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Posts posted by TheVulture

  1. Russia reporting 3 people injured (with pictures of destroyed houses) due to 'shelling' in Golovchino, western Belgorod region. That's about 20 km from the border with Ukraine. Not impossible I suppose, but I'd have though that any Ukrainian artillery capable of firing > 20 km would have better things to do right now than lobbing a few shells at non-military targets just to be annoying.


  2. 29 minutes ago, Ts4EVER said:

    Probably initial gains that will have everyone freaking out and running around like headless chicken and then a slow fizzle out. Like the Ardennes, the 1918 offensives etc...

    Pretty much. Hasn't it been a pretty immutable pattern since the invention of the blitzkrieg that you can't realistically stop a mechanized attack at the point of the initial attack - you try and disrupt it, slow it down, and narrow the penetration frontage as much as you can and move reserve units to contain and eventually eliminate the breakthrough?

  3. I saw a report that Captain Aleksander Chirva, commander of the landing ship Caesar Kunikov (Ropucha-I class) has died in hospital from his injuries.

    Any confirmation of this? Would this be from when the Saratov was sunk at Berdyansk, and two other Ropucha class ships were clearly on fire to some degree as they sailed away?


  4. Sounds of artillery and small arms (machine gun) fire reported in Staroverivka (red icon circled in yellow on map below). Which seems oddly far behind 'front lines'

    (Karkhiv ring road just visible  in top left. Blue flags are villages reported captured by Ukraine yesterday. Red line in the bottom right is where the front line was considered a few days ago east of Izyum - there have been a lot of reports of fighting and Haiduk posted something about very heavy combat at Borova yesterday or the day before).

    This could be anything from spoiling attacks to stop Russia building up in its own time, through to attempts to threaten the supply lines, all the way up to an attempt to encircle the forces in Izym (which is where Russia has the highest concentration of BTGs right now).  As ISW has been saying for a month now, this is where the battle war is going to be visibly decided (ignoring for now that Russia's initial plan was decided (as  failure) as soon as the initial 'win in 3 days' plan was revealed to be fiction).

    At what point do we stop talking about this upcoming Russia offensive, and start talking about the "Izyum salient"?

    EDIT: On the down side, Russia has apparently largely gained control of Kremina (just near the red circle cut off on the bottom right of the image), although fighting is still ongoing there.


  5. 2 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    No, judging on display this is Stugna-P, just missile was lauched from upper storeys of the modular building  

    I trust your opinion on this more than my own :) And now you've said that, the missile trail on the screen does look very much like how Stugna-P missiles normally look (aside from the downward angle). 

  6. Not great quality, but video of TV screen showing drone footage of what appears to be a javelin hit on a Russia tank close to the Luhansk front line. The link doesn't say that it's a javelin, but stepping through the video frame by frame it looks like the last second or so of a javelin's top-down attack dive.



  7. 8 minutes ago, panzermartin said:

    On other news, Russia seems to want to exploit all the influence it has on Turkey. Today it was announced it is opening a consulate in occupied Northern Cyprus. Bad news for us. It will also mean they will attack the east med pipeline deal. 


    Turkey-Russia relations are complicated though (as are US-Turkey relations). They have conflicting interests in Syria and in the Caucasus. An in the black sea as well for that matter. In Ukraine, Turkey has called the situation a war and therefore closed the Dardanelles to Russian ships (and Ukraine's, for what that's worth).  But at the same time they also have points where their interests align.

    But I have a hard time seeing anything where Turkey is going to stick its neck out to support Russia in any meaningful way. There's nothing in it for them that would be worth antagonising the rest of NATO (of which Turkey is still a member - for now).  The EU and USA make up a large chunk of Turkey's foreign trade, and the financial kicking they would get for supporting Russia would be crushing. Plus having the whole of NATO unequivocially supporting Greece in its territorial disputes with Turkey in the Agean. There's nothing Russia can offer it that's worth even a fraction of what it would have to lose.


  8. 1 minute ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    I'm not sure what you did wrong, but I didn't write that message. I think something went wrong with your quoting.

    From what I've seen there might be a bug in the forum software if you keep the page open and keep hitting the 'show new replies' popup as more stuff gets added. It definitely screws up some of the embedded twitter links - someone will post a new link, and for me it shows a duplicate of a twitter message from further up the page (which usually makes the text they've just written make no sense). If you do a hard reload it sorts itself out. 

    I think I've seen some wonky stuff happen with quoting as well, but won't swear to that.

  9. Russian Ka-52 helicopter shot down overnight between Kharkiv and Izyum.  The tweet in Ukrainian seems rather idiomatic - google translate has the last sentence as:

    Pilots. And the "rescuers of Malibu" got pussies

    Hopefully a native speaker can enlighten us as to what this means - the context seems to suggest that the pilots and some of the force sent to try and rescue them were killed or captured.



  10. 15 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    From a trusted source in Kiev who has been keeping up on the news:

    • possibly Dniprorudnoe is now back in Ukrainian hands.  This is on the eastern bank of the Dnepr

    At first I thought that this seemed like an odd one, given where it is some 20km behind the nominal front line near Zaporizhzhia, and in the area of the Russia 503rd Motorized Rifle Regiment but then there was a report this morning of Russian forces firing artillery on Vasylivka train station, which is in the other largish town on that bank of the Dneipr and behind the supposed front line, so maybe it's plausible - or at least the Russians might have a 'front line' but don't actually have any troops in these towns and defence units have managed to infiltrate themselves in.

    Situation unclear. As always...


  11. There's already been a lot of talk over the last month about the possibly disastrous state of Egypt's economy and political systems as a consequence of the war - Egypt depended heavily on Russia and Ukraine for both wheat and cooking oil (see charts), so prices have gone up drastically there with Russia basically stopping exports and Ukraine being unable to either.

    In Egypt it was already the case that ~65% of child mortality was linked to malnutrition, and one of the countries in the world in the higher overall malnutrition brackets, and it's probably getting a lot worse in the immediate future.


  12. 40 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    we know anything else about this? Big deal if true. Mackay's heart is in the right place, but his entusiasm level can be a little high.

    Don't know whether that one is true, but it certainly fits in the picture - reports earlier today of two Russian columns being hit by artillery as well as a bridge near Izyum being destroyed with Russia vehicles crossing it, so there's a decent amount of disruption and friction being applied to the supposed Russian build up.

  13. Russia media claims that the Moskya is still afloat and being towed to port by tug.




    ▪️ The source of fire on the cruiser "Moskva" is localized. There is no open fire. Explosions of ammunition have been stopped.

    ▪️ Cruiser "Moskva" maintains buoyancy. The main missile armament was not damaged.

    ▪️ The crew was evacuated to the ships of the Black Sea Fleet in the area.

    ▪️ Arrangements are being made to tow the cruiser to port.

    ▪️ Causes of the fire are under investigation.



  14. 3 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    I trust this guy on 100% and more than official reports.

    Tranlation: "yes." [regarding information about cruiser Moskva hit]


    That's good enough for me to think it's very likely true: anyone who's been paying attention so have noticed that Haiduk isn't in the habit of posting rumours and sticks to information that can be verified.  And is usually the first person to point out when something isn't true.

  15. 3 minutes ago, BlackMoria said:

    I don't think so.  If I recall my limited military history of Zhukov, all problems were  nails to him and his hammer was to throw endless russian bodies at the problem until it was solved.  He was no Rommel or Guderian.  If this new Russian commander is cut from the same cloth, I don't expect any brilliant maneuvers from him.  He is old school Soviet military academy for one, and for two, the mud season will constrain any maneuvers.  I expect he will throw bodies at the problem in the hope that he can deliver the much need win that Putin wants for the 9 May parade.

    True.  And if I can channel the absent JasonC for a moment,  most of Zhukov's successes came when he was working with Vasiliev. Without Vasiliev, Zhukov gave us such gems as operation Mars which was such a disaster that it was expunged from the Soviet histories. 

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