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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. It isn't, there have been some studies using FAE bombs dropped from aircraft, but I don't think it worked well enough to really pursue. You need enough overpressure, for long enough to trigger the fuses, not fragmentation effects.
  2. What he said! Edit: Which brings us to The_Capt's bit about defensive primacy.
  3. The autoloaders function is too throw the turret 50 meters into the air, and insure that the crew doesn't suffer if the turret is armor is penetrated by pretty much anything.
  4. So this brings us to the next question, can whatever faction that is sort of in charge be convinced to get out of Ukraine? Or are they going to keep the meat grinder running until Russia doesn't have enough state capacity left to keep itself together? Because those seem to be the two most likely outcomes.
  5. Actually that has happened any number of times, the Chinese are particularly adept at it.
  6. Dang it I am going to have to breakdown and learn to use Telegram, simply because twitter has lost its mind.
  7. A little bit too optimized for counter insurgency, but a good example of what is coming down road now that Ukraine has proved beyond all doubt how valuable small drones are.
  8. Aren't a lot of Rosgvardia uniforms mostly black? They could either be desperate enough to send a bunch more of them to the front? Or maybe they just had a stack of the uniforms that were handiest thing to hand out?
  9. I thought the dark spot was a second guy, still leaning towards an off route mine.
  10. I think the running guy was riding on top of the BMP and jumped/fell. I think another guy falls and then doesn't even twitch, not his day. Two more guys come out/off the bmp after it stops and follow the first one. Having watched this too many times though I am leaning towards an off route mine in the pile of debris it is driving past when the boom happens. Edit: and now I am less sure about the first running guy falling off. Maybe he did kill it with a RPG, or triggered the afore mentioned off route mine.
  11. Mine, missile, main gun round? It doesn't have the smoke streak I associate with heavy heat rounds.
  12. I think the far larger problem is that it has taken a year longer than it should have to even start ramping up munitions production. They still haven't even signed a quarter of the contracts they actually should have, much less poured concrete and ordered machines.
  13. Edit: He used a ton of emojis and symbols, I can't get it to post as plain text in any legible way, sorry.
  14. Guys going back to the front with prosthetic limbs, just indescribable determination.
  15. Well here is a nifty video of two Russian Uragan 9P140 MLRS going boom. For the record a cope cage doesn't make much difference to a GMLRS, none actually. I would argue that the the Russian evac/medical system has always been so bad that deterioration would be hard to notice.
  16. Ugly, but in the long term it will get a lot more Russians killed. It just inclines the Ukrainians to throw enough explosives into every single trench to be very sure, and keep moving. It makes it rather more difficult to surrender.
  17. Russian artillerists demonstrated an excellent case of friendly fire on Orikhiv direction. These are interceptions of Russian conversations while it happened. I've made a translation for you. I wonder if this is the usual Russian incompetence? Or if Ukraine is starting take advantage of Russia's abysmal coms situation and feeding in bad orders. It would be rather special if the battery was talking to someone it thought was Granite, and he was calmly saying repeat mission, your killing them. Of course who them is is rather important.
  18. And convincing the Russins they can't just outlast the NATO's will to fight is essentially the entire ballgame here. The head of the IAEA should be the next guy to run the U.N., it is the only international body in this entire war that has done its job. The people who have volunteered to go to the occupied nuke plant and try to keep a lid on Russia's stupidity are as brave as anyone in this war.
  19. Actually it has one, and one only. It involves bleeding and staggering, but somehow not outright failing until the U.S. election in Nov 2024. I think it is unlikely to work since among other things I expect the Russian Army to implode by the end of August. But that is the only plan Putin has left.
  20. Darth Putin @DarthPutinKGB I condem Ukraine's use of cluster munitions so much i refuse to sign Russia up to the treaty banning their use and have been using them in the Donbas since 2014.
  21. I would point out that lobbing the German 155mm version of FASCAM into what the Russians thought were cleared lanes is how the Ukrainians smashed the Russians's many attempts to take Vuelhedar into smoking wreckage. Edit: The Russians seem to be doing it to the Ukrainians, too. And regarding crossposting above there is a big difference between tricky to use, and useless. FASCAM, and to a lesser extent DPICM are tricky, they are far from useless.
  22. The key part of this statement "they had other options". I am quite sure if if given the the choice between the full weight of the USAF and cluster munitions Ukraine would pick the USAF. Since that doesn't seem to be on offer, they will most certainly take the DPICM.
  23. The issue is does the Ukrainian push at Robotyne force the the Russians to commit reserves? Per Kinophiles EXCELLENT post a day or three ago Ukraine might punch five or ten holes in various places that the Russians manage to fill before they just run out of people to fill them with.
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