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Posts posted by slysniper

  1. Sly

    I don't think that I say this enough, but I really appreciate all the work that you are putting into this tourney.

    Are we still aiming for one month to finish this round? Or will the extra game lenght push it out a little further

    Since the first round was 6 weeks, I am planing on the second round being 6 weeks also. So will end at the end of November

    As far as why I am doing it, I am still trying to figure that one out also. When I was younger, I tried my hand at designing games, found it to be more challenging than I thought. but also enjoyed the challenge. Now that I am older and do not dream of that anymore, this is about the only game where I can design something and get a little enjoyment out of it. So why not run a tourney with my own rule system and get the challenge and fun from having to hear the good and bad comments from you Guys. Plus I get more feed back here than if I posted these at the Proving Grounds or someplace like that. You would see 400 downloads and only 2 or 3 comments,

    and they normally were not be consistant with each other. So I hope to get more feed back from you guys.

    I have to add that these are just my favorite games also. Replaced ASL for me.

  2. Thanks again Sly for putting this together, I lost all 3 games but I am tied for second place, I think that is really cool, for lack of a better word.
    Whoever said "losing isnt fun".

    Since for some reason all 3 scenarios results were one-sided, I like a format that does not pentalize you for which side you had a chance to play. I also do not think playing both sides in the same game is fair approach either. At least in this format, everyone is playing Blind, and the skills are based on playing a map with no previous knowledge of enemy Data.

    If you notice, we have a good mix in rankings, did not matter which side players were given, both sides have about the same results.

  3. U8led,

    Your actions was what paid off. I think you getting 2 points for your little action strategy only shows a flaw in the point system, but we're all in this to have fun right?

    I also think those of us who had to deal with byes were short changed in the end, due to no fault of our own. Then again, we're all in this to have fun!

    I think the system did just what it should have, if He preforms better than the other players playing the Brits he deserved the points, even though in this match that meant playing safe. I think he was lucky because I still cannot believe that no one won strongly with the Brits. During play test the Germans never won a match.

    The general tactic was to send a scout unit or two at one of the bridges with the complete force supporting one bridge to assault. Armor somewhat hidden but located to bring all five tanks to bear on the one crossing. Normally able to locate a tank or gun once the infantry started supporting the lead scouts, at which point if it was armor, arty would dump smoke, british armor would roll into place. As smoke clears hopefully 4 or 5 tanks firing on the one or two locations known of the enemy. The guns once revealed never lasted, arty or morters could pin them down and armor then would roll into place and finish them off. Of coarse the Germans would take out tanks with the first shot surprise because of hidden locations, I saw matches where two or three brit tanks are lost this way. But even in these matches the outcome was brit favor. Normally the 2 tanks and 2 Guns destroyed and the brits losing 3 or 4 tanks.

    Once the armor is gone, even if the Brits have only 1 or 2 tanks, the rest is how to mop up.

    The german never has all his units on one crossing, he must split his force and he does not have locations that can cover both approaches well. Thus the reason that massing on one approach does work and should work if played well normally.

    As to the one point for the bye, If there is 12 players, 2 receiving 3 points for the best player of the scenario. 2 receiving 2 points, and 2 receiving one. How is 1 point for a bye not fair, you gained more than 50% of the players that receive nothing. You are even with 66% of the field and have lost ground to only 4 players or 33% of the field. And this is adcheived by not having to play. That seems more than fair to me, but when things are not going the way you want, it must be the system (try again). Thanks for the imput but make more of a case if you are going to complain.

  4. Next round matches will be as posted. I did not want anyone to play the same person twice, let me know if I have missed that.

    Match #4

    Germans vs Americans

    Ozi Digger vs Major Tum

    melb_will vs Bertblitzkrieg

    U8led vs fiaros

    Gort vs Dinga44

    Walker vs K.A. Miles

    Warhammer vs Mikado

    Match #5 Norrey

    Germans vs Canadians

    BertBlitzkrieg vs Gort

    Fiaros vs melb_will

    K.A. Miles vs U8led

    Dinga44 vs Warhammer

    Ozi Digger vs Walker

    Major Tum vs Mikado

    Match #6 Ghost among the fog

    Germans vs Americans

    Melb_will vs Major Tum

    K.A. Miles vs Ozi Digger

    Bertblitzkrieg vs Warhammer

    U8led vs Dinga44

    Mikado vs Walker

    Fiaros vs Gort

    [ October 12, 2005, 04:51 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

  5. Neil aka Major Tum : Am confused - Did I to any good?
    You might get a point in the "Last road out", Need Mikado to send the match in, before I can assign points.

    You are not in good shape, Highest score of our leader will be 8 points. Keep in mind that you can score 3 points each match, Bonuses for winning with the weak side and in this round, also bonuses for winning a better rated player if you can do it above the matches adverage.

  6. Match #2 The bloody stream

    Germans vs British

    84/16 K.A. Miles vs fiaros

    78/6 Ozi Digger vs Zweihorn

    70/30 Walker vs Major Tum

    69/31 Mikado vs melb_will

    50/50 Warhammer vs U8led

    30/50 Dinga44 vs BertBlitzkrieg

    bye Gort vs Gavlong


    K.A. Miles 3 points

    ozi 2 points

    walker 1 point


    BertBlitzkrieg 3 points +1 bonus (weak side victory)

    U8led 2 points

    melb_will 1 point


    Gort 1 point

    Match #3 What were we thinking

    Germans vs Americans

    81/19 Dinga44 vs Major Tum

    76/24 K.A. Miles vs BertBlitzkrieg

    71/29 Gort vs Zweihorn

    71/29 Mikado vs fiaros (Modified Score by Slysniper, Americans were well defeated but Germans Score did not reflect it because match still had many turns to go.)

    65/35 Walker vs U8led

    63/37 Ozi Digger vs melb_will

    bye Warhammer vs Gavlong


    Dinga44 3 points

    K.A. Miles 2 points

    Gort 1 point

    Mikado 1 point


    Melb_will 3 points

    U8led 2 points

    Fiaros 1 point

    Zweihorn 1 point


    Warhammer 1 point

    Match #1 The last road out

    Americans vs Germans

    Bye Ozi Digger vs Gavlong

    score not sent Mikado vs Zweihorn

    80/20 K.A. Miles vs melb_will

    69/31 Gort vs U8led

    69/31 Walker vs BertBlitzkrieg (modified score 2% for Bert, challenged game award of a flag – Bert can show it in a after action report)

    68/23 Warhammer vs Major Tum

    61/39 Dinga44 vs fiaros


    K.A. Miles 3 points

    Gort 2 points

    Walker 2 points

    Warhammer 1 point


    Fiaros 3 points

    U8led 2 points

    BertBlitzkrieg 2 points

    Major Tum 1 point


    Ozi Digger 1 point

    Zweihorn will not be allowed to participate in round two, thus avoiding having bye's for any one

    else hopefully for this next round. Not something I really wanted to do but he was not able to finish any of his matches, that is just too slow of play for this type of tournament.

    [ October 12, 2005, 05:02 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

  7. Talk away, say what you will, and shortly I will have the scores and results posted.

    I will send out the scenario's, no problem. I do need to attach the briefings into them. Kingfish has modified his, he has a orig. version that is likely better, but I will send you what I have.

    You can do anything you like to mine, I have no issues with someone modifying or using my scenario's in other ways.

  8. I expect all games turned in before the end of the weekend, in other words. Completed or not completed they need to be sent in. Everyone will go into the next round unless you want to drop out at this time or if it appears that you have not made a good effort to complete your first round matches (my decision). This will have been 6 weeks for the first round, it is time to move on. From most request for time extension it appears the 6 remaining matches could be completed if efforts are made.

    I only have one player at the moment that I am questioning as to if I will take on into the next round because of slow play, all this will be determined once all the games are in this weekend.

  9. 8 years in the United States Marine Corp, Started out as a Grunt and was then put into a Sniper Unit.

    A few things about guys that have been in a service, they point that out in this forum trying at times to make their point seem correct because of their experence. As pointed out, their knowledge is still just the view of one person, and can be distorted.

    Seeing Battle does not make one any better at tactics or understanding War. It does normally stop them from wanting to play games like this, think about that.

    And third, even though this game is great fun. That you all want to make it potray real combat and do it correctly, you all take that goal way too serious at times. Keep the game playable and forget about getting everything right, no game is going to grasp the true aspects of combat in some areas anyway, or would the game be good if it did, just my view of it.

  10. Yes, I am afraid so, one out in "the bloody stream". Two out in "what were we thinking and 3 out in "the last road out". I have one player slow playing and have already mentioned to him if all his matches do not pick up speed and come in completed I will drop him in round two, thus solving bye issues. Will see real soon how this plays out.I will likely wait out the week for these games, but once I get a few more, will likely just call the others in uncompleted.

  11. I was wondering the same thing today, did a search and found out they started shipping to retail stores last week. Now I figure most retailers have distributing centers, so if they placed a order for the game, likely should start hitting shelfs this week or next. I also came across a U.S. site that had the new special edition for sale over the internet, Price $19.98

    and slowest shipping was $3.

    I can feel it coming to my machine real soon.

  12. The bog factor and speed of units in snow is dependant on the depth of the snow, to keep the map playable, the snow is not deep. The king tiger is the one that you do not want to remove from the road, that is almost a certain immobilization. Panthers were well designed for the snow, low ground pressure, nice wide tracks, light for the size of tank it was and so forth.

    [ October 03, 2005, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

  13. From all the set ups I have seen, no american unit set up had a reverse slope concept. I am afraid almost all the play test were more along that lines and the Americans did much better than if they tried to take the Germans on at any distance. Also I was surprised with poor placement of some units from what I saw, opening up to the Germans propably on turn one. If that happened to any of you, it sure did not need to.

  14. Ok, that is not so bad, Your correct. There should be a Company HQ, and it should have been there with the units, like I said, I miss setting up my leadership correct at times, so that should be added to the scenario.

    I forget to start with the larger unit and cut out what I will not use in set up, then when I construct it and start adding things I forget my upper units at times. As mentioned earlier , it has made me think about how I should go about inserting units once again.

  15. Melb_will

    I have two out still and one has asked for a extension, so unless I get the Rest of "Last Road out" which is taking longer because of game length and amount of units, the extension game can go until the Last road out is also in. Which I am wondering if it is going to run long, time will tell.

    quote: "Could you let me know when everyone has finished what were we thinking so we can discuss the OOB"

    Now, this is sounding pretty "grog". I am in for any conversation but I need to warn you that I love to get insights from grogs. But I do not limit design to what historical documention has to offer. For one thing, combat units are more flexable than most grogs seem to think or will stait could not be.

    I had a friend of my Dad's that served in Patton's Army as Recon for a armoured unit. Most of the time in a jeep that they had with more heavy weapons than a Platoon gets in this game.

    No way, the grog's would really complain in this game if I did that.

  16. In the two scenarios that Slysniper designed there were a number of independent units on the map. for example the guns in what were we thinking. However, there was little in the way of command for these units. Units in CM are heavily penalised for not being in command, would it be more realistic for there to be a commanding officer present to command the guns. and so on for the bloody river
    Part of the benefits of being the designer. When elements are attached to a unit, there command structure normally is not with them. Now if Battalion had sent a full unit of guns, then I would expect their leaders to be around, but when one unit is sent to support a smaller formation. They normally are under the direction of the company or platoon Leader they are attached to. That is how I look at it and design to. But thanks for the reminder, I do forget to load the battlefield with all them leaders that some of you think should be out there.
  17. Walker, I agree with all your points. Results in play test and play is just part of weighing the playability of a scenario. So in one sence, even though the Results are surprising me some, I am Glad to see the side I consider weak winning so many matches. I am just pointing it out to see what some of you will say as to how you see the Scenario's as for the Units given and if you felt you had forces that could possible had adchieved their tasks. So the Germans have done well in both of my Scenario's, my interest is in the Allied player side as to if they think they could win if given the chance to play it again, For "Bloody Stream" and "What were we thinking" or

    maybe a German player seeing where he was lucky because of missed oppotunities by who they were playing.

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