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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Canada Guy

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Posts posted by Canada Guy

  1. You mentioned that in 2013 there will be 3 base game releases. You had only mentioned 2 Bagration and SF2. So does anyone realize that this means there is yet another base game up your sleeve.

    My god, you went from a leisurely pace to break-neck in days it seems.

    Now, do I get another job or start collecting cans in my spare time.

  2. What about not removing a casualty from the icons for that unit but rather put a red line through it to indicate a casualty (and perhaps it can flash for a few seconds if you have highlighted the unit).

    At the end of a scenario, I never know how many men have actually been incapacitated as they disappear from the info boxes and sometimes from the map.

    I like the little green/yellow/red dots but they also disappear after a while. Better to remain as red then I know how many men have taken casualties in the long run.

  3. It would be nice to know when the big thing will be announced. It creates buzz and we will stop bugging them about this until that time.

    So BFC, can you be a bit more specific abut when you will be telling us something?

    My thoughts of what it could be would be

    1. Italy (they have most of the units they would need and some of the terrain)

    2. North Africa (they have most of the terrain they would need and some of the units)

    3. Eastern Front (appeals to a different group of people and they could have 2 streams of games going with 6 months instead of a year between Module releases - assuming they have 2 teams working in tandem)

    I bought CM touch even though I will never play it just to give you some much needed cash (phil needs his own personal assistant). Even giving us a date f the bone would be nice :-{)

  4. Does this mean that there are actually 2 different states being held within this one field?

    OK, Cautious, Nervous, Shaken, Rattled - are short term states only - - Broken represents a long term state while the former represent something that is short term that has an affect upon your long term state

    E.g. Once you get to Shaken or Rattled, you cannot get back to normal but your lowest state can now only be Broken?

  5. Shaken and Panic are much worse than Broken in the game. Broken just has a yellow line around it but Panic and Shaken have a red line and you cannot control them.

    I do not like this as I find that this is counter-intuitive as broken means that you have broken and want to flee. Shaken and panic are levels of a state of mind that will lead you to flee. And rout should be before surrender. You are still attempting to preserve yourself. by surrendering, you are not actively trying to preserve yourself but are relying upon the enemy to preserve you. I have always been confused by this.

    It should be

    OK - Pinned - Shaken - Panic - Broken - Rout - Surrender

    but it appears to be

    OK - Pinned - Broken - Shaken - Panic - Surrender - Rout

  6. I am seeing if it is possible to mix and match some of the UI mods that are out there. Specifically,

    1. Marco's vehicle silhouettes (specifically the CM1 style) but not weapons silhouettes

    2. Marco's Calibers for each weapon (but again not his weapon silhouettes) I like Juju's weapons but I need caliber info (but not range)

    3. Marco's Suppression meter (the square one)

    4. Juju's weapons but not his vehicle silhouettes

    There are a few other items that I like and have installed them the way I like

    • Headquarters
    • Portraits
    • Music
    • Flames
    • Sounds bases
    • Branches with Flags
    • 18 of Aris' vehicles

    But like most of you, I have an idea and love the ability to get the game to look he way I want. It is a shame though that I have to choose one or the other instead of mixing and matching.

    Anyone have any ideas or any suggestions?

  7. I always thought that it was strange that you could buy Robin's eggs by the dozen in Japan. I lived in Kagawa-ken for over a year. You would need to buy 2 dozen for a decent sized omelet. Lived in Hong Kong for a while after marrying my wife (who is from Hong Kong) and found some of the best curry places there from displaced Indians. But also great fish.

    It would have been interesting to see if Britain would have accepted a cease-fire from Germany in early-mid 1941. I am not sure of anything would have changed except that there would not have been a push in the west to meet the soviet push in the east. Maybe a communist Europe in 1947-8

  8. Thanks, this is the exact set that I use. The problem is that of course they do not work on the Commonwealth module. The CW units are generic and I have forgotten what some of them are or just do not like the symbol. If I add this new set, it seems to erase the German set which I want to retain.

    What I am hoping for is a set (in a slightly different colour) for the CW units.

    I am hoping that Bill Lockton will re-write his mod to take the CW units into account.

  9. Is it possible to break this mod into 2 parts? One for the allied icons and another for the Germans. When I look at German units, I prefer to use the German symbols as they had used them. For the allies, I prefer to use the allied symbols as you have created in your mod. I hate to have to choose between one mod and another if I could just have the best of both worlds.

  10. I think you are correct about the terrain but I am not sure how it will work. Will we then have maps that are module specific, like we do scenarios?

    I guess that would be the case but I always thought that maps were agnostic with regards to module.

    I guess we will just have to wait and see what will be released in the MG module though before we see if the Odds & Sods will be worth the effort. I can see the reasoning of releasing another module like Odds & Sods as you will need these vehicles in other families and it will generate additional revenue but most of what we want will end up as standard in the Bulge or another family so unless you do not plan on buying the Bulge family (and who of us would actually say that), I see less justification for its existence.

    What time frame will the Bulge family be? October '44 - End of War (as I do not think they want to add snow terrain to the Normandy family)

  11. I thought that additional modules will not include any additional terrain?

    Units - YES

    Scenarios/campaigns - YES

    Terrain - NO

    UI upgrades (including armour arcs) - NO

    New types of unit behavior (e.g. Flamethrowers) - NO

    Weather (e.g. Snow) - NO

    So, I am also a little confused as to what beyond a few additional units, MG will introduce. Maybe they can combine MG and Odd & Sods into one for a richer module and get on to the next family of games sooner.

    Not sure.

  12. Take a vacation to pass the time?

    No way. I am taking next week off just to play Commonwealth. I booked it off 4 weeks ago and am anxiously awaiting the release.

    I have a extra-large Tim's coffee just waiting to be drunk by me as I revel in the action packed commonwealth module.

  13. Who would have thought that one little article about a little known Finn soldier would cause so much controversy.

    Having looked at BigDukes arguments, I have to agree with some of them. Sergei, you may be a little too close to the subject matter and may have some strongly held opinions (as I probably have about Canada) that would likewise also make it difficult for me to separate the Canadian interpretation from objective reality.

    The Finns were in a bad spot in 1940-45 but who is to say that Stalin would not have thrown greater weight against it if it thought it could get away with it. I have always been surprised that the West was so happy to cozy up to the USSR after what it had done to the Baltic countries and Finland. Who but Germany, did the Finns have to turn to for assistance, even if they were not supporters of the Nazi cause?

    Turkey is relevant in that it was in a similar situation as Finland. Bordering the USSR. USSR taking countries around it. But in Finland's case, the Soviets had already attacked it once. What would stop them from attacking again? Finland probably weighed the pros and cons and decided to try to preempt yet another attack on its soil.

    The Turks either received assurances from the West for the integrity of its borders to ensure its neutrality or the Turks did not want to jump on the wrong bandwagon until it was evident who would win.

    The Soviets acted just as badly as the Nazis did in many cases. (Substitute Ukrainian kulaks for Jews). Eastern Europe had very limited options especially after the West (Britain and France) let them down and the USA was in an isolationist period and they were exactly between 2 superpowers. At that time, the Soviets appeared worse than the Germans looking at 1930-1939. If you are going to be conquered, and you had no other allies, you picked the one that appeared to give you the best opportunity to survive. Germany looked like the better bet in 1939-40. By 1945 the Soviet Union looked like the best of all worst choices. What other choice does Romania, Hungary or Finland have in 1940-41?

  14. I am not sure of the accuracy of this post but even if 1/2 is true, I want him on my side in any fight between me and a few hundred men. I wonder how this guy will be modeled?


    Simo Hayha: Soviet Invasion of Finland, 1939

    Simo Hayha was a pretty regular guy in peace time. He was in the military for one mandatory year in the 1930s and then he turned to farming. But when the Soviet Union invaded Finland, he decided to become a one man wrecking machine to the Red Army.

    Much of the fighting happened in the forests of Finland. So Hayha figured he could best help out by grabbing his rifle, some canned food and hide out in the forest sniping Russians all day. He did this in 5-6 feet of snow in the forest in temperatures as low as -40 degrees F.

    The Red Army knew they were taking heavy casualties in those Finnish woods, but they figured, that’s the cost of war. Then they found out it was one hick farmer with a rifle. So they started to send out teams to kill ‘The White Death’ as he was known, because of his white camouflage suit.

    The first team the Russians sent out, Hayha killed. The second team, a group of counter snipers, Hayha killed. Over 100 days, this bad ass killed 542 men with his farmer’s rifle. He killed another 150 with his submachine gun.

    The Red Army started to carpet bomb everywhere they thought he could be. He did once get hit by bombs but the shrapnel didn’t hurt him.

    He did finally get shot in the head on March 6, 1940, and half his head was gone. But he still did not die. He regained consciousness on the day the war with the Soviets ended.

    By the way, this bad ass gets genius bonus points for putting snow in his mouth so his exhaled breaths were not visible in the subzero temperatures


  15. I want a way to re-man a gun if you have accidentally abandoned it.

    I did that with one of my AT guns and the guys just sit there and looked at a perfectly healthy gun. I cannot figure out a way to get them to re-man it. Have it act more like the deploy weapon button as you can flick it on or off and it will not come into effect until the turn start rather than have it instantaneous.

  16. If that is a Mk III, I would hate to see the Mk I.

    As for Campaigns, I would have thought they would have tried Operation Totalize as it includes, Canadians, Brits and Poles. It was exciting, bold and included some very wacky situations.

    There is a good book I just read for my Military Book Club

    No Holding Back: Operation Totalize, Normandy, August 1944, Brian Reid

    I would be very surprised if someone did not try to create this operation as a campaign. Too bad I suck at scenario making or I would give it a try.

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