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Everything posted by sburke

  1. yes and no. It means that it is very hard for them to avoid default but it won't happen immediately. Russia Loses Its Default Defense in 48 Hours. Here's What That Means (msn.com) There's evidence that Russia has tried to avoid default. On May 20, Russia's finance ministry rushed in two payments, $71.25 million for a dollar-denominated bond and €26.5 million for euro-denominated bonds due on May 27, according to Reuters. But for how long can Russia stave off default? It's only a matter of time, according to Nazli, who says the default can be deleted but is inevitable. "They have two bonds that have payments on June 23 and if there's no extension from the U.S. side, then these get delayed," Nazli explained. "The 30-day grace period is triggered and then at the end of the 30-day grace period, which I think would be the 22nd of July or so, at the end of July, you would have a default situation." The Russian Ministry of Finance said they could resort to repaying their debts in rubles, but default would still be unescapable, as the legal requirements of the incoming foreign bonds to be repaid dictate payment in dollars. Coincidentally for Russia, summer is when I think the UA expects to really begin a serious effort to drive Russia out. Too weird it will be exactly 80 years for both the Russian and German assaults in 1942 in the same area.
  2. A lot of big assumptions there. Who are the officers you are referring to or are you just assuming this from the fact that the Russians actually advanced? Haiduk seems to feel this is more because of the collapse of a couple Territorial units. I'd caution against assuming that this reflects better people rising to the top. It sounds too much like a western perspective on how forces respond to battle experience. I wouldn't assume that is also true in Russia. Darwinism may have different answers, like the smart ones find a way to get the fk out of there.
  3. Maybe this will be where the crews come from Russian parliament approves bill to remove military age limits (msn.com)
  4. you are gonna be a meme. on the booster
  5. Trying to read the tea leaves there is a frustrating endeavor. mostly cause I am impatient for Putin to meet his maker. This was also posted today from Daily Mail Putin promotes personal bodyguard to 'Emergencies Minister' (msn.com) Putin promotes personal bodyguard to 'Emergencies Minister' Vladimir Putin has promoted his former personal bodyguard to be the Kremlin's new Emergencies Minister, months after his predecessor mysteriously fell to his death from a waterfall. Major-General Alexander Kurenkov, 49, seen with Putin, was nominated on Tuesday by Putin. He is the sixth bodyguard to the Russian president to be appointed to high government office. Zinichev, who held the rank of general, had enjoyed a spectacular rise under Putin and had been tipped for a new powerful role on the Kremlin's security council when he was killed in the mysterious Arctic incident. Professor Valery Solovey - linked to Telegram Channel General SVR - claimed: 'I will say right away that it was not the death, but the murder, of the general. He did not die alone, several other people died with him.'
  6. 28-Drone Swarm Just Led The Way For A Simulated Air Assault Mission (msn.com)
  7. LOL okay he's demoted.. posthumously. but how does a retired general at 63 get into an Su 25? wtf?
  8. seems he was killed in action Retired Russian Air Force Major General Banamat Botashev, 63, has become the 13th general to die in Ukrainian territory since Russia invaded on Feb. 24, according to a tally by Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense. (Russia’s Defense Ministry has confirmed only two, and U.S. officials have not given a specific number). He was reportedly shot down by Ukrainian forces over the Luhansk region on Sunday, becoming the highest-ranking air force commander to be killed in the war. Another Russian General Reported Dead in Ukraine (msn.com)
  9. Ukrainian intelligence chief: Putin survived assassination attempt 2 months ago (yahoo.com)
  10. Agreed was just noting to your point there is other stuff going on regarding food prices that has nothing to do with Ukraine.
  11. was just reading this on conditions in India. India — the world’s second-largest wheat producer after China — banned most exports last week after its hottest March on record hit harvests across the north of the country. This caused the price of wheat, already up some 60 percent this year because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, to shoot up once again. 'Torturous' heat is breaking records and livelihoods in India. It's only going to get worse. (msn.com)
  12. I have this vision of a free for all starting amongst Russian units when they stumble across a laundromat.
  13. oops. just another little mishap Fire Erupts at Russia Aviation Institute Near Moscow as Ukraine War Rages (msn.com)
  14. Milley tells West Point cadets technology will transform war (msn.com)
  15. Ukraine's Zelenskiy proposes formal deal on compensation from Russia (msn.com) Oligarch's are gonna pay for Putin's war? Betcha that makes them real happy.
  16. right after Steve gives us bridging equipment.
  17. Russia deploys 'Terminator' tank support vehicles into Ukraine (msn.com) I can hear the slight rustling in the brush as a Ukrainian tractor hunts its prey. "Thank God! We've got Terminators!" said pro-Kremlin journalist Aleksander Sladkov on a Russian Telegram channel. "Maybe they'll have technical faults, and maybe their use will only become clear in practice, but this is progress!"
  18. You have a way with words sir... now I have to figure out how to expunge that image... That blind goat gets around. by the way, the sky is falling.
  19. They heard there was a brand new washing machine ripe for the picking just up the road. Disinformation spread by SBU.
  20. I think Haiduk posted that last guy with the following info - Mayor Anatoliy Miagkov, last mention of his service - 12th separate special force detachment
  21. Russia Official Has Rare Excuse for War Failure: Ukraine's Elite Military (msn.com)
  22. ‘Our Commander Is Leaving With Us’: Putin’s Troops Openly Plot to Ditch ‘Stupid’ War (yahoo.com)hone prank (msn.com)
  23. brilliant! Their app initiates calls to two Russian parties and conferences them together while they try and figure who called who. Listen to hackers brilliantly wasting Russian officials' time with phone prank (msn.com)
  24. Russia Embeds Spies in Military Units to Identify Rebellion, Report Says (msn.com) Ukraine’s Guns Are In Range Of Izium. That’s Bad News For Russia. (msn.com)
  25. so they've been beat up and "reconstituted" twice now? Good lord.
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