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Everything posted by HardRock

  1. Update. V1.04-Honch7 Allied vs Axis AI May'41. France did indeed hold out a little longer. I had a lot of $$ (300 at times) which I assume comes from the added colonies. It did dwindle finally. Brits took Tripoli as usual. About the same but more ctrs for each side. Britain also has some good $$ by 1941. So far the new ctr mix seems to be balanced. Although I haven't seen the axis on the eastern front which I'm sure I will soon:) The Russians are dug in and ready as much as possible. I don't pay attention the far far east so as alluded to above..maybe leave out..especially if it'll speed up the AI. Fun mod!!!!!!
  2. The turns are still long in 1.04. Didn't try 1.03 I'm sure its from the mod..more stuff..more to compute and its not like it was programed into the game on intial programming. Played a few turns with 1.04. No problems. Playing Allied. Lots more counters..particularly naval. Kinda fun. AI for Axis sub pretty nifty at playing a cat and mouse game with me. France is about to be attacked on time but seems Axis will have tough time with all the new ctrs for the French. We shall see when it falls. Pretty cool mod though:)
  3. Is it compatible with Ver 1.4 I did one turn with 1.4 and no problem.
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