first emporer of China.

    Only facts I know about the Korean War are the UN intervened in a civil war between North and South Korea. There were complaints that Truman was being too soft on communism so he lead the UN in 1950 to intervene in the conflict.

    After US entry the Chinese felt compelled to intervene on behalf of North Korea. There were also Soviet Advisors there.

    My father served in this war and received a battlefield commision to Captain from Sergeant.

    Now you know everything I know about Korea. I did enjoy my visit though.

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