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Canada Guy

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Posts posted by Canada Guy

  1. I ordered the game on Sept 13th and have a few questions.

    1. Has CMA been shipped to any customers yet and if so, when were they shipped? I cannot find any shipping date info on my account page.

    2. Has anyone that ordered CMA "mail only" received their copy yet?

    2. If I ordered it along with NATO, do I have to wait for NATO to be released and then have it shipped as one package or will they ship separately when each becomes available?

  2. I like the newer C2 logic and subtleties in ? creation but the command lines would be very useful.

    In the case of the command lines, it is not a case where something is being deliberately obscured by calculations or finesse behind the scenes but information that is available but just harder to find. In a case where info can be seen but it takes many clicks to find it, it is always better to show the obvious.

    In the case of command delays, I am not sure how you represent differences in being in or out of C2 without some sort of consequence. Take the case of tanks in 1942 Russia. Germans have radios and Russians do not. If a commander has to explain tactics or maneuvers over the roar of an engine or convey complex movements, this would entail a delay in following these orders. It may be a little gamey but the 60 seconds I had to wait for my shocked T-34 (with Green crew) to actually follow my orders made it feel like I really had a green crew. If they moved with the same speed and efficiency of a crack crew then why would I spend money on a crack crew.

    If someone has a better suggestion as to model green vs crack troops then I am open to it but I want it to feel like I am commanding different types of troops. Command delays really helped as does the current change from ? to an identifiable unit. If everything is too subtle then it begins to feel as if you are commanding the same Larry, Moe and Curly in every scenario.

  3. So I would think that the building models themselves (and I am thinking of the one-offs) would also be locked down even though the skins would be modable. Or can we create the 3D building models and introduce them into the game?

    There are numerous churches and specific buildings that authors will want to be include in 3rd party scenarios. Will we be able to create those specific buildings or just use the existing structures, mod the skins and create the specific buildings in a non-direct way?

  4. I have decided to renovate my house while I am waiting and you have no idea how much I hate working on my house. Painting, laying carpet and laminate as well as putting down patio bricks. I even offered $25/hour (US$23/hour) and still no takers so I am doing it by myself. Did I mention how much I hate this kind of stuff.

    My wife said though that she would give me a break when either NATO or CM:N comes out. Please help as I do not want to keep working in 3 feet of snow at -40C temps.

    On the building front, what types of programs are needed to modify existing graphic files or will we be able to do this at all? Will buildings be locked down as tight as vehicles?

  5. I enjoyed the old Op system but it did create some highly unusual/unrealistic situations (e.g. 33rd in Berlin). But the front line was the best part of the whole process. It made it feel more like ASL (Red Barricades) and it gave you one more reason to push your units just a little further. I do not think that front line determinations are as important in the modern context (post 1960 lets say) but in WWII they are critically more important.

    I remember working my units through difficult terrain just so I could get a small advantage in the future Op Scenario. Little pockets of men (and the implications of ammo resupply) were so much fun.

    Trust me, I have slowly been converted over to being a fan of CMSF. Heck, I was even a fan of Larry, Moe and Curly, but now appreciate the 1:1 setting. Something more akin to the old Operations would be very apt for a WWII setting. I would hate to have a map and continually start over from the old starting areas or even have new starting areas that were not tied to my own progress or lack there of.

    I will admit there were problems such as all reinforcements coming in at the start of each Op Scenario instead of being able to set a turn. You were able to bring your reinforcements up to the front line immediately. In my perfect op scenario, only existing units would be able to adjust position along with any units designated by the designer and others come in at later turns. Movement on the board would be restricted to a front line as determined by control over certain areas or control over any particular area and adjust ammo accordingly. While this would seem silly in a modern setting as battles are so fluid, it would make greater sense in the Eastern Front (where we all want to end up anyway with Sissi advancing against unwary Soviets in 1940s Finland).

  6. Michael Emrys

    Yes, they tolerated HK for a number of years as they found it useful as a means to an end. They also started riots there (1968?) to destabilize the British hold on this bit of land and used it as the Soviets used Austria during the cold war. A united Korea would be a whole new kettle of fish. One that would not fear China as the Brits in HK did.

    As for Korea in a temperate climate, I am all for that. I think that this would be splendid as it would give us the terrain for a 1950s Korean war family of games after both Normandy and the Eastern Front were finished.

    Steve, do not take the bitching and whining too seriously. People are just excited as am I. I wish CM:N and CM: Nato were now out but you take what you can get. Take it as a compliment that people hang on your every word. I wish my kids would remember one thing I have said to them in the last 1/2 hour.

    My goal is to retire at 60 and have the entire CM:Eastern Front before me. You have 17 years so don't let me down.

  7. It may be a little bit of confusion for both these titles on my side.

    I do not think that the KPA would collapse in 1 day but it would probably be spent after a good week or 2 of fighting. They do have stores for 2-3 weeks of fighting and some interesting equipment. The Chinese, even now, are particularly worried about a united Korea next door and would intervene if they thought that the west would/could mount a counter attack. I think it is possible for the DMZ to be pushed north and if stabilized, would give the South Korean time to develop a portion of the North in more manageable chunks.

    It seems the Chinese are more worried about a unified Korea more than a resurgent Russia or a militarized Japan. They are quite happy with the current situation. Can you imagine a stable democracy with a strong western looking economy on their doorstep? The USA would be gone but the Korean Army would more than make up for it. China would do anything to prevent that from happening including sending in its ground forces.

    A CM:K could be set in 2018 and we could play with a whole new set of modern toys, including revamped Italian ground forces (DTI June 2010 issue) upgraded Chinese and American forces. It could be very interesting.

  8. Is Afghanistan out yet? Even in the original Russian? To tell the truth I have not really kept up with the CM:A gossip much as it is not an area that I am particularly interested in.

    What surprises me is that we have not yet had any Koreans take up the challenge of reworking the game for a modern day Korean War like we have the Russian gamers. They have a very strong gaming community (hence the advertisement of Starcraft 2 on some commercial jets).

    Lets say 2015 North Korea's new leader decides to prove his mettle and unleashes the pent up hordes. China could send another "voluntary" division or 2 and we could have the updates for the NATO equipment. Fun would be had by all, especially the pixaltroopen.

  9. I played the scenario again and I was too into playing that I forgot to check this behavior again but I think I was wrong about the caliber. It was 12.7 not 7.62 caliber that reloaded itself in my previous game.

    It is a good scenario and I finally won with the Reds surrendering. This 2 houses on the cliffs though get me every time, even if I put a few 155mm shells into them. 8 dead and 33 wounded. All dead were trying to take out those crazy cliff houses.

  10. There are 3 things that I have noticed recently (and I am sure that they have been there all along but I did not notice them) are

    1. My Syrian tankers, after having left the AFV with pistols are running around with Assault rifles. Should they not be running away with pistols?

    2. I have some Humvees with machine guns. They also store additional ammo for other units. When I use up the ammo from the MG they do not take from stores to replenish their own MG. I thought I saw this once but I have not been able to replicate them replenishing their own MG. Am I missing something?

    3. I was playing "Ranger II" and the end result said that the reds had 66 men OK and 44 killed. When I look at the board though, there is not one red unit left. Where are these 66 men that I cannot see? Have they run off the board? Does the end game results not display all opposing units?

  11. If I would have known my 2 little suggestions would cause eternal friendships to break apart, I would have kept my mouth shut.

    I like CMSF, I love CMBB. The new UI is OK but it does take some getting used to. I do not want to change it entirely, I just need a few more pieces of information in a way that I can easier get to, to allow me to control my troops in a better manner or with greater information. At least for information that is there but not in a user friendly manner.

  12. Steve,

    Are there any plans to tweak the UI for the upcoming game? I realize that creating a UI is extremely hard when you have thousands of different people all needing info in different ways but I did find the UI in CMx1 a little bit easier to understand in certain ways.

    2 things come to mind when I look at the UI for info gathering on a unit.

    1. How many effectives I have in any unit. If I send out a unit of 9 men and only have 3 left, at a glance I cannot remember if I sent out a unit of 3 or 9 and can they accomplish their mission to begin with. A simple 3/6 would show me immediately how many of my squad had been incapacitated.

    2. Can you bring back the old progression of states for a unit. I thought the CMx1 progression of Good -> Routed was a very good indication of how my units were faring. Now with the current progression of a units state, I am always confused as to how they are doing. Even a visual cue such as a green background all the way to a deep red background would help (just behind the unit's state).

    I loved the work that gamers did to modify the UI for CMx1 (Tarkus comes to mind). Are we going to be allowed to modify the UI in CM:N as we did in CMx1 (The equivalent of a Z folder but just for the UI)? Not the layout itself but perhaps the words and the colours?

  13. I also got the email but have not been hit with too many phishing expeditions yet. I work at a large university and these attempts happen on a regular basis.

    Oh well, better now than 2 months ago when you were not prepared with your new server.

    In think many of us are upset because of the attack but even more annoyed that it took time away from your already booked schedule. It is not like you have much time to spare with everyone demanding something from you.

    I am curious though, after a hard day at work I can come home and get an hour of CM in but when you go home do you shut the door to the world and do someones taxes or go off to a quarry for some hard physical labour?

  14. I am surprised that Korea is not mentioned more.

    Module 1 - Initial invasion to Inchon - US forces vs N Korea

    Module 2 - Inchon to Crossing of Partition - US Marines

    Module 3 - Partition Line to Chinese Intervention - S Korean and UN Forces

    Module 4 - Chinese Intervention til Stalemate - Chinese & upgrade of US Forces

    I have always wanted to see Bazookas vs T35/85s. A guy can dream.

    And then after Korea, the Axis minors 1940-45 with special highlights for the Finns.

  15. Forget the Finns???

    That would be like Blackforest cake without the cherries or roast beef without the horse radish.

    I could live without the Italians, possibly live without the Hungarians/Romanians but without the Finns and some Sissi squads running around, the Russian front will not be the same.

  16. Sgt Josh,

    Unfortunately, even after playing for 6 years I think now, I am still a bad player. I think my record for PBEM is 7-8-5 (W-L-T) which makes a good ASL piece but a not so good win-loss record.

    I also agree though that until I see CM:Bagration, CMBB will still be played on a regular basis.

    Other Means,

    What kind of a video graphics card are you using? I think using almost any Operating system but with a pre-DX10 card, will work but once you use ATI

    3xxx or greator video card or NVidia 2xx or greater, the DX10 will not run the CMx1 game.

  17. I still play CMBB religiously (and have even been known to break out CMAK on occasion). It is the subject matter. I absolutely love the Russian front (though I did take a break for a week after reading Guy Sajer's "The Forgotten Soldier" as it was just too realistic).

    Every Saturday afternoon I get to have a great cup of coffee (Tims), spend 2 hours playing against the computer or send my turns to 2 games I have going against a friend from Sweden. It is one of the things that I look forward to every week.

    I have modded it to the hilt, downloaded 100s of scenarios, make sure that I have an extra copy of the game in case one disk gets scratched and am even investigating whether XP virtualization though Windows 7 will work or not (and will post if I can get it to work).

    Yes, it is more simplistic than CMSF, yes, the graphics are not as good and the computer opponent is a little easy but I love it! :) It is one of the highlights of my week. I have even gotten my 10 year old son to start playing against me. I look forward to playing it for the next 10 years until Bagration et. al. and other Russian front games come out. I will probably still have a soft spot for it in 20 years time.

  18. I received mine in the mail on Monday. I am in Saskatoon Canada which is the centre of the universe so it was bound to happen.

    Installed like a dream but the CD case was a little shoddy and no paper manual. Oh well. The modules are getting better and better so I am really looking forward to Nato.

    I must also disagree with my Canadian compatriot. I am nothing but happy to hear about Normandy. After that, eventually Operation Bagration and then I can only assume the Finns (if this is a natural progression in perfect wargaming).

  19. Think of a highly unstable regime (and I do not mean unstable as in chaotic or uncontrolled but rather illogical or mentally unfit) and you have the recipe for disaster. I do not think that N Korea would use its WMD at the beginning but it has arty that could reach the capital. It has also constructed a series of tunnels under the DMZ that are capable of allowing them to gain the initiative. Each tunnel is large enough to permit the passage of an entire division of infantry in one hour. With only the S Koreans and the 35,000 US troops stationed there, it might be able to grab a foothold and possible take Seoul (along with my favourite place in S Korea - Naksansa).

    The only upside of this would be that China would not see it to their advantage to allow an invasion to occur. Provoking a war between US/N Korea would harm their enormous investments in US treasury bonds. But again, N Korea is not logical and if it looked as if the N Koreas might lose, it would not be in China's best interest to allow a unified Korea to exist. An open (by Asian standards) Korea on China's doorstep would be intolerable. Which way Russia would side with though is anyone's guess.

  20. Steve,

    When you say that the player can tweak the values for Small Arms, Grenades, AT Weapons etc. Is this scenario wide or will this be squad specific.

    E.g. In one CMx1 scenario I designed, the USSR gets a KV-1 but the AP ammo is very low while the HE is normal. While we will not be able to specify that it has 20HE and 5 AP will we be able to say that HE is normal and AP is scarce per unit? or even per platoon?

  21. I am surprised that no one has mentioned

    A QUICK AND DIRTY GUIDE TO WAR, 4th Edition - Dunnigan and Bay


    or to a lesser extent

    The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century - George Friedman (Author)

    Both of these books try to forcast the world's trouble spots. Of course like most, they will get a lot wrong but they do have some insight into the world's most likely flashpoints.

    I would love to see the Korean Peninsula modeled. Either modern or 1950-53. Having read many books about this area of the world recently, all it would take it one command from the crazy leader to ignite the whole area. USA/Europe/Japan on one side with China (and possibly Russia) on the other. I think it could be an almost exact replay of the 1950-3 conflict.

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