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Everything posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. What kind CPU are you running on, Bastey? Is it an Athlon?
  2. Online is where the fun is, Columbus, but you can at least get your feet wet with the bots. I hesitate to share these since they're kind of awful at the moment, but here are some tutorial videos that you can use to get started: Tutorial Videos As a CM player, you might want to just skip to the 2nd one. These videos were meant to be polished quite a bit (and there should have been more of them) before being made public, but since you asked for a way to get started feel free to give them a whirl. And, yeah, that's my nasal voice on them - I had a horrible cold while recording these.
  3. Another fantastic work, Toby. They keep getting better and more innovative, not only in terms of looks but also in terms of gameplay possibilities. I'm intrigued by a new campaign, too! Ah, those screenshots really make me want to whip out the commander's nanolathe and start building Cans and eventually Krogoth all over again. Oh, the lost hours playing TA... crushing your do-gooder, worthless Arm "resistance fighters". Bah.
  4. Track damage modelling is underway. Its absence has always been a serious problem. Poesel, here's what the current Apollo facing map looks like: So as you can see, it doesn't really take into account the finer details that you're already getting into. For weakening the "bonnet" and other such parts, you can map them to side or rear facings . It looks like you've already made a very good start.
  5. The updated demo is almost ready. Of all things, the installer is holding it up. (Grrr...)
  6. Toby, send me the model and I'll hook it up, complete with scads of them in your inventory so you can place them during deployment. Should be Cake. Then you can use what I send back to you as a template for any other stuff you want to add.
  7. You can write a bash script and save it with a ".command" extension so it will run when you double click it. The script would look like this: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">#! /bin/bash cd /Applications/DropTeam rm -rf nohup.out nohup DropTeam.app/Contents/MacOS/DropTeam -enterlobby false –hostmode server –lobbyname ThePainStation –numbots0 8 –numbots1 8 – dynamicbots true –password LookingGlass –gametype Objective &</pre>
  8. Yes, the textures are the same, but I'm talking about the material properties of the model, not just the colors in the texture. The diffuse color of the material surface needs to be raised in the modelling package. EDIT: And probably the ambient color, too.
  9. That's because DropTeam obeys the material color from the .obj file. You should be able to make your surface material brighter (a higher diffuse color) to lighten it up in-game to match other elements.
  10. People have been crashing with the Tuning.zip because inside of that zip file there is a file called: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Shrikep.physicalobjectgrop</pre>
  11. Bravo! The intro text about expected vs. actual mission parameters was great. It would be fun to flesh out an even more in-depth movie along those lines. And for that matter, anything you care to record would be great fun to watch. Please post anything you can! Watching the dropship crash in front of Alfa was a hoot in that one. This movie didn't only demonstrate that Alfa's gunnery skills are superhuman. It also proved that the rig he is recording these on is awesome. He has HDR on, at a high resolution, and is recording a movie, all at a high frame rate. The first thing that occurred to me is that I wish Alfa had been recording like this for the first two Upstart matches! I would love to watch some replays of those first 2 days. Alfa, would you be willing to drop in and do some "war reporting" on the Sunday matches?
  12. Emy, start with this and this. You can email the log to support@tbgsoftware.com if the drivers don't help (but they probably will).
  13. Yes, you did. Its now in the usual place!
  14. Why aren't we more creative in our use of 90mm turrets? DiVX Video (download it, don't stream it) The law of unintended consequences shows itself yet again... Now imagine how many of those you could use with jdevlin's truck.
  15. That's long overdue. Will definitely add them to the next release. Thanks, Toby!
  16. It's not hardwired in that way. Both of the tracks move and whatever happens, happens, physically. Is it not hard wired to magically turn the chassis. This simply happens as a result of the motion of the tracks while they contact the ground or objects underneath. So by changing the geometry of the tracks you can change the way the vehicle turns. For example, long tracks that are close together will make the vehicle very hard to turn. Tracks that are far apart (horizontally) make the vehicle pivot more easily. This is just one example.
  17. One thing that's very important is to do what you do when driving in Real Life, which is to take your foot OFF of the gas when turning. Especially in an all-wheel drive vehicle, it's very important to not have those rear wheels pushing you forward while trying to turn with the front wheels. Anyway, try being more delicate with that W key. It can have a tremendous impact on turning.
  18. Poesel, can you explain that again? I will probably agree with what you're saying but I don't understand it yet. The lateral friction is indeed lower, mostly to prevent rollover. What we really need to do is stop hardwiring it and give it to you in the XML so you can play with it yourself. Will do that. No. COM is definitely used for driving (and all other) physics. To unambiguously see its effect, try some huge numbers like -1,000 on one of the axes or somefink. This is the torque force applies to the wheels. It definitely has an effect (try really small values, for example) but remember, as you noted in your post, the THROTTLE is clamped over time by a different tag, so only raising this number won't make the wheels spin faster. But, for example, if you raised the wheel friction to a very high number and then tried to drive up a steep slope, you might need to raise the MaxMotorForce in order to get enough torque to make the wheels actually spin. Correct, more or less. At least, that's as well put as I could have done. It's actually "Error Reduction Parameter" and "Constraint force mixing", but your definition is good for their actual effects. Yes, there is a real brake. Holding X actually applies torque to the wheels to make them stop. It does not only set throttle to zero. However, with the increased mass of the vehicles, the amount of force applied by the brake is now too low and needs to be raised. Off for a test drive now. Wish me luck!
  19. Probably the single biggest performance improvement would come from reducing screen resolution. Are you playing above 800x600?
  20. bj, if you can email me 3 files then I can look to see what the problem may be. The files I need are: </font> Your system profile. Run the System Profiler utility and save it as a XML file.</font>Your DropTeamSettings.dat file. It's in your home/Library/Application Support/DropTeam directory.</font>The DropTeam.log from a game where the performance is bad (this is in your /Application/DropTeam directory).</font>
  21. Download the DDS Texture Pack: A quick and dirty, but FAST, mirror Only if you really need to, direct from us. Please use the mirror instead if you can. Both of these are the new, updated texture pack. [ February 03, 2007, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: ClaytoniousRex ]
  22. Demon, with the latest 1.2.1 release, please run the game so that it fails to start again, then look for a file called LaunchCore.log in the DropTeam\bin directory. There should be one line of text in that file. What does that one line of text say?
  23. Just drop this one into your DropTeam/lib directory.
  24. There should be a file called Update.log in your DropTeam directory. Can you please email that file to me? And not to worry; even in the worst case you can just download the manual patch anyway (but let's look at the log first and try to fix your updater!)
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