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Everything posted by tornado

  1. When I logged on and read what was going on one of the first things I said was - give Dan his money folks, he and the team have worked hard to produce a top notch game. If they have any experience with other games at all they will be amazed at the level of support you guys offer. It is a very well deserved 35 bucks.
  2. Brian can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that Escape Death does NOT guarantee that you will live if you're shot down- but it greatly increases your chances of surviving if you are shot down. I don't know what the percentages are for surviving, and I may be wrong about this. So again, Brain (or rest of DiF crew), Help! Stalin's Organist - please note I did not ask you to post
  3. Oh Great One (aka Mistura) I am most concerned for your safety. In light of your recent comments, I fear that your head has become so inflated that you are in danger of floating through the stratosphere.
  4. Saturday or Sunday is fine with me. How do we know who is going to play in the tournament and chose a partner? Will we be assigned a partner randomly? [ January 18, 2006, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: tornado ]
  5. Hello Ray, Dan, Brian, and all the DiF staff. Any idea about a date for the next tournament? You know us demanding consumers- it's always more, more and now, now Looking forward to trying the 2v2 format in a tournament situation. -Tornado Tom
  6. tornado

    AI smarter?

    I noticed the changes last week. It does make the bots tougher. Surprised that Stalin is just now seeing the change. The enemy bots are Aceing my manuever cards as well. Most of the time they are playing it fairly smartly though. The changes that Brain mentions should make things even more interesting.
  7. Hello Dan and all the DiF crew. First, great tournament this weekend, just sad I didn't get to shoot down Stalin's Organist anymore. Also, wanted to let you know that DiF has been posted to the PC most popular games list on Gamespot.com Hopefully this will let more PC players know the game is out there! I actually learned about DiF on that site, downloaded the demo, and the rest is histroy.... [ January 16, 2006, 06:39 AM: Message edited by: tornado ]
  8. Yes, congratulations Mistura.
  9. Good matchups. And couldn't you give me any better competetion than SO? Sheesh.
  10. Injecting beauty into anything is always a good idea! My wife says this is a clever ploy on your part, so that if you get your butt kicked that you can always say that your girlfriend was playing not you What will her pilot's name be - Lady Sixxkiller? I have to admit that has a nice ring to it.
  11. Yeah, I was proud of myself - I actually made him stop talking for a minute :cool:
  12. Medals are nice, Stalin's Organist, but they don't put you at the top of the leader board.
  13. So, when will we know who our first opponent is? Saturday? And I didn't see your pilot's name on the list. You are partaking in the death and mayhem aren't you?
  14. I very much like the Boom and Zoom idea. The idea of a custom deck designed for each aircraft would certainly help differentiating aircraft, but I can only imagine the amount of work involved.
  15. I just became the first player to reach over 15000 xp. Zonso is right on my tail with around 14900 - and with fewer missions. But at least I can say I was the first one there! :cool:
  16. Blue - just ask if someone would like to do an escort mission when you log on the server. Someone is usually willing to do one - due to the points that are available. -Tornado Tom
  17. Yes, the old fatigue system could be brutal! My higher pilots were always getting a minimum of 200 points of fatigue. However, as Stikman has pointed out, the fatigue wore off VERY quickly. If I had a pilot with 300 fatigue, by three turns with other pilots, he was usually rested. When the new system went online I was always having to fly one of my pilots with fatigue. I suggested to Stik that maybe 6 points of fatigue should be the "normal" rate rather than 9 points because a pilot with 6 fatigue does not have the -1 airframe penalty.
  18. And how many of you have 2 pilots with over 200 kills, Mistura?
  19. Totally disagree - The US uses bars and stars (with the exception of Major & Lt Col.) - the brits only have stripes - I can't make heads or tails out of it. And yes, I knew they were equivalents
  20. RAF ranks do not apply to USA pilots you nong
  21. On Escort missions against the AI I always start my fighters at Very High - more times then not my bombers are at High. Occasionaly they are at Medium or very high(seems that I remember I even had them pop up at low one time). It would be very nice to know what altitude the bombers would be at before you selected your starting altitude. As far as the extra card(s) for the AI Wingman - it seems that a read a thread in which Brian stated that enemy WM get a card "bonus" (my word-not his) when doing an intercept mission. It takes the number of offensive cards allowed PLUS the number of defensive cards, or some such. I can't remember which topic it was under. And it is possible that I am totally misinterpurting what he said (I do remember that he addressed it)-so, Brain if you read this- HELP! lol - I see Stalin's Organist beat me the punch on posting - as usual.
  22. Hello, Ray. I am assuming you got my email about signing up?
  23. First, I agree that "retired" pilots shouldn't show up as dead, but I don't consider it to be that big of a deal. Secondly, you defeated my 3rd and 4th best pilots, not what I would consider to be my Group Captain - but a whooping all the same
  24. Yeah, I killed Smith's Wingman lastnight. Unintentional of course. Again, sorry about that. Stalin's Organist kicked my butt in two missions lastnight with our uber aces - my arse still hursts [ January 10, 2006, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: tornado ]
  25. I have no clue what that means, Stalin's, but I'll assume it means "You're Welcome?!" :eek:
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