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Posts posted by Hetzer38

  1. Mmmmhhh, yummie, yummie!

    A truly tasty hungarian Panther A!

    Thank you for number 9 of your amazing Panther series MikeyD!

    Dey, your whitewashed does look good to me too, no doubt about it!

    In fact it looks a bit too good to me - a perfectly whitewashed beast!

    I prefer the "quick 'n dirty - not enough chalk / paint / whatever avaiable" - winter Mods... ;)

    Thank you both for all your hard work!

    Greetings, Hetzer38.

  2. In my current CMBB operation "Strachwitz at Dubno" I lost two aircraft (a Stuka and a Me-109?) to soviet AA fire...in battle 1 (of 5)... :eek:

    I only noticed that something was wrong when I heard that screeching Stuka-dive-sound ending apruptly (in turn 17?) - just before the bomb explosions should be heard.

    (..wasn't a sound-failure, every replay produced the same sound-effect...)

    I never noticed the other loss...until I saw the AAR.

    I guess the three 37mm AA guns that I trashed in the southeatern part of "Milbcha" in battle two were responsible for the loss of my airaft.

    Never noticed any mid-air explosions or downed pilots...I'll watch out for them in the future!

    Greetings, Hetzer38.

  3. It'll take some more time until I can write the AAR...I don't have much free time these days.

    But I use the little time I have to wage war! ,-)

    (Every turn takes quite long 'cause I watch the replay over and over again from different perspectives...map is quite big, you know...)

    I'm through with the second battle, the Russkies lost more than 100 tanks until now!

    German morale is high, ammo is low - and night has fallen...let's see if we can take the last four remaining flags while the moon's shining.

    (I don't think so!)

    @ all other CMBB-friends:

    Give this scenario a try, it's just great!

    Greetings, Hetzer 38.

  4. Jawoll !

    My brave recon-men have succeeded in knocking out two Klim Voroshilovs in round 23 !!!

    Unteroffizier Wittman's squad blew a KV-I with a grenade-bundle, and Obergefreiter Doss managed to immobilize the lone KV-II with another geballte Ladung, moments later the crew bailed, ran for it and died.

    It had been raining AP rounds on the KV-II from up to 6 Panzers from different angles for some minutes, so I guess the green crew didn't hear/see it coming.


    ...now there's only one KV-I left to worry about.... :)

    20x T-34 and 24x BT-7 are knocked out, many soviet infantry squads have been eliminated on the right flank.

    I lost 2x VW Kübel, 1x SPW 251/1, 3x PSW-222s, 3x PzIIC, 8x PzIIIGs and 5x PzIVE...

    I'll try to write a good AAR later, this may take a while though.

    (...cause I need ages to write in english...)

    Greetings, Hetzer38.


    BTW, what happens to immobilized tanks / tanks with gun damage in the next battle of the operation ?

    [ January 21, 2007, 04:47 AM: Message edited by: Hetzer38 ]

  5. Oh yea, and the Dubno-operation is still going strong!

    Spoiler Alert!!!












    It's round 15, and half of the map is burning... smile.gif

    I lost two Psw 222 to a I-153, and lots of Panzers to the Comissar's tank hordes...

    7x PzIIIGs, 3x Pz IVEs and 1xPzIICs are knocked out.

    Another PzIIC is immobilized and another one had it's gun trashed.

    There are 18x BT7s and 15x T34s lying wrecked in the fields... :eek:

    The lead element of the Russians includes two KV-I and one KV-II...to attack them from three sides has failed...my remaining Panzers are regrouping, there's no use in trying to press on the attack on the KVs right now, let's first trash everything else. ;)

    Maybe Leutnant Zimmermann's recon-squad manages to immobilize one of the Behemoths with a geballte Ladung, Obergefreiter Doss is 43m away from one of the beasts...


    Greetings, Hetzer38.

    [ January 21, 2007, 04:12 AM: Message edited by: Hetzer38 ]

  6. I modified three of MikeyD's superb Mods for the Dubno-operation,

    the Pz IIIG, Pz IIIH and Pz IVE.

    I replaced Mikey's unit emblems with a crossed yellow Y, the insignia of the 16th Panzerdivision.




    And here's the question: is this correct ?

    Or was there another marking on the Panzers of the 16th Panzerdivision (Panzer-Regiment 2) during this operation ?

    Maybe the crossed Y wasn't yellow ?

    Or it was replaced by another symbol to confuse the enemy...?

    Did the individual tank companies of Panzer-Regiment 2 have individual unit markings ?

    (like: heavy company has a Lion, light tank company has a hedgehog, or whatever...?)

    (BTW, check WIIDayByDay for many unit emblems / tactical markings, photos...)

    And finally - I added a rectangle with the letters St on the back of the Pz IIIH (last screenie), meaning these are tanks of the Stabs-Kompanie (staff-company)...

    ...where there any such markings on these tanks ?

    I'm thinking about adding markings on the Pz IVE and PzIIIG for medium and heavy company... ?

    Best regards, Hetzer38.

    [ January 19, 2007, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Hetzer38 ]

  7. I thought it was a great Mod already, but this Patch makes it even better!

    Thank you Mikey!




    I have modified three of your Mods (PzIIIG, PzIIIH, PzIVE) - nothing big, I just removed your divisional insignia and added a 16th Panzerdivision divisional insignia.

    I'm going to post pictures of them in the

    The Panzer Count's Ostfront: A CMBB combat history of Graf Strachwitz - thread later this evening.

    Would be nice if you could write a comment. :)

    I also fumbled around for some hours with modifying a grey PzIIc to look "MikeyD-ish" - but the results are very disappointing...

    Greetings, Hetzer38.

  8. Very impressive work !

    I've downloaded the first three Panzergraf scenarios, playing the Dubno-Operation right now...

    Great historical information, excellent briefing and a breathtaking map - just brilliant!


    (Sorry, I didn't think about it !)














    It's a blast to play, I'm on turn 6, my Panzers slug it out with soviet BT-7s and T-34s on both flanks, so far the Commissar lost 11 BT7s and a T-34...I lost zero tanks until now :) - but haven't met any "colossal" Russian tanks yet - the KVs must be out there, somewhere...

    ...maybe they're in that giant field on the far left, where the Luftwaffe keeps on throwing "eggs"... ?

    Really, this scenario kicks ass!

    I worked ten hours night-shift this night, and should be asleep right now, but - you know - there's a battle going on!

    Thank you very much for this masterpiece !

    Greetings, Hetzer38.

    [ January 17, 2007, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Hetzer38 ]

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