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Everything posted by GSX

  1. No fantasy view here, I think SF looks way better than CM-1, but the original still plays better and feels better right now. Yes, different theatre of war and differing premise, but the reality remains that CM-1 is still a more immersive game. I know, its like comparing apples and beans but SF has no longevity, already the pace of technology is passing it by, whereas ww2 is set in stone technology wise.
  2. Man, Ive just read through this whole thread fest. Ive come to the conclusion that Im going to be disappointed with a lot of CM Normandy. So the yanks will be able to see all of the Nazi entrenchments. No big deal! However, its pretty fundamental to a Nazi defender not to have his positions shown to the enemy before the battle starts. The US historically took a lot of horrendous casualties in Normandy, especially in the Bocage, through hidden Nazi positions, now of course we are going to be told that air recce has sourced all of these! Ive been to Normandy a few times, most recently in March 2008, and I can tell you, in the surviving bits of the Bocage, you cant see **** from ground level at 100 yards, never mind air recce. CM Normandy is all about the US versus dug in German regular infantry, I dont think the US even faced the SS for months, or ever saw a Tiger for ages too. Unless BFC is planning a revisionist Normandy where the US faces the SS and Tigers in open terrain, where in reality the UK faced all the SS and most of the Tigers for most of the time, its all about small unit actions with a few tanks in very much closed terrain with hidden foxholes and trenches. The Germans were good, but not that good and the hidden defences gave them an edge that they wont have now. Still, its a game, not a simulation I suppose.
  3. Ah, maybe real time tactical then, not strategy. Sf is a cracking RT game when played at the lower scales, Platoon+. Maybe even company if the map is the right size. It could do with some things that RT games have. Any of the following: An automatic jump to an engaged unit, Ive seen that in RTS. It would get round the problem that you may be concentrating in one area and forget whats going on in others. An overall strategic campaign map for the campaign where you can choose which branch youd like to follow on the scenario tree. Assigning a number to a task group on larger maps. This would allow you to move a group of vehicles and Inf around to contact, say a couple of platoons and a few vehicles in each group. A minimap showing the disposition of your forces which you can click on to jump to a platoon etc, this would aide your overall sight picture as a battlefield commander. This minimap exists now if you zoom out far enogh, so why not have it reproduced for RT games. A true Mouse heavy management, clicking a unit or group of units brings up options for movement and fire etc. Just some thoughts though...
  4. Agree with the above. CMSF is a fun game, has some good things, some bad, its not perfect, but what game has ever been. As long as you approach it as a game and dont try to think of it as a true simulation, you will enjoy it for the most part. I think the review was fair and balanced. What you have to remember is that it wasnt a review aimed at those of us who have Cmed for years by a CM Grog. So given this, I dont think you can knock it. SF feels and plays like it was designed for RTS, so why not give it a more RTS like interface? His idea about grouping units may not be all that bad in certain circumstances.
  5. Do we know what units will be in CM-N, Im assuming here that like SF, there will be a core unit, Ard inf or such like, supported by various units. Then we may get a Para Module or mortain Module etc? I like using the actual names etc, would be a good addition.
  6. As Steve has already said this aint going to be happening in CM-N I think its going to have to be something were all going to have to deal with. Ah well, as long as the animations look good I can suspend disbelief. How come CM-1 had stuff you couldnt see until you got up to it?
  7. Bayonet training is used to focus aggression. I served with the Gurkhas once, same with their Kukri, it focuses their mind. Oooh, can we have a Gurkha Mod? Small Nepalese blokes who like to gamble and make the best curries youll ever taste! I remember one guy an ex Gurkha in Hereford in the 80's, he had a great curry house, youd fall out of the crystal Rooms and head straight there to have your head blown off!
  8. Hmm, but the whole point of training, retraining and yet more training is to discourage Mr numbnuts from doing this. Its banged into you day in day out that you have to give a proper report. You give a target indication that everyone understands. As in, enemy half left of point A, theres 3 of them moving left to right etc etc. Using a PRR means sticking to the same radio discipline as you would normally. Is not on open transmit, you have to push the button. Even the most stupid soldier knows his section commander will give him a rolliking for simply blarting over the waves. And in combat, everyone's arse is on the line. Actually, if your in a forest in CMSF, then your in the Poo! I dont think that highly disciplined and very well trained infantry are going to forget years of training. I cant imagine UK soldiers being so indiciplined, nor US for that matter.
  9. Ive used it through buildings, but your right 500m is pushing it, 2-300 is Ok. But in normal operation it makes life so much easier. No going hoarse through shouting and instant Borg spotting though, when one of your guys sees something you get it instantly. No matter, its still a big advantage to any infantry unit. It enhances already excellent unit cohesion for Brit soldiers.
  10. Yes, but how can you tell? I initially thought marines, they have a certain reputation here.....
  11. Mind you, Im not sure I like the upcoming Brit Gay Mod..... Maybe there should be a trousers optional button and we can forget the bloused or non bloused argument?
  12. I suppose if it modelled reality more and reflected reality more, then yes I would like the PRR reflected in the engine, as to the mechanics of how to do it, I havent a clue. But if it can be done I think it should be. These are real soldiers too....
  13. John, heres a bit more meat o flesh out the story.
  14. Seems like nothing really changes then http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/soldiers-in-helmand-unearth-british-rifles-lost-in-1880-massacre-842497.html
  15. Now graphically thats good, I like it. But mechanically? I think soldiers using it would automatically get some sort of combat bonus as it makes them that much more efficient soldiers. This is what the Brits say about it: As for graphics, well heres a shot of what could be Notice the trousers!!!!
  16. Back to my last question, which hasnt been answered by anyone who knows. Im curious if this COULD be done with the engine/game/whatever? Could the addition of the PRR automatically increase the command/efficiency/combat ability of the unit using it? After all, it does appear to do so in real life.
  17. I never thought Id spark a huge discussion on how to wear your trousers, however. The elastic bungees are optional and many wear them, but when standing up you generally pull the elastic down to the foot. 2 seconds running around and bending your knees causes the elastic to ride up. No big deal though but its definitely not tucked into a boot and half way up the leg. A tiny touch of realism adds to a game, just as the PRR would. What about the Minimi? I can only remember us having the Para version and not the one with a stock. Again, not that it makes a whole lot of difference. Again, the UK javelin is different and comes with a Tripod and has a more effective sight system too.
  18. Not sure an LAV would last long with crazy fedayeen barking at the back door... In SF that is, not RL. Honestly, I have had Humvees that do better than LAVs, come to think of it, in one scenario my Trucks did better. No kidding...... its a bullet magnet....... Still its a looker....
  19. No offence meant here, but isnt shades on a Marine in a night mission bloody eye candy too? I actually thought that was one of the big leaps forward in the CM-2 games, eye candy and all? Anyway, Im not sure SF can model a much looser infantry formation, as I understand it roght now, and correct me if Im a Biff here, we have 1-1 soldier representation, but not 1-1 soldier modelling in space. So no amount of PRR and aids to better infantry communication in the noise and heat of battle is going to change that. Perhaps using the PRR would make them more efficient soldiers, increase their relative skill level? After all, squad ncos wont be shouting vague commands over the din, they would be speaking clear commands over their PRR. Just a thought. If the Marines use something similar, then that should be modelled too....... Much more convincing then shades at night!!!
  20. Well for starters they should maybe be wearing them. No Berets though, not in combat. Perhaps a PRR would enable the Squad to be more spread out? 1.10 seems to have improved the 'lets all run in a gaggle' mode, but its still unrealistic to see a 13 man Marine squad hang around a door waiting to get in a building. Anyway, Im sure if they can stick shades on marines they can slap a PRR on some Suaddies. Anyway thats not a Beret, this is!
  21. TELIC is the Iraq Op, HERRICK the Afghan Op. There are a few others than encompass the war on terror etc. Back to the Brit Module, is BF going to be able to model this accurately? http://www.army.mod.uk/equipment/personal/1454.aspx
  22. Im easy, so my friends say........ BFC, what I want from my Brit Module is simple: 1. No stupid cockney accents. We dont all sound like that, get some regional accents. 2. Deliberate fire - yes. we Brits dont spray and pray. Deliberate fire means that, aimed shots at distance, auto possibly for the assault. Brit marksmanship tradition still continues and the L85 is a very accurate weapon. 3. Maybe insignificant, but paramount, Brit soldiers DO NOT tuck their trousers (pants if your US) into their boots. We like to have them round our ankles. Ive seen the vehicles and they look good, so follow my advice and youve got a sale.
  23. No mate, thats exactly what I thought too, so I clicked through every single unit and the only two able to see the marines vehicles are the two empty UAZ.
  24. No I actually meant I can understand...... As in your time should mainly be spent doing what you need to do to get things right, thats not to say you cant spend a couple of minutes explaining some major things ---- see my previous post.
  25. In no way am I blaming a non paid tester for anything that goes wrong with a game. They give their free time and efforts to test the features before I get to it. Kudos to them all. What often frustrates me personally, and frustrate may not be even the right term here, niggles maybe more apt, is that the I have to go find out information from a MB on a missing feature or major bug that is detrimental to the game I am playing. It would be nice and appreciated for the major things to be highlighted in a sticky thread. I consider a broken campaign to be a major thing. I dont consider the bug I get when looking at a squad and one of them is a crewman all that major as it does not detract from gameplay, so I wouldnt expect it to be highlighted. A simple statement that the Marines Campaign cant be finished but were working on it is better than finding out by roundabout means. I appreciate honesty, I try to be honest when making statements here. On the other hand I dont appreciate being ridiculed or written off because I have made my statements. Your job (BFC) is to make games and I understand that you dont necessarily want anyone to be put off your games by negative comments. My cover up statement wasnt meant to mean it was deliberately covered up, it merely stated that the perception out there was that it looked like another cover up job. I reiterate that I am enjoying the Marines module and SF in general, but all through this last 14 months or so I have continually come up against something that makes the game difficult to play. I also fully comprehend that unlike other companies that may put out 1 patch and move onto something else you have been constantly working on the game. The very size of your outfit means that you couldnt afford to do that anyway. However, for the $25 that I paid you for this game one of the main features cannot be used, the Campaign. So as it stands right now I got a few vehicles and bigger infantry squads for my money as I could have gotten every other improvement by simply upgrading to 1.10. In sum, your job is making games, my hobby is playing them, as long as the two keep meeting, then were both happy. A bit of honest information now and then goes a long way to help I think. Cheers
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