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Colin I

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Everything posted by Colin I

  1. Don't bet on that :cool: . British sub pops up and takes down an Italian Battleship whilst air and sea pound an Italian cruiser. It ain't over...... Siberians move forwards and Russian navy bombard in the Black Sea.
  2. Bismark sunk in response. Russians glare at sneaky Germans struggling into the Caucuses from Iraq (kind of expected this). Situation certainly difficult but the Russians are quite powerful and Western Allies have yet to make their move. I would say I was losing but its good to keep in mind Terif's advice - keep playing and look for an opportunity to turn things around.
  3. Its Spring. Both sides have been busy, though apart from a little Naval bombardment and some action by an Italian bomber in Norway, not much to show. US took Eire.
  4. Russians unveil fancy new antitank guns, every bit as nasty as an 88 (L3 antitank) thanks to frantic research by Soviet scientists. Start taking pot shots at rather old-fashioned German armour. Possibly, just possibly, the Russians may be able to offer some serious resistance.......
  5. Italian cruiser sunk in return, UK deploys in support of the US. Russiand grit their teeth..... :eek:
  6. Notice German armour gets 2 strikes, French 1. I realize French had doctrinal limitations but suggest if of similar morale and better tech they should be at least equivalent. German leadership advantage simulated fine by HQ. Norway falls to Germans by event - OK - but Allies liberated it 1 turn later to howls of protest from Sweden and Finland. Feel German invasion was at least as provocative!
  7. Poland is doomed even faster with double strike armour. Liked cheaper sub warfare technology and think the subs and other graphics look very good.
  8. The Russians are coming!!! Meanwhile Italian bomber hits UK cruiser and there is more naval action bombardment in Northern Europe.
  9. About time for Mr Churchill to make a speech. To quote Blondie, the tide is high but I'm holding on. At least I lasted longer than Rambo UK navy starts harassing German coastline.
  10. Axis pounds Malta and sink UK cruiser in Med - though it sells itself dearly. UK raid on Denmark damages another cruiser in port. Axis deploying on Russian border.
  11. We are heading for Barbarossa. Titranic Axis juggernaut continues though UK has come through the dark yearsw no worse than I expected. Hmmm. On the revisions to game front - Commonwealth assets vanish when Egypt is taken - I think there is no historical reason why this should happen - they come from friendly countries who, if they continue to support UK, would be able to deploy them elsewhere. Feel this is a script bug. I'm afraid I'm away another week on work but then we should be able to conclude. Just hope there is SOMETHING I can do to make the game exciting.
  12. British withdraw in good order from Egypt but maintain a presence elsewhere. Italian sub damaged in Suez and the Bulgarians enter the war. 1941 at last
  13. Yes, Allies talked tough but were less gung ho when things got difficult. Think this was wise - you do have overwhelming resources right now but I wanted to hold out long enough to trigger the reinforcements.
  14. Absolutely, Axis forces are piling across the desert sands as we speak and the Luftwaffe have roosted around Tobruk. His navy bombards Malta (not to much effect, though). 1940 was a long hard year. things can only get better :cool:
  15. Yes, I was surprised by the sub - I thought it would be intercepted before it could hit the carrier.
  16. Axis head towards Gibraltar. RN very active in Norway, Denmark (harassing an Italian engineer), Spain and Tobruk. First air action over El Alemain.
  17. Liam - agreed. He just hit Norway too. In North Africa UK land forces are definately not agressive (except in Syria). But I'm working quite hard to limit his options there.
  18. As Hellraiser says. Axis and Allies lurk in the desert sands whilst the RN swings by to remind the Germans they don't dominate the seas - hindering the rebuilding of Tobruk harbour. Bombers from Malta exert direct and indirect effect on the situation. Italians also get shelled and bombed, really quite effectively. And a beligerent Spanish cruiser does some damage to the Italian navy which was cowering in port. Spanish will throw in the towel soon though.
  19. Not worth screenshots yet - Hellraiser off to fast start but nothing that unusual has happened. Guderian - quite possibly but a lot can happen yet. If I get through the "Bleak Years" without too many disasters I'll be content - its clear the Axis juggernaut is building but I'd expact that.
  20. Thinking some more. Why not allow direct attack by a Seaborne land unit (in Amphib mode) directly against an enemy land unit in an adjacent tile across a coastline. If the defender is destroyed then you can land the unit into that vacated tile. If defender survives then attacker remains at Sea takes extra combat casualties and/or landing casualties. Levels of Amphib reduce penalties and maybe you can't do this at all without some levels. Think this is perfect. Now land and air can be used to reduce defender to jelly but it needs the Amphib assault to finish off the shell shocked defender and scramble ashore. This now allows 1 tile islands to be assaulted in Far East scenarios too. As Rambo would probably say, send in the Marines
  21. I think this issue is going round in circles. We have morale and readyness as indicators of a unit's cohesion and state of mind. So we don't need strength points for this. If we didn't have these factors then I would agree with SeaMonkey. I think we do need to tackle the question Terif et alraised - if Naval and Air units can't destroy land units then blocking landings becomes too easy. Though in SC2 the rather low unit density does reduce this problem. But if we can get past this important issue (esp relevant for island hopping in the Far East, never mind D-day) then I strongly favour loss of morale and readiness as the major effects of Naval bombardment with just enough unit destruction to make silly blocking maneouvres unwise.
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