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Everything posted by Battleboy

  1. Just not sure which virsion I should use King or Amreican??
  2. British troops and American troops look the same I just bought the game now what language do I speak??? English??? ;-} Yes I remenber the old Counter days X / O
  3. 1 thats what this game is. Already bought can we pick another
  4. I'm going to be on a cruise ship in the Pacific, if I see any jap carriers I'll know it's been released.
  5. Will it happen again, will America again fight in the Pacific Theater only the big HC knows the answer
  6. We had a good idea they were attacking Hawaii, but what if they were going to hit the US direct and were using Hawaii as a ruse? If they found or Carrier force and destroyed it we would have been in the s%^$#@ for a while they could have destroyed the Battleships which possed no real threat on the way back. Remember Hawaii wasn't a supprise to everyone it was just a supprise to the commanders that needed to know.
  7. I have to disagree with Blashy a little here, I don't think it would have been a Dieppe. This could depend on when and how they hit the US, the earlyer they landed the more ground they would have been able to take, remember we would have been fighting on 2 fronts and one of those would have been the US. I think at first there would have been a lot of panic so they would have made some inroads but we would have pulled ourselves together and drove them back into the Ocean. We got a little lucky with Midway even with breaking the code we could have still lost that battle. If those carriers were not rearming when we hit them they could have still had 3 carriers and they would have had a better chance to find our carriers and destroy them. Of course if they had just landed on Hawaii it would have been a long, long war for the US.
  8. Watch out December 7, was a sneek attack????
  9. Hubert said this fall I declare it fall!!!!!
  10. I bought the first SC when Hurbert was still using hexes (oh no here we go again) (NOT) I love the look and feel of the new SC and I even have the WaW, I am waiting for SCP and SCGloble I love to play Global on SC2 We all know this is what A&A should have been. That said what era or wars would like to see the SC system applied to. I would love to see this as a Civil War or Napoleonic game.
  11. The Banzi attack was a form of Kamakazi a human wave attack with no concern for your own life Kill or be Killed
  12. The affect of the Kamakazi attacks was of minum value to Japan though it had caused negitave moral and some shipping damage for the Americans it did not stop or destroy and American advance. It should be something that you could build up but not allowed until you acheive a maximum number and it's damage should be of little affect on ships hit. It cost Japan more then it's value in destroying American ships was worth. It was the same when they sent the Yamato on it's Kamakazi mission to Okanowa
  13. Will this at least come with a grounding package so we can play in the bath tub and feel like were in the action?????????????????;-(
  14. I've done this kind of thing before get interested and just because I couldn't wait I bought a less then enjoyable game, so I'm gona wait for Hurbert as long as I have to, but are we there yet ;-). House rules need to stay in the home for now and added later.
  15. If Hubert's game weren't so darn great we would but can't wait to play the next and best!!!!!
  16. Ok I'll ask are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet..........
  17. I vote for circles then we can go round and round on this ;-o
  18. Cool that means all the effort isn't just going into the Air and sea war where most Pacific stratigy games go.
  19. The japs used a couple of types of defence in their island fighting. First they tried to stop the attacker at the beach, then they tried to bleed them to death by letting the attacker consolidate and require them to blow them out of caves and pill boxes will there be a chance that they will be able to use both types of tactics. Tarawa and Peleliu were examples of the later. Long Live Chesty!!!!!
  20. Hexes or tiles doesn't matter to me SC1, SC2 or SC3 as long as this game has the replayability that it has and it is not boged down with things that would clutter it up and slow down the play. As far as I'm concerned you can include what ever you want but I would like the ability to turn off what I don't want. I like the research the way it is I also like the option of haveing a different typ of research, sometime I like weather sometimes I don't. I like to play it here it goes Axis and Allies like sometimes (sorry) only refrence I could think off. What I'm saying if your going to improve (which for me bigger board, more time to play maybe 1950"s and be able to turn on your Allies with out haveing to be diplomatic about it) give the option to set a compleation date then. Off course you can never go wrong with more playing area.
  21. You guys have only been around since 2002 that makes you 6 years old??? OK I started computer games on a C-64 first game was Gettysburg by SSI so I have played some games. Love the Talonsoft games. Will still play SC1 and I hate RT games. Never played S & L but did play Monolopy and Battleship heck I even like RISK and lets not go there.
  22. I have to disagree with the only one using tiles (squares) anybody play Chess? Ok I grew up playing war games hexes, area, squares, or with minis no board. In this game you also don't have any facing and don't tell me the size of the units.
  23. With the game in the format now you have an ability to attack form eight possible points, with hexes it would only be six cutting down two possible points of attack. Some have already suggested a switch move for a better attack. I would like to see something like a top down version of this instead of the angled view. For some this game needs a little adjusting for others it needs a lot more, I would also like to see a bigger map and additional time added to the play maybe open ended Axis or Allies take all.
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