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Everything posted by akd

  1. @sburke @Kinophile Lt. Col. Sergey Koshelev, probably airborne battalion commander, 137th Guards Airborne Regiment:
  2. This would seem to confirm that the pontoon bridge built alongside the Antonovsky Bridge is damaged beyond use and is not being repaired:
  3. AFAIK, these are mostly (or exclusively?) losses from 2014-2021.
  4. Trucks and, I think, a battalion CP vehicle, so not a failed Russian attack:
  5. More failure at Pavlivka. Looks like tank is getting hit from trenches at very close range:
  6. Hmm…the military unit (в\ч 2079) referenced doesn’t seem to match with anything but an infectious disease hospital in Voronezh. I guess they could have been sent there for screening and then directly to the front? Seems a bit odd.
  7. Ukrainians cooperate closely with Russia on new cosmonaut program:
  8. New version of T-72B3 probably incorporating changes based on wartime experience:
  9. IMO, this is intentional disinformation spread by FSB to up the “mad man” / “nothing to lose” deterrence factor, and not surprisingly, NY Post is happy to help.
  10. If you were wondering how this ended up published to the Internet:
  11. I think you all are confusing Kherson bridge and Kerch Strait bridge, but regardless, 75kg HE charge is not going to do much to either.
  12. @sburke @Kinophile Lt. Col. Dmitry Radionov, Head of Reconnaissance, 11th Army Corps, Baltic Fleet:
  13. T-90M gets Excalibured: More tank plinking with Excalibur:
  14. I love the idea of Russia raising a militia in Kherson that just turns out to be more partisans:
  15. I assume this is the pontoon bridge alongside the Antonovsky bridge:
  16. I like Toblerone Line more than Wagner Line. Ukrainians are gonna eat it up in one sitting.
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