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Everything posted by foko

  1. This happens when the army moves trough storm when transporting -> lower readiness -> lower attack value So never move the army through storm, stand her always at the coast. For GB put a ship in the Edinbourgh when amphip the BEF for Norway, so it can reach next turn the coast.
  2. admin@wh-portal.de looking for SC2 WAW online game opponent [ November 09, 2007, 01:25 AM: Message edited by: foko ]
  3. Another needed fix. Fix that convoy habours (Liverpool) are not any more total blocked when <5 Maybe this way. >= 5 = 100% 4 = 80% 3 = 60% 2 = 40% 1 = 20% 0 = 0% It imo too easy for the German to bomb Liverpool and cut off UK complete
  4. fixed that transports in habours take dmg when bomarded from see. Depending on the strength of the harbor (no more blocking Gibralta with Italian (@Terif)) And make research more deterministic. Now it too much luck
  5. the reason i know was that at this stage of war, Hitler still thought peace with england was possible. Crazy as he was, he thought the british people will honour, when he do not take the whole army as prisoners. Do not forgot the flight of Rudolf Hess. the german panzers were stop by hitler himselfe
  6. There are two possiblities 1) make it historic than tech must be about ca 20 - 30% per stage + bonus for the east minors. I have no exact figures, but i know that only 30% of the german industry was "war industry" 1939 and the max output was 1944 under the full bombardment of the allied bombers, which could never really harm the military industial targetes, only the civil people. The gearms had enough manpower of the occoupied countries(KZ). The german economy was very effizent and manpower was never the problem, only oil was a nerve. On the other side than 1945 when Japan surrenders and the full US power could go to Europa then they must be getting about ca 1000 mpps alone, whit 1000 of mustangs and P47 coming each month. 2)when you want it balanced then keep it as it is bw
  7. Maybe in the next version this could be fixed. Historyically the UDSSR got 2/3 of the allied "Nachschub" about Iran - Wolga - Stalingrad. and only 1/3 over Murmansk, there only in the winter after heavy losses (PQ 17)
  8. Holding Brest means losing a Corps forever. Supply 5. one bomb on habour one on town. Fighting in front of 2 Bombers and 3 Luftwaffe, 3 Kreuzer, 3 UBoot + Bismarck is not optimal Yesterday in a other game it was 44. German has 13-15 elite Me 262. 2 german bombes + 1 italian Bombing Liverpool, Do not know his exact loses, but he bombs every 2-3 turns. Costing me about 55 for Canada (no other convoys) and no US Support. This means GB must fight the hole summer with about 80 MPP per turn. Disabling me from any operations. It should be done like Desert Dave said Size 5 would allow 100% income Size 4 = 80% Size 3 = 60% Size 2 = 40% Size 1 = 20% Size 0 = 0% Liverpool is the nerve of GB.
  9. Hi Terif, How would you counter the german bomber tatic till barbarossa as GB? The bombers have range 8 so they can be placed save in france. The german have 3 Luftwaffe, which should be able to draw the fire of the E figther or 2 if GB transfers it Desert Air force. What would you do against a german bomber till 1942 as GB? BW
  10. I am not defintily sure about bombing Stalingrad. But I think it should be possible to bomb it to 0, then the supply to Caucasus should be reduced. In the bad weather turns there is no bombing. Okt - May - So the german should bomb in Okt to 0 than 4 turns there is nothing.
  11. I think the most important is to keep the GB down and the German have time as long the US and Russia are not in war. This is the only period in Game where Germany gets more MPP than the allies. When you do Africa then the US + Udssr activation is raising. Expensive: I do not think it is very expensive. 1940 there is the german Luftwaffe. which can draw the fire of the figthers. The bombers can attack without enemy interceptors. The most import is that GB is reduces to 40-50 MPP disabling it from the most operations. It can refit its figthers, thats it. And a bomber is a bomber, it is anywhere useful to have PS: @Terfif: When you do the wrong against a prepeared enemy everything will end in a desaster eg. Bombing Stalingrad -> no Oil from Caucasus
  12. The first german bomber costs you 285 Mpp. It think the next 300Mpp When saving the money the first bomber will be avaible june 40 the second july. After placing there are 4-5 turns clear weather where it should be possible to bomb Liverpool down to 0. And then E is redused to 40-50 Mpp. A failure of 50-100 MPP per turn possible. missing canada & Egypt Convios fore sure. So this will costs E at least 500-1000 MPP each year disabling it from every operation.
  13. I think the easiest way to keep GB down, is buy 2 german bomber and bombard Liverpool. Wenn Liverpool is < 5 the convoy can not be unloaded and GB is getting max 50 MPP. When starting sommer 40, doing this konsequent the poor Tommies will not survive long term
  14. admin@wh-portal.de or call per skype Foko looking for TCP/IP opponent in Europa (time) [ April 21, 2007, 12:37 AM: Message edited by: foko ]
  15. When does the UK give up? Is it possible, when Germany has Egypt, taking London with FJ that UK surrenders? Or must always Manchester taken too? BW
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