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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. I just thought it was funny they used the grenade on a stick to smash the chicken ;-). And no I don't think they're uncareful or creating a food hazard for themselves, but that grenade will probably have some salmonella bacteria on it so there's that.
  2. Looks like they're also creating salmonella grenade biological weapon
  3. 35KM/H winds and light/med rainy cloudy weather is more frequent than stormy weather though, at least until now . Plus we 'command' the 'birds' to fly through the nasty weather, machines don't get to feel uncomfortable.
  4. Fair points, my position is that this area is rather fit for self learning algorithms (I'll call it flight-by-AI). Of course mother earth still rules this place and extreme conditions will make anything impractical, but the 'problem' has already been 'solved' in nature and or by mankind. I'd say in ten years there are bird/insect like drones doing their business without much human involvement apart from, hopefully, giving the things orders. Might not be cheap though
  5. Imo it is not a question of whether but when drones will be flying all weather. And it won't take a decade.
  6. That's assuming he knew what he was doing, the device was turned on and the battery wasn't empty
  7. Well some people know/remember how 'balls' lead to the Iranian revolution . Certainly no fan of their regime but 'we' (US mainly) should look in the mirror with regards to Iran. Arming a new civil war there is NOT good idea.
  8. I agree with you in that I think it would be a good piece for everyone here to read. Independent thinking is a great good. There's a lot of facts in it although the conclusions coming from those facts are sometimes quite narrowly interpreted. The major thing which I think the article interpretation of facts doesn't account for is that times change.
  9. I like the overall picture painted in your post. Not every Russian is incompetent, but their system is incompetent. Fortunately evidence of some proper show of competence in certain instances doesn't mean they've repaired the overall corrupt nepotism drenched system. So while certain feats might surely make Ukraine's life much more difficult in a delimited area, it doesn't mean Russia all of a sudden 'gets it's act together' on the broad aspect of waging a war from the political to the tactical level.
  10. Ah, somehow missed it. Could indeed be a coincidence. The world has drawn quite a number of small chance lottery tickets last few years, so this would be 'another one'.
  11. Another video of the bridge explosion I hadn't seen yet. To me it looks like the truck blew up.
  12. 115mm IIRC Guess they'll just try the old ammo and or have some old dusty production lines they can reactivate in some form? Anyway even in CMCW the T-62s aren't top of the line, although they perform decent enough against M60s. Given the vast amount of T-72s around the world it is rather interesting that they are refurbishing T-62s. Maybe they can get some T-72s from Iraq.
  13. Why the bleep should anyone here apologize to Kraze? (Rethorical question).
  14. Experts are often talking heads who's dayjob it is to talk to the media, not necessarily because they are so bright or know much but because they are good at talking to the media ;-). Anyway I think as long as Ukraine doesn't go on an Israeli style spree of clandestine targeted assassination's I don't think there is much to worry about. For reference at the time of the bombing when we all suspected it was internal stuff aimed at Degin, my little brother (older than 20 though lol) thought 'good riddance' about the daughter dying given what she had personally said. I also don't think it is morally wrong to eliminate the hate/warmongering ideologists behind the war. However influential he was, he helped at setting up millions of Russians against Ukrainians and called for killings. Well he just got one for himself. Just keep it clean & clandestine and I don't think there's much of an issue
  15. Russians in NATO gear bought from Afghanistan on the battlefield of Ukraine? That could make for some interesting pictures lol.
  16. I don't really see the relation between the stuff you mentioned and 'the war' (WW2 in this context). There's fools/morons on all spectra and in all countries, that's true unfortunately, but I feel wise people should move on and look to the now (and recent past) and the future for perspective instead of clinging on to old sores. So probably we agree, but viewed from a different perspective ;-). And indeed let's move on here as well I specially liked the Pilsner-1 launch
  17. Yeah I meant historically. I also think nobody should feel guilty for stuff they weren't involved in. I also don't see the merit in Germany having to excuse itself for it's past in every conversation. The verdict was clear, the case has been closed.
  18. AFAIK Germany has been quite vocal about their recognition of the historical fault in WW2?
  19. +1 and this wasn't the only post you've made I'd liked, but I don't like to stick feathers too much lol. Anyway I think your assessments have been rather sharp since before this war. Hopefully that bullet/window/tea event comes soon.
  20. Intuition would say that Putin/Russia is like a tilted poker player playing hand he knows is lost but for which he went so deep already that he knows he might as well go all in on last chance to do so, trying to bluff away the other players because he can't bear losing the hand. But I'm not so scared about nukes, although I'm generally optimistic so that might help lol. Whatever would happen it would be a new ballpark compared where the war is now. Maybe for Crimea but let's first see Ukraine threaten Crimea before worrying too much about it. On the post war subject which saw much discussion here, I think it's quite simple; Ukraine must get into NATO asap after hostilities end. That might be a bitch legislative and there might be Orbans around trying to delay, but there is plenty of will to get it done and I think that will matter most. Ukraine is basically already a military partner of most NATO countries. Following NATO hopefully the administration / economy will be implementing the necessary stuff for full EU-member in record speed, helped with reconstruction investments from around the world/'west', and will be the next world wonder ;-). But the latter bit is in the 'could / should / nice to have', while the first is in the 'must have' category of requirements (at least according to the MoSCoW definition of prioritization in requirements). What will happen in Russia is a Russian party, unless anyone wants to start a landwar in Russia and invade it and occupy it we don't have too much direct influence over it apart from sticks/carrots.
  21. Lol very sharp but don't make this more difficult than it need to be . I guess the verdict is still out until some other class of beings able to understand the concept of 'deserving' will serve it. Until then and maybe even after, I guess it does no harm not bothering ourselves about it too much. If it was ok to exist yesterday, I guess it's ok today
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