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Everything posted by sburke

  1. indecision is the key to flexibility... or something like that
  2. Allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin Scolded Over Ukraine at CSTO Summit (thedailybeast.com) But Lukashenko complained that the members of the alliance haven’t been banding behind Russia as much as they should, especially as Russia works to address NATO’s expansion, a common argument Russian officials and allies have been using to justify the war in Ukraine. In a likely reference to Finland and Sweden expressing interest in joining NATO, Lukashenko called for more support as NATO’s threats continue, from “NATO saber-rattling near our western borders to a full-scale hybrid war unleashed against us,” according to Interfax. “Russia should not fight alone against the expansion of NATO,” he said. Putin himself complained about a “surge in frenzied Russophobia in the so-called civilized and politically correct Western countries,” and promised the expansion of NATO would “certainly evoke a response on our part. We will see what it will be like based on the threats that are created for us.” Putin also demanded that his counterparts do more for Russia in the future, citing what he claimed was “documentary evidence” found during the invasion in Ukraine that he said allegedly shows that “components of biological weapons were developed in close proximity to our borders.” To respond to those alleged biological weapons threats—threats Putin has said Russia has faced for some time—Putin rallied CSTO members during the meeting to agree to demonstrate their combined military might by running joint CSTO exercises this fall in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Joint exercises in the fall thousands of miles from Ukraine...yeah that's gonna make a difference.
  3. damn. That's no way to treat your goddaughter. Putin brands his own goddaughter as a ‘foreign agent’ for ‘working with his enemies’ throughout the Ukraine war (msn.com)
  4. ROTFLMAO an entire country with balls of steel. Makes Putin's bare chested horseback ride downright effeminate. Not that there is anything wrong with that. He can try out for the role of Lady Godiva in a netflix series.
  5. Convoy of Up to 1,000 Cars Leaves Ukrainian City of Mariupol (msn.com)
  6. who cares, if it pisses off Russia, score another one for the good guys!
  7. Russian War Crime Suspects Featured in Card Decks Given to Ukrainian Army (msn.com)
  8. Back to Ukraine and modern military transformation. There is this guy Andrew Prokop who does a lot of SIP oriented blog stuff on the Avaya platform. He has regular contributions discussing various facets of technology. This is from this week and the subject can be seen in the link. Artificial Intelligence and Video Analysis | Tao, Zen, and Tomorrow (wordpress.com) It has interesting implications for ISR. You run the video image through an AI enhanced program to look for exactly the type vehicles you want to see. The UAV goes an autonomous route sending back imagery, when it spots what you are looking for it kicks out a time stamp, imagery and GPS coordinates.
  9. I didn't say that! The other Steve said that.
  10. Let's not forget Turkey shooting down a Russian plane either. Turkey's downing of Russian warplane - what we know - BBC News
  11. WTF?! You mean I am funding all this stuff?! I'm trying to retire! Rand get those receipts!!
  12. so stealing washing machines is actually a plan to get around sanctions... devious.
  13. and way down the list from more urgent priorities find a washing machine grab whatever clothing you can find figure out how to break into an electronics store
  14. Not to bring up the subject of Biolabs again but there is a good article in march rolling stone about the effort to get rid of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile. It is a good example of the work the threat organization does and the complexity in eliminating these weapons. They had a copy in the waiting room while I was getting my second booster.
  15. Totally mis understood. This is part of the Russian space program.
  16. I like what appears to be a submersible AFV just below the bottom right-hand corner of red. What a clusterfk..
  17. More on the most recent Oligarch death Russian oligarch Alexander Subbotin died under mysterious circumstances at the house of a shaman over the weekend, according to Russian media. Subbotin, the former top manager of Russian energy company Lukoil, is the latest of several Russian oligarchs to die in a suspicious manner amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine. He was found dead in the basement of the home of a shaman in Mytishchi, a city just northeast of the capital city Moscow, on Sunday after suffering an apparent heart attack, Russian media outlet TASS reported. A criminal case into his death has been opened. The billionaire allegedly went to the shaman's home "in a state of severe alcoholic and drug intoxication the day before" his death, a source told TASS. His body was discovered in a room of the basement reportedly used for "Jamaican voodoo rituals." Local news outlets reported that Subbotin went to the shaman in search of a hangover cure, which allegedly involved toad poison. However, these claims have not been confirmed by law enforcement, and other details of what happened to cause his death remained unknown as of Monday afternoon. Russian Oligarch Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances (msn.com)
  18. Land based? Yemen? I think you might need to look at a map again...maybe a map of the belt and road initiative. Think about the volume you are talking and then tell me again how land transport is going to make any sense. If there were a RR line maybe. But there isn't and there isn't a pipeline, so you are talking trucks... or maybe camels. The land route runs from Gwadar Pakistan to Urumqi China. Trucking any volume over that route would be insane. Maybe the basis of a new reality TV show. The New Silk Road - China's Belt and Road Initiative (chinahighlights.com)
  19. It also might be a bad button to push. Right now those conscripts are figuring they are safe from getting shot at. Add in to that watching how Russian families are being denied compensation because "Moskva was an accident" and Putin might want to rethink the political temp. before doing that.. but then this is Putin...
  20. cleanliness is close to godliness and hopefully a few more of RFA troops are now closer to God.
  21. I wasn't but that spreadsheet kind of kicked it into gear. What we are tracking is not just the rank, but organization which is pretty interesting to see who has taken losses that we can see. Also saw this come up today @Haidukany idea what unit he might have been with?
  22. This guy now has it at Lt Gen 1 Mjr Gen 7 Col 20 Lt Col 36 Maj 52 Cpt 94 Sr Lt 96 Lt 75 KIA/WIA/MIA Officer list - Google Drive I think we may be short a General or two (and a load of non General officers) as I don't think we ever got confirmation about that Command center strike.
  23. how does that change the need to ship to China? It would seem to just create additional transit points. Taiwan needs to get a few diesel subs.. or as JonS said!
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