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Canada Guy

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Posts posted by Canada Guy

  1. I have looked but I am unaware of any place that is selling the retail version of the game in Canada.

    EB Games had it listed for the last 3 months on their computers as coming but after the release date, they could no longer find it on their computers and it was not on their shelves.

    Does anyone know where I could pick up the retail version of the game?

  2. I was wondering if you will be selling CM:SF through stores or will it be digital download only.

    The reason I ask is that I was under the impression that in Canada, EB Games was to release CMAK last week. I keep checking but they cannot find the title anywhere in their computer lists. I am not comfortable with digital download and so have not purchased it yet.

    I would prefer to buy a box with paper manual then a dowmload. If it is a download though, I would like the ability to save it to disk so that when I wipe my PC HD (which I do on a semi-annual basis)I do not have to go through the process of downloading again.

    You can still put me into the disappointed but will still buy crowd. I would like to see more than Americans vs the world for every game released but if you can make it easy for me to buy, I will be a happier camper.

  3. This is not to say that I will not buy it but I am dissappointed that it will be American vs. M Eastern forces. When I saw NATO I thought that I might be able to play something other than Americans but after the comment about possibly no additional modules, I think I might have no choice.

    I realise that creating this takes hard work and dedication and I applaude BFC for putting this effort in (I love their CMBB game) but after seeing so many companies promise a product and then either delaying it out of existance or going out of business, I am weary of always waiting for the subject matter that I am most interested in, including Korea, Eastern Front, Finnish front or Italy. These never seem to materialize except with the odd exception (that exception being BFC).

    All I can say is that I will continue to support you as a company because you do great work but in the future I hope you move away from the same old generic Americans vs the world theme and try something fresh and exciting again. Having seen your track record, I know that you can do it on occasion.

    Now that I have gotten that out of my system, I am eagerly awaiting the latest screen shots and updates about what it will cover. Even in alpha, the screens looked great. I can only imagine what the PzVD will look like someday facing off against a T34/85.

    Keep up the good work and keep us informed.

  4. I was wondering about the operational choices that we will have when creating new operations or quick battles. In CMBB there are choices (Month, Year, weather...) that we can choose from but I hope that CMx2 will be more comprehensive.

    E.g. If I create an operation that has divisional arty available, I might want to have it available for perhaps the first 2 battles out of 6. After that, this asset is requred somewhere else. Or perhaps I have a Co of tanks and they are attached to my assualt but only available for the middle 2 battles.

    I would also like to have variables such as reinforcements by turn rather than by battle, and the big thing, points by operation so that if I create an operation and play by email, in each battle, myself and my opponent get to choose our forces using points instead of pre-chosen forces. This would allow a variable operation even if played more than once.

    I guess this is more of a wish list becasue without BFC input we cannot debate the merits of different choices or see what is coming in CMx2.

  5. I cannot believe that we missed it. I met Steve at a gamers convention and he said that it would actually be the first war, i.e. two cavemen, but it would take a long time to complete because they wanted to model each hair on the mammoth togas as accurately as possible.

    All I know is that I am currently working on a 6x4km scenario (Sept 1944 Near Riga) and after all this research, I would like to be able to port it to the new engine in the future. Even if that future is a few years away.

  6. Leutnant Hortlund,

    Why not Korea then? It features Americans, has the potential to add both the Chinese modules and the UN Forces? The terrain in Korea is more like Europe in many ways as opposed to the steaming jungles of the PTO. You also have many of the same vehicles that were modeled in CMBB. It is definitely not an area that has been gamed much and if BFC wants to attract more people than just us crazies, what better way to do then but by adding a game that has not been done to death. I think it would also lend itself to small unit tactics and it has water which BFC seems to love.

  7. I had a great-uncle who stayed in Germany and flew Stukas on the Russian Front. He survived the war but did not talk much about his experiences other than to say that it was extremely difficult time. I did hear one story about his group being pounced by Russians who were in turn pounced by German aircraft and he somehow managed to survive.

    My family line though moved to Canada to continue the Mennonite way of life. They got a bunch of free land in Western Canada because they were great farmers and as long as they farmed, did not have to fight in the war, though many did.

    I am sure though that many of the crops produced made it into many a fine ale. Such as my favourites (1) McNally's Irish Ale brewed in Alberta and at 7% - Only for the strong of heart and (2) "Alexander Keith's" proudly brewed in Nova Scotia since 1820 but sadly only at 5%.

    See, in life, everything ties together.

  8. I think I would be very pleased if the suggestion given by Mr. Dorosh (Finn front 39-40) would be correct. I have always loved playing Finn scenarios in ASL and have tried to model them in CMBB (without much success).

    Even though I am not a big fan of it though, I will put my money on NWE (Bulge with modules for Commonwealth, Normandy and final push into Germany), with a side bet on Korea (Game on initial war with modules on Chinese and UN forces).

    I would be pleased as punch though if you are right Michael.

  9. This thread may not be life altering but I am replying to three guys (Stoat, DogFace and K.A. Miles) who had nothing better to do on a Saturday night except reply to this thread.

    This is just something to while away the time until we get some concrete news. Apparently I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night either but to reply to you. ;)

  10. Since we have some time before BFC releases info on what front CMx2 will occur in, I thought it would be fun to see what everbody thinks the choice will be.

    I do not mean what front you would like to see CMx2 in, but rather what you think BFC will choose.

    Most Likely choice: Battle of the Buldge

    Second Most Likely: Korea

    Snowballs chance in hell: Falklands

  11. Saskatoon is a great city, especially if you are raising kids. I like Edmonton too though. The strange thing is, I have lived in New York, Hong Kong and Japan (Marugame City) and always seem to come back to Saskatoon. With 220,000 people it still in some ways has that smallish charm but you can still go to your local EB Games outlet and pick up what you need. I guess with internet shopping and flights to Europe for $450 return, the world is so small that you can live anywhere and still experience everything. I mean, come on, 20 years ago, I would never have ever heard of any of you chaps and finding an opponent to play games with was a very difficult experience. Now it would take me less than 15 minutes to find someone to play CMx1 with. What the heck will my kids experience when they play someone in CMx4 in 20 years??

  12. Yes, I agree but what is one to do besides talking about normal life. I am sure there will be little of that as it is once CMx2 is released.

    I had a cat named Nero that used to meow by the bed until we let him out to relieve himself. Then climb on to our screen door (when it was -20C) and wack his bum against the door until we let him back in. Now that is consideration.

  13. I really am not sure why anyone would think that the Western Front would be more interesting than the Eastern Front? I am Canadian, and even though it might be interesting to play some Commonwealth scenarios, compared to the Eastern Front, they really do not compare in my mind. For top 5 I would pick

    1. Any time period on the Eastern Front

    - Great tank battles with great tanks (T-34,PzVD)

    2. Italian campaign

    - Monte Cassino, Anzio, Mountain Strongholds

    3. The Far Eastern Front (Esp Island Hopping Campaign)

    - Beach Landings vs entrenched defenders

    4. Korea

    - US/UN vs T34/85s and Chinese charges

    5. The Finnish Winter War

    - fantastic infantry vs weak infantry w/ tanks

    #6 for good luck...

    6. French campaign

    - early great example of armoured German blitzkreig

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