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Colin I

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Everything posted by Colin I

  1. To add: I'm with Blashy on scripts. Its one thing to know that attacking Sweden is likely to worry neighbouring neutrals. Its quite another to know the effects to near certainty. I'm very pro- less predictable scripts in 1.07.
  2. I still like the UK attack on Sweden, didn't work against Jollyguy but a more sophisticated try was effective against Arado. Never managed to hit Finland right though.
  3. The Russians do - loss of an elite Axis airfleet (finally!), one armour (though taking it in the mud was painful) and some infantry. Allies keep fighting in Greece despite losses themselves - German Paras and Armour goes down. British formation paradrop outside Berlin and walk in but Hitler retreats to Munich. Coupled with partisans and the Turks its hard to see how the Germans will hold out.
  4. I think Greece is good because the mountains limit the Axis advantages in air and armour. Also, because it coordinates with Turkish entry this turn and Russian. Allies slog inland from Greece. A massive assault by US infantry and UK air destroys a L5 tank on the Greek border. The Russians push forwards and destroy multiple infantry armies, a L5 tank and HQ and threaten the Axis airforce. UK raid the Baltic and retake a Russian city. SERIOUS PRESSURE!
  5. Spectacular turn - maybe gamebreaking. Allies continue inland from Greece taking Albania with a sea landing and hurting an elite Axis airfleet that was deployed a little far forwards. Best of all, the Turks respond fantastically to Allied diplomats - Turkey will join the allies soon which in concert with the Russians and western Allies make the whole region a crisis spot for the Axis.
  6. Allies press into Greece whilt Iraqi oilfields help support the Russian war effort (so far loss of Murmansk not too serious, UK can use the MPP just as well as it bears the bulk of responsibility for the air war).
  7. Russians pull back. Western Allies take Greece after heavy carrier and naval bombardment. Anyone would think Stalin and Churchill?Ike are coordinating this
  8. Russians press forwards killing more armies, one tank (second damaged) and taking Rostov. I don't think this battle will be decisive for either side directly but it matters a lot. On the German side they are still efficient with furious airforce. But the Russians have good morale and just regenerate like crazy. And as arado points out he has yet to see what the West will do. The Germans can win any single battle, lets see what happens if he has to fight several at once
  9. Russians pour forwards - its like the gates of Mordor. Its getting towards the end of the year but weather is good in the South and this is where the main battle is. A wave of motorised Soviet armies, corps and tanks surge forwards to kill multiple German armies/corps and one King Tiger and leave two armies damaged. I expect to lose some armour in the retaliation but I'm pretty content how this worked - on the whole the weather worked well for me. And motorization let me get close fast before his cursed air dealt too much damage. The Western Allies, meanwhile are quiet.
  10. I would have thought you'd have got some support from the Chinese, at least, on that one.
  11. PS your last turn I have (where UK air died) was sent 3 times so perhaps it is working better than you think.
  12. A full mailbox? Could try my mac account (its where you first sent my turns but I can email it again if you want).
  13. Turkey looking quite persuaded - though yes your air is horrible. But the Russians are stirring......
  14. .....so hopefully morale is declining in those German tanks.
  15. Germans reveal L5 armour but apart from killing the odd Russian corps are passive. Allies take Syria (but preciptate Iraq into Axis hands) and prepare their move.
  16. Two questions from one who plays not mods: 1) How do you convert? 2) If you play someone who doesn't have these sprites are the games compatible? BTW VERY nice.
  17. Glad to see the Italian engineers built the fortification the right way round this time I'm so tempted to attack from the other direction next time.
  18. Still quiet. Italians start refortifying French-Spanish border. US Amphib. Corps takes Alexandria.
  19. I think the Germans DID turn much of the French coast, Franco-German border and so on into fortifications. There are several responses. Firstly, gamewise the Allies can see where this is happening and invade elsewhere given their naval capability. I'm not usually hugely put out by Axis fortifications in France. Where they really make a difference is where you must take an objective and you have limited directions to approach it from. Think this is more true in Russia because supply problems make some routes of attack for Axis harder. But again, its reasonable and Russians did fortify like crazy. Secondly, think Bob is right. I would go with an upgrade in fortification reduction for strategic attacks AND let engineers attacking to reduce by two steps (historically many fortifications were dismantled close up, even when occupied by an enemy, by combat engineers). AND if a fortificaton was reduced to zero by whatever criteria by strategic attacks it is destroyed. This might take some tweaking but could work. Thirdly, just have fortifications cost a few MPP in addition to the engineer time. its reasonable, they did use a lot of resources (slave labour, materials). And even a small MPP cost means players now build them where they need them, not just because an engineer is bored and idle. Would also like other engineer tasks (e.g. repair ports faster) on same system
  20. ...but the (possible) delayed Spanish surrender is very good. Makes Iberian campaign more unpredictable and gives the other side a chance to reinforce.
  21. There are some Allied tactics that make it important for Axis to get Spain. US/UK takes Portugal then simply builds up there safely until they take Spain. To make it worse the Pacific fleet gets triggered. I'd suggest something like for each turn Allies hold Portugal an increase in Spanish readyness. I can see the Pacific fleet both ways - US might well call it in if they were planning on an Iberian campaign but perhaps not automatically. Generally I hate automatic triggers - its too cynical taking an action because you know a script will deliver a bonus. But I dont think Diplo Spain by Axis is too easy - costs a lot of MPP and if you aren't careful it leaves you too light in Russia - and the Spanish units won't help there once Russian tech starts climbing.
  22. Allies pull back from France into Spain in the face of the German onslaught. British continue to clear North Africa and Russians keep digging into the Stalingrad megopolis. The Americans bought time and lost a few units but killed a few too - it was a good value operation, I didn't seriously expect to win Paris this time around. His air is ferocious but this is the first year the Russians didn't get hammered.
  23. Axis DoW Vichy and destroy US Corps and damage Bradley HQ with paras. But US and British fight back - loss of a para and Tiger by Germans,. Axis air formidable, pounding Russia and US, but maybe not so strong on the ground, the US is doing pretty well to hold its ground.
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