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Everything posted by General_solomon

  1. Please tell me the new update is going to allow infanty to take cover inside buildings.
  2. No its ok, I'd rather have the full game than the demo. If not a demo, why not one of the older builds. What are the gamer websites getting to review the game?
  3. awesome news. any idea on a demo before the release, like maybe this week ). please
  4. Let us have a demo, even if its beta build for june. I have been waiting for this game along time. I can not wait another two months.
  5. Let us have a demo, even if its beta build for june. I have been waiting for this game along time. I can not wait another two months.
  6. Let us have a demo, even if its beta build for june. I have been waiting for this game along time. I can not wait another two months.
  7. I just read the release date thread. this really sucks. this game better be worth the wait. TOW was pos. ok so no game until perhaps the end of summer. what about a demo???
  8. I just read the release date thread. this really sucks. this game better be worth the wait. TOW was pos. ok so no game until perhaps the end of summer. what about a demo???
  9. I just read the release date thread. this really sucks. this game better be worth the wait. TOW was pos. ok so no game until perhaps the end of summer. what about a demo???
  10. Is it really june 11th? I am getting sick of checking in everyday. just give us a yes or no answer for the 11th release date. I take my answer off the air.
  11. Is it really june 11th? I am getting sick of checking in everyday. just give us a yes or no answer for the 11th release date. I take my answer off the air.
  12. Is it really june 11th? I am getting sick of checking in everyday. just give us a yes or no answer for the 11th release date. I take my answer off the air.
  13. Thanks Gpig, its going to be fun. I was thinking a Vietnam mod would be awesome. Can you imagine the battle for Hue.
  14. I noticed in the first video troops going into buildings. Does the game allow players to clear buildings, room to room. now that would be cool.
  15. i move my private behind cover during the second phase of the officer trainning, my men seem to move to other positions ignoring my order to take cover. what gives?
  16. thank you, i'll keep this in mind on future battles.
  17. I am playing the demo and dont know if my men have cover behind a house or crate. please advise????
  18. ok, for the quick view just follow the link on utube. after watching the clips, i cannot wait any longer. the detail is unbelievable. I will gurantee, there will be no other game that can come close to what you have done. cheers and thanks to the team for bringing us this game. we tactical players have been neglected way too long by the pc industry. I am already selling the game to friends and anyone who plays war game to buy directly from you guys. the reason i say this is because it very easy to get a cheap pirated version of the game. you will have my full support and i will be the first to purchase this game when it comes out. in addition, i am already spreading the word on Gamespot.com in the forums for you guys. regards, generals solomon
  19. there is a considerable difference. each group has diffent fighting style depending on there terrain. its like saying whats the diff between a canadian soldier and a Marine. no offence to the canucks, it a big difference.
  20. Hello everyone, I am dying to know when this game is comming out.
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