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Posts posted by targul

  1. I play and have played both games. I find Making History so far from history to be alien in form. Not a bad economic game but as for a war game it fails badly. Now if you play the game pre patch it is a descent war game and has miserable economic model. Kinda fun though but if you are a history buff this one is a non starter.

    CEAW is a fun game again without any historical backing. Fun to play but it is so linear it has very little replayability. It lacks any AI in the south at all but the Russian AI is quite good. Western AI is so ahistorical it is kinda silly as is the strange use of transports in the game.

    Both games are fun but lack much replayability and both lack any simbalance to WWII.

    Good luck!

  2. I like using the historical designation for capital ships and commanders. Gives game a better feel of WWII then Task Force 7 or Commander 3.

    I am not anxious to develop my own TO&E for each of my units though. Present systems allows adequate variety for me.

    I am really concerned about the expansion with all the extra clutter on the map and the commando units etc. I like the concept but this map is pretty small and from what I have seen the new map is not much larger so it maybe just too much for a small map on strategic scale. But only the actual release will let me know if I will stick with 1.07 or add the expansion.

  3. There is an exception to all rules and the result is usually as displayed. The BB dies without proper escort.

    I sincerely doubt a BB commander went on a hunt for a sub though without his escort. He would probably regret finding a sub without the escort.

    So since we do not have stacking we must assume it is a task force with the appropriate ships or we have nothing.

    Would be nice to make our own task forces though maybe by some sort of upgrade that makes us feel a little more in command.

  4. Originally posted by Hellmut:

    Hi everybody, i have just joined this forum to see if this game is worth buying.

    I have always wanted a game where i could take the war from day 1 and do things my way. I bought hearts of iron, but i didn't have the time to dedicate myself to the game. Here are some questions.

    1) Will the game give me the open ended game i crave?

    2) Does the game feel swift? (hearts of iron way too deep for quick play)

    3) Will i need to be on the ball against the ai? (many wargames with poor ai out there)

    4) How good is the multiplayer? (stability etc..)

    Thanks in advance, hope to hear from you guys (and gals) soon.


    Not sure what you crave but game allows you to play the way you desire within the confines of WWII. One of my complaints has always been the game allows players to go too far away from what happened or I thought would have been available it WWII.

    Game plays quickly. The unique system of weather allows for a good flow where you dont get bored.

    I find this AI to be one of the best in the industry. Better then HOI2. BTW, the AI does play historically but seems to be able to handle those who wander away from the norm.

    Multiplayer is solid with excellant playback.

    I rate this game on a 5 point scale at 4.5. Nothing is perfect but the awesome support and dedication of the designers makes this one close and always getting closer.

  5. What is wrong with this board? Are you guys crazy or what? I say I respect the troops and and there sacrifice and Baron replies am I stupid.

    And if the men who go to war and fight are not high school grads does it matter? Not a lick to me. If they committed some minor crime but are given the option to correct it by joining the service and they do does that make them bad. Hell no.

    This whole crap notion that blacks and poor are the only ones who join is simply not true. The concept that people will sacrifice everything for a meal and a small check are not true. Those men are brave, they are whom we have depended on war after war. They are why we can write these disgusting ideas on this form.

    I do not support this war in anyway. But those men willing to die to keep me free I support completely without reservation. I am an American who has contributed my share and to those who talk all this talk and havent walked the walk I say join up take a few bullets then tell me how these men are nothing but low lifes of our society.

  6. Dave, yes mostly poor men and women join the military but certainly not for the money. They join for the benefits and honor when they complete their terms I know that was important to me. I didnt even know the pay when I joined but I did know that I could go to college when I finished.

    My family was not rich but we were doing okay. I am not black or another minority so I do not fall into your norm. When I initially entered the military I rarely saw black soldiers.

    I saw more and more blacks as the draft brought those men to Vietnam.

    This may have all changed now. I have been out of the service for 30 years but I still believe those men willing to sacrifice there lives for there country do it for more then pay. I doubt you can get alot of people to die simply for money since it is so difficult to spend after you die.

  7. Well, Seamonkey, I believe the majority of the men and women who join the service do it because they love there country and want to make a difference. I cant imagine them joining for money because it has always been low. I remember when I joined the pay was $76.10 a month and I was making almost $50 a day so it certainly wasnt money for me, my brothers or my dad. We are a military family by tradition.

  8. I have seen and play one game that has those options. France 1940 had the option to eliminate the Maginot Line and make more units. Didnt help France much but it was fun to play with.

    CWIE has an option to prepare for winter in Russia. It prevents the damage perturn but not the results of winter ie movement still impaired, attack defense still not helped.

    It costs about 1/2 the cost of 1 months total production. That is alot so I sometimes do and sometimes dont.

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