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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I think he was going the opposite direction. Instead maybe 2-2.5 WIA per KIA as the death rate is higher proportionally. I asked a similar question in that vein earlier as we had a hospital report on casevac and the number who had died amongst those actually evac'd. To that number we'd have to add those who died in the field. Sum of all that.. we have no idea.
  2. Having just lost a ship to harpoons the Russians and showing their usual tactic. Get rid of UKR weapons by providing targets. stupid fkrs. Somebody high up must have just learned the chess move of sacrificing a pawn and now apply it to everything.
  3. yeah just one more reason to divorce ourselves from Russia as much as possible. Pariah state
  4. There are some other trends that will also influence this like increased urbanization and 3 D printing. Both are moving us towards a battlefield that is more small unit/infantry centric, will allow for some level of self sufficiency in certain capabilities- like printing small drones as needed and make ISR difficult for an attacking force. With the increased capability and lethality of anti-air and anti-armor the shift doesn't bode well for a world where resources like water are going to cause an increase in political stress and conflict.
  5. note incoming artillery rounds were intercepted by the ground and successfully "destroyed".
  6. what was that percentage of the number of deaths in that hospital list Haiduk posted and how does that compare to NATO expectations of survival rates for troops that have been casevac'd?
  7. sad thing for Russia is they don't have enough forces available to even threaten Lithuania. So much for Imperial ambitions.
  8. Lithuania enforces EU sanctions on goods to Russia’s Kaliningrad (msn.com)
  9. depends on the source and even then it can be all over the map. I get a digest of headlines via MSN. A lot of them are Newsweek/Business Insider/ WSJ, Wash Post and NT Times.. The same grouping can in some articles say something very similar to what you posted and another set say the complete opposite. a lot of op ed pieces and those you can see the bias of the author and their consistency at either "the sky is falling Ukraine is gonna lose" or "Russia is collapsing". You can pretty much find a whole slew of articles to support your own viewpoint whatever it may be. It is like a buffet of headlines. Pick your favorites.
  10. Our sincerest regrets for your application for the lawn maintenance crew. Unfortunately, your ability to predict effects would we feel have an unfortunate impact on our field. We really don't feel crabgrass makes for a good outfield. For the record our current hiring practice requires at least a .005 average. -signed the management.
  11. WSJ saying that that Russian tug was hit be a Harpoon missile. Ukraine Uses Western Harpoon Missile System to Sink Russian Tugboat (msn.com)
  12. training center dude... guess the new recruits just get handed a weapon and pointed west. Well maybe handed a weapon.
  13. Hmm.. isn't that how Red Storm Rising started - a fire and destruction at a refinery... No! Not toilet paper! The shortages we experienced during the onset of Covid almost brought down western civilization!!
  14. Kharkiv? WTF is the RU Army thinking? What possible reason makes sense for launching an attack there?
  15. I'll wait till we see confirmation somewhere else
  16. according to this article he is the 53rd Russian Colonel to be killed thus far. I think I am missing a few. Putin loses 53rd colonel in Ukraine war as Russia’s toll of commanders grows (msn.com)
  17. heh more than one eventually...... it gets pretty addictive. and once you give it a spin make sure to hit the scenario and mod depots.. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/
  18. Heh China has a couple aircraft carriers they are still learning how to use. Japan had 6 fleet carriers and the most experience using them of any Navy. To counter them the US had 5 fleet carriers and now has 11 and over 75 years of experience. Taking Taiwan would make the Normandy landings look like child's play. The channel from Portsmouth to Normandy is 100 miles. The Germans were restricted to pretty much the mk 1 eyeball and were mislead as to where a landing might take place. The US had experience doing multiple amphibious landings. China has never done one. The moment a fleet even starts organizing we'll know and Taiwan can reach pretty far out into that strait. Militarily it is a suicide mission.
  19. I'm not in the grouping that expects China to do anything soon about Taiwan, but the rationale for doing so may be more dependent on how much the state feels it is at risk. China has some major demographic issues that are going to be due before too long. States that feel they are at risk tend to make decisions that are more desperate than rational.
  20. Really, worried about collective punishment... then maybe Russia can explain where all those folks went. Thousands of Ukrainian children reportedly have gone missing since the start of the war on Feb. 24. A growing body of evidence suggests that some of these children have been forcibly taken to Russia. According to Ukrainian Permanent Representative to the U.N. Sergiy Kyslytsya, more than 234,000 children had been transferred to Russia by early June. The kidnapping of minors is a violation of both the U.N. Genocide Convention and the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Yet recent research suggests such tactics have stark precedents. In the past, authoritarian regimes in Spain and in Argentina, among others, resorted to child kidnapping to target their opponents — just as these regimes entered their most lethal and repressive phases. These historical cases offer lessons about how Ukraine can hold perpetrators accountable. What do we know about Ukraine’s missing children? Rumors about the abduction of Ukrainian minors date to March 19, when the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reported that Russian forces had taken 2,389 children from the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Simultaneously, Pyotr Andryushchenko, assistant to the mayor of Mariupol, reported that around 4,500 city residents had been taken against their will across the border into Russia. Although the exact numbers of kidnapped adults and children remains unclear, growing evidence suggests these are large numbers. In mid-April, an Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe report detailed claims by Ukraine officials that Russian troops had deported approximately 500,000 civilians. The numbers have grown since then, with Ukrainian authorities recently estimating that 1.2 million Ukrainians have been deported against their will. These claims have yet to be verified, and locating specific children and families has proved difficult in wartime. But the reports of forced deportations to Russia and the threat to Ukraine’s most vulnerable citizens have raised alarm in the European parliament. Why Russia may be taking Ukrainian children (msn.com)
  21. “they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind”
  22. There is an old joke referencing not risking getting an ugly camel.. Clausewitz, Clausewitz blah blah blah The important bit is the GOAT IS BACK!
  23. a lot of things wrong with this article but this one is the main one. Russia slowly inches its way towards its goals What exactly are Russia's goals at this point? I doubt the Russians even know anymore. I'm just waiting for the moment that Putin decides the number of toilets stolen or destroyed is how to evaluate victory.
  24. yeah that is the more likely outcome. But hey now Zelensky can smack all 3 in the back of the head at once and tell them to get their act together... or better yet, send them to the front.
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