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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Canada Guy

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Posts posted by Canada Guy

  1. Yes, Happy thanksgiving. I am sure that Steve will be shooting one of the wild turkeys that inhabit his back yard in celebration. Is it not a bit late to be celebrating something that happened 6 weeks ago? ;-)

    Thanksgiving Day occurring on the second Monday in October (since 1957), is an annual Canadian holiday to give thanks at the close of the harvest season.

    Since 1971, Thanksgiving in Canada has coincided with the observance of Columbus Day in the United States.

    Yes, kidding aside, BFC is a great company that has given me many countless hours of enjoyment.

  2. womble,

    What are Franklins? Are they not some type of sausage?

    Nice to see that Phil is alive and kicking. I am not sure if you can say but it would be nice even to know if we will get a patch before the next module or if it will be rolled into the new module. No bones necessary.

    Hey, I was happy of the picture of the vehicle behind the trees (sans vehicle). Now that we have finished watching Game of Thrones, I have nothing left about which to obsess.

  3. Rubble

    What provides better cover/concealment/protection? Buildings or rubble?


    Yes, it would be nice if your infantry could dig in a little but it would take a little while. I am also not sure if the current foxholes are true to cover or if they are just abstract/representational of having some sort of foxhole cover in that 8x8 square. If the latter, then having a unit dig in may work as a foxhole would just pop up in 2-4 minutes.


    I would love to see fire included but I am not too worried about it until the Russian Front. There it would be a must. As far as flamethrowers, it would be nice to have them in with the next expansion (to represent Crocodile use in Operation Totalize/Aug 1944) but it would not be a deal breaker. At this point, it may be too much for them to get all this into a module with all the connected things they would have to deal with if true fire were to be introduced.

  4. It is a little strange that we have not really heard hide nor hair from them for the last 2 months. I think I saw a few posts one day from Steve a few weeks ago but this was after a long absence and now we have another. Did it snow unseasonably in the great white east? Or do they just plan on surprising us with something that we were not expecting?

    I am hoping the latter!

  5. I just finished reading

    No Holding Back: Operation Totalize, Normandy, August 1944 (Stackpole Books)

    Interesting book and gives a good view of Simonds, Crerar and some of the lower ranks (Booth and his drunkenness).

    Canadians were green, yes and were relying upon Harris and the use of strategic bombers to open some of the roads for him which did not work but some of the actions (Quesnay Wood) were very well executed. It was also the first use of an armoured APC (Kangaroo) and at the time, the operation was considered a success.

    It is only in later years that there has been some 2nd guessing about the ability to take Falaise. It was not part of the initial plan and what they achieved was good.

    If they had initiated the operation on the day they had wanted to and had scheduled, instead of pushing it up a day at Monty's instance, it may have been even more successful.

    I think this could be a great campaign to model in CMBN in the next module. It has everything that the new module will have. Canadians, SS and Brits.

  6. As for UI, what about modularity? I may have naive assumption but since this is just the display of information that already exists and not the creating of new information, then being able to present it may just be a function of real estate.

    By modularity, I mean the ability to include or exclude certain parts of the UI if each piece of data is broken up into separate pieces - lets call them widgets.

    There would be the orders widgets, the unit info widget, the game info widget, the ammo info widget. The base game would display a default set of widgets but if I wanted a penetration widget, then I would have that widget displayed and if you wanted the armour protection widget instead, you would choose that.

    It would allow those people with large monitors to have more if they wanted and less for those that want to play and feel info overload.

    Myself, I would probably have all widgets and buy a bigger monitor just to display them. My opinion is better to have everything at my fingertips in case rather than not and lose one piece of info. (This is the same reason that I liked the command lines in CMx1 as it was info I needed directly in front of me and I did not have to look somewhere else which I find myself continually doing now even after 6 years though I do understand having different levels of CnC is hard to represent in one red/black line- It means the present system does not fulfill my needs as I should have adapted to better UI after all this time - and is the same reason I wish we could do something about the unit icons and status as now I have to take my eyes away from the action and look for what I need).

    More info better or same info but presented in a more seamless integrated manner also better.

  7. Is that why your signature is about eggs?

    I am glad to see that there are a few younger people on this forum. it's hard to interest people in something that happened 65 years ago. I am curious when I am 80 if there still will be the same level of interest. I hope so as this was the last true war (counting Korea as an extension of this war) that was man against iron. Now it is more like machine against machine.

  8. You are both right in that I only gave it a cursory thought but I can see why it would be more difficult than first imagined. Cover/concealment from multiple directions plus weapons plus wounded plus ...

    Having a weapon occupyna spot might be possible but then yu also have to start thinking of each weapons bulkiness and stability.

    I would like to see it when the East Front finally does arrive but hopefully by then that is the only thing left for the CM bunch to really worry about.

  9. As long as CM keeps a firm hand on production values, I think farming out some of the work is a great idea. I enjoyed CMA and thought it just as good (or perhaps even better with the updates included) than CMSF.

    In CMBN, you can almost get away with a sort of CM-North Africa at least with terrain in a limited way. After 1-2 Ostfront modules are out, it may be easy to create a Italy/Africa from Torch family as lots of stuff will have already been coded. Little effort (or moderate effort) with a big win for us.

    As for the name of the next module, lets call it "Brits n Chumps" as Monty could be a real D*#@ when dealing with us colonials. He would tell us one thing and deride us in the next letter when we were just following orders. I am just waiting to see if we get a Canadian campaign for Operation Totalize in the next module (Brian Reid, No Holding Back. Operation Totalize, Normandy, August 1944 (2009) )

  10. Could you not just create spots like you do in a normal vehicle and allow troops to occupy those empty spots? Is it the cover/concealment or what that would make it awkward to code? I imagine that some animations would be required but beyond that I do not see the difficulties.

    Was riding on tanks close to the front lines only done on the Ostfront? I have seen a few pics where troops were on tanks very close to the front lines (though these pics could have been staged).

  11. I know that meta-tiles are on the horizon but I would not expect them any earlier than the next family of games. I think for now we are stuck with what we have. Just not enough time in the day to get everything that you want into the system.

    That probably goes for the other additions that I would love to see in the map making module.

    1. Flavour objects pictures instead of numbers

    2. More independent buildings

    3. Water allowed in multiple levels

    4. Vineyards

    I think we have what we have as it would be very difficult to introduce new concepts within a game family. Even if introduced in a patch, not everyone would have the same patch and so vineyards would be vineyards in my game but perhaps yours will normal grass or wire fencing.

    It may be interesting to see what will be introduced for the next CB-Bulge game.

  12. Sgt Schultz,

    The concept of Meta-tiles has been around for a while and I think was first suggested by Steve Et. Al.

    The concept allows me to concentrate on something I think I can create a decent copy of, such as a railway station and use that along with the output from the experts that can make a great village. A simple way to use the best of all worlds. It can be clunky but would save me a lot of time and I think that the eventual output would be better.

    Of course, like all things it would depend upon the effort you put into this. If I just cobble together 10 meta-tiles and do not fix anything, then everything begins to look uniform.

    A great concept though but one I believe is on the back burner.

    I would love to send people my maps for some critiquing or at least post some pics of my map if I could just figure out how you posted your pics.

  13. I actually do want business' to show up as I need some bistro's and cafes. I know about the shift-click but with only 2 choices your towns begins to look a little too uniform. I used the Cafe Grammont example to be facetious. some 2-3 story skinny shop buildings would be most useful and look appropriate, perhaps with canopy.

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