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Posts posted by rofl

  1. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    But lets be clear, you can modify everything on the maps except heigth data, so this is a great deal.


    You can only modify statics and both types of trees (near and far away).

    All you can do at the moment is changing or placing trees and bushes, thats very usefull :cool:

    You can also put new buildings on a map but its more or less usless without the possiblity to change the ground :rolleyes:

    It should be possible to modify textures, roads, grass, vertex color and extend the playable area more then 2048x2048.

  2. Just to be sure i understood:

    i've edited the montherme map for my mission....i create my mission in missioneditor on my new map....play the mission, ok.

    That works fine so far, but every time if i wanna play the campaign or any other mission on the originalmap i must delete the custommap bevore?

  3. It works all fine with the new 3d mapeditor but how can i save an edited map without destroy the original?

    The only way is to click on "save" but then the map is edited for all missions and campaign, no way to save the map with a new name :confused:

  4. Awesome work :eek: ,

    could you also correct the positions for the gunners?

    Originally posted by Oudy:


    Inside the main TOW directory you create the correct directory structure and copy the changed files there. They will overwrite the originals or add new ones. Delete the files and the modded units are gone. And the 251/22 could be added just like I did the 251/10.

    Works fine,

    thanks a lot smile.gif

  5. 1C Company also states that it can not support modders and answer their questions about their problems. So, the players are free to mod the current game version as-is.


    One question:

    whats in the future, will we get any official moddingtools, SFS-unpacker and packer...?

  6. Originally posted by War RaVeN:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rofl:

    Maybe impassable area?

    Cant you drive a vehicle through the valley if you selfcontrol?

    impassable area? Its a road, why would it then have a impassable area?

    Selfcontole doesn’t work either. </font>

  7. Originally posted by Oudy:

    Skin files are linked to season and the year. Some countries have more skin versions. Looking at the Pz.IV it has 2 summer and 1 winter skin. Summer skin1 is used 19.03.1942 31.10.1942 and summer skin 2 is used from 1938-45 minus the 1942 dates.

    Yes, but i think thats made for autoselect.

    And to the ferdinand,

    it makes not realy sense to have one winter and one summerskin on the prokhorovka-map, dated at july '43, but the famous giraffe paintscheme is not selectable.

    Maybe it's a bug in the editor :(

    I know, it's realy not the mainproblem of the game but im lil bit confused about that :D

  8. Originally posted by FinnN:

    In the skin definitions some are limited by various things like date. It could be that if you change the date of the mission you might see more (just a guess, not actually tried this).

    Have fun


    Unfortunatelly not, first i thought some skins was bound on differned maps or date but thats not the case.

    I start to make a kurskmission, date was set at july '43 (of corse), but i can only select one summer and one winterskin for the ferdinand.

    Those beautifull giraffe paintscheme was not available, very sad :(

  9. Please take the sounds, skins and mat.files for the nationalmarkings out from the SFS file.

    There many wrong placed numbers and markings:

    - the most soviet tanks have the red star on one side and on the other side the number :rolleyes:

    - US half-trucks have only on right side the number

    - supersized US-star on the front of the M-36 cant be true

    - nationalmarkings are bound on vehicles, it doesnt matter in wich army you let them act :( , possibilty for british shermans and some captured vehicles would be great :cool:

    - latewar SS-infantry should use helmets and camojackets

    - and what about the human faces, we have tons of differnd faces but in game the use all the same, doesnt matter wich one was selected in editor :(

  10. I'm not sure but maybe it's randomized wich placeholder they use if you have more then one squad.

    An easy solution to avoid wrong placed units:

    add a new friendly army for all your units wich you wanna place on special points and let em change the army on missionbeginn, no more placeholders needet smile.gif

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