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John Hugo

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Everything posted by John Hugo

  1. I must say, that the game is a whole lot better with the 1.01 patch. The U.S.A. doesn't just sit ther any more and my custom scenerios are not longer crashing with annoying errors. I hope H.C. will continue to improve an already great game.
  2. Why was the game changed, so that Germany can no longer declare war on Italy, as it historically? The beauty of the came is all the open ended possibilities. Why not at least have it as a selectable option?
  3. I keep creating a scenerio with rockets level 3, every time I save the scenerio, and reopen it the rocket tech level reverts to level one. Note: they are still level 3 but not upgraded. Sometimes, while just editing another unrelated part of the scenerio they also reset to level one. This is definately a very annoying bug, which I hope you can fix in the first patch.
  4. All good ideas guys! I should be all done by June 10th. Will keep you posted. I like the idea of a more realistic historical balance, where the Union may control the sea, but the Rebs have better calvery and much better generals. The Union would take a while to fully mobilize, giving the South a chance to win. I don't have individual states but have separte Indian areas (as other countries) like Oklahoma, I have also added Utah Mexico, Canada an a Northwest Territory. I plan to expand the map east toward Western Europe to set up convoys. By the way, I am again encountering the segmentation crash, would love to know how to fix it if anybody knows. [ May 22, 2006, 10:25 AM: Message edited by: John Hugo ]
  5. Thanks,I solved the problem by going around it. I exported what worked and redid what didn't. My Civil War scenerio is really awesome now. I made it slightly inaccurate by giving both north and south the same amount of cities, skilled generals, and resources. I did this to make gameplay more balanced, for fun. I also made all new icons and a new interface. It is really running well. Can't wait to release it to the community, to see what others can do to enhance it. I will be on vacation in June and plan to put in 50 hours work, to get everything right. I used rockets for artillery, corps and armies the same, and tanks for calvery. Battleships have been redrawn to resemble ships from the 1860s. The Moniter and the Merrimack are redesigned level 5 subs.
  6. I have built a really cool American Civil War Scenerio, and it works great except for one thing. Whenever I try to use my Confederate fleet of battleships I get the error: FAILED (animate_naval_combat): segmentation violation. I was hoping to share my scenerio with the community, but can't figure out what to do. My Union fleet works fine, and the scenerio also works when I delete the entire confederate (formerly German) fleet. Help please. EDITOR_APPLICATION root's creation <0000000001C30048> Routine failure. Exit [04/19/2006 6:59:07; 5.1.2600; 1024x768x32(1); v1.00.00] DIRECTX FAILED(make): dderr_exclusivemodealreadyset [04/27/2006 3:56:35; 5.1.2600; 1600x1200x32(1); v1.00.00] FAILED(verify_integrity_of_resource_research_values): Segmentation violation [ May 22, 2006, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: John Hugo ]
  7. O please Hubert please:A Global game would rock! Attacking Russia from Japan and Germany at the same time, a German and Japaneese attack on eastern and western U.S.A. would be awesome! And then we need a U.S. Civil War scenerio. I have my money ready Hubert, so get programing.
  8. All that has to be done is to give the editor the ability to change the minor powers just like the major powers. Plain and simple. The you can do whatever you want.
  9. The strategic map needs to be upgraded. I wish the terain part could be elimated in favor of solid colors representing each nation. The nations are not well defined. Solid colors would help you see the unit layout much better.
  10. Thank a lot Pzgndr. You must be the brains of the operation.
  11. Thank a lot Pzgndr. You must be the brains of the operation.
  12. Is there a way to create a new country like India or China, or is the game hardwired to include only the countries included in the game? It would be fun to launch a two pronged attack on the U.S.S.R. form Germany and Japan at the same time. Historically, that might have been successful.
  13. Is there a way to create a new country like India or China, or is the game hardwired to include only the countries included in the game? It would be fun to launch a two pronged attack on the U.S.S.R. form Germany and Japan at the same time. Historically, that might have been successful.
  14. I agree. It always drove me crazy in SC1 when France was not reunited after liberation. For now I just use the "no Vichy France" option.
  15. Why does the game include upgrade icons for minors when you can't even upgrade them? And yes some shared technology would be reasonable. Surely allies would help each other. Weapons like rockets are completely useless at their base technology level. I'd like a really tough Greece or better Romanian armies. And better Finns too. (They did fight the Soviets to a standstill.) [ April 27, 2006, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: John Hugo ]
  16. Is there any way to give minor powers higher technology? Also, is there a way to have minor powers do research?
  17. After a little support from Battlefront, I am now happily producing scenerion. Thanks again HC!
  18. Yeah, I already encountered the shift problem. I will take your advice and try again. thanks. (Still love the game)
  19. After many long hours, trying to build a custom scenerio with the editor, I have given up. It is hard to believe, that the editor was ever play tested, as any change which I make to a scenerio, no matter how small, causes the game to crash on the first turn.
  20. Despite bugs Hubert, your game totally kicks ass! Will be playing it for a long time.
  21. If you play as Germany and choose the script choice, that when Poland surrenders that USSR does not annex eastern Poland but Germany does annex western Poland, that is exactly what happens when Poland surrenders. But on the very next turn, when you move a unit on the new border between German controled Eastern and Western Poland, the game invariably crashes with the error message: failed (animate_tile_control_update_after_land_unit_move):segmentation violation. I have tried it many times and the game always crashes immediately. Most annoying!!! Please fix in 1st patch Hubert
  22. If you play as Germany and choose the script choice, that when Poland surrenders that USSR does not annex eastern Poland but Germany does annex western Poland, that is exactly what happens when Poland surrenders. But on the very next turn, when you move a unit on the new border between German controled Eastern and Western Poland, the game invariably crashes with the error message: failed (animate_tile_control_update_after_land_unit_move):segmentation violation. I have tried it many times and the game always crashes immediately. Most annoying!!! Please fix in 1st patch Hubert
  23. Thank you for the speedy reply. Since extending the map was the first thing that I tried (unsuccessfully) I just gave up on the editor somewhat annoyed. On a positive note, the game itself is excellent, and well worth waiting for. A huge improvement over SC1. I have already redesigned all the icons to be more like the Sc1, and am looking forward to a map editor which is fully functional.
  24. Just spent 3 hours trying unsuccessfully trying to make the United States bigger on the map. I am able to make the map longer on the north and south sides but have found it impossible to make the map bigger on the north and west sides. Every time, that I try to use the "shift contents" command, I have to wait a long time while the computer checks every tile, and then I get script error messages. Isn't there a simple way to add a few tiles in the north and west and compile the map, when all the changes are done?
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