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Everything posted by Sabot6

  1. With much help from the good folks over on the CMSF forum, I've fixed the problem that was preventing me from downloading scenarios from the repository. Flushed with success, i just downloaded this mod for SCGC, but I must confess I'm not sure where in my SCGC folder to put it? Could someone please let me know where I should install the folder (I tried the "Campaigns" folder, but that didn't seem to work). Thanks in advance!
  2. Success! There's something funky going on with IE8, but it downloaded like a dream with Firefox. Thanks for everyone's help!
  3. Thanks, MeatEtr! I did what you suggested (clicked on the "accept terms" button, got the dl box to pop up and saved the file to my "scenarios" folder in my CMSF game file), but unfortunately all that gets saved is a 43.2KB php_auto_file entitled "index_9.php. I've tried left clicking and right clicking, and all that happens is that I get a message which tells me that my Adobe Reader application cannot read the file....Interestingly, after I saved the file the dl box reappeared and queried me to download "index_10.php", which seemed odd. Anyway, I'm at a loss about what to do next and if you have any other thoughts, I'll happily give them a try. Thanks again!
  4. I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. I tried to download the scenario "Rescue" from the repository, but all I was able to get was a 40.6KB PHP file (I tried to save the file to my "Scenarios" folder in my CMSF directory). Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance!
  5. I've searched the forum as well as the manual, and I can't find the answer to a quick couple of questions on the "convey raider" mode. While playing the Axis, it now seems that at the start of every turn, the "convey raider" mode is automatically turned on for several of my ships (but curiously, not all of them--I don't see a pattern, either). Should I leave it in this mode as the default, or does it impair other forms of combat (e.g., ship to ship; ship to shore)? If I don't want to leave it on as a default, is there an automatic way to toggle off this mode for all of my ships at once (rather than clicking on each ship individually to turn off "convoy raider" mode"), and just toggle it on when I plan to raid merchant shipping or a convoy lane with a particular ship? Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi, Everyone-- After finally figuring out how to capture Warsaw in one turn under 1.01, I'm now having difficulty accomplishing this with 1.02 (perhaps it has something to do with the two air intercepts now allowed?). Has anyone been able to capture Warsaw in one turn under 1.02? Thanks!
  7. When may a FO turn its attention away from its target without jeopardizing the success of the fire mission? For example, if the FO team has a confirmed fire mission may that team engage the enemy with its personal weapons or otherwise break its LOS to the target while waiting for the shells to be fired; once the shells have begun to be fired (I believe the radio call is "begin fire mission" or equivalent); or once all of the shells have been launched ("end fire mission", I think)? Thanks!
  8. Thanks, everyone, for your quick replies! My recon squad had not yet fired their javelin at anything, and was in a superior overwatch position on top of a dominant hill. I had them with a covered arc to their front, and as my previous turn ended they had spotted the BMP but the BMP hadn't spotted them (yet). I was a bit nervous as I saw two of the squad members aiming with their AT4's, but I assumed that they would switch to the Javelin. At the start of my next turn, of go the AT4's and back comes the return fire, with predictable results.... :^) One thing that might have prompted them to use the AT4's was that they were not in as deep cover as I would have preferred, but were instead at the edge of a wooded area and frankly, a bit outside of the wooded area on top of a small hill that dominated the area. Perhaps they felt that it was only a matter of time before the BMP (or something else) saw them, and hence they used the AT4's (BTW, does a CLU need to cool even if it hasn't been fired yet--does this have to do with target acquisition?). And to answer another question, there was nothing bigger out there that might have resulted in them wanting to save the javelin for a meatier target.... I guess I was suprised that the AT4's even entered into the equation, given the range of 450 meters...?
  9. A quick question: is there any particular reason why a recon squad, ~450 meters away from a Syrian BMP, would fire three M136/AT4's rather than use a Javelin? I thought that the maximum recommended range for the M136/AT4 was 300 meters...? Is there any way to ensure that they use the Javelin in such a situation (I could see my pixeltruppen with their M136/AT4's out, but I assumed that one of them would exchange it for the Javelin that the squad was carrying: one launcher and three missles, with a clear LOS to the target)? For those of you wondering about the outcome, it's what you probably would expect: one round went wide and two fell short, and then the BMP chewed up two of the squad members. Thanks for any insight or advice!
  10. I was extolling the virtues of SC:GC to my son's friends today, and one of them mentioned "WWII: The Struggle for Europe & Asia". It is apparently a board game played with miniatures--does anyone have any experience with this game? Just curious....Thanks!
  11. Perfect-- Thanks for the pointer!!! And the Spanish briefings should be fun, as it will give me a chance to see if my kids really are paying attention in Spanish class at school.... :^)
  12. I'm looking for a small to small/medium-sized scenario for CMSF (base edition--not with the Marines or with the British module) for a PBEM match. With the repository down, I was hoping someone could point me and my opponent in the right direction for a good scenario? Thanks!
  13. Hello, Paper Tiger-- I've upgraded to 1.21 and have the Marines Module, and I just downloaded "Second Storm" and saved it to my Scenarios file within my Game Files directory. When I try to access the scenario through CMSF, however, it doesn't show up in the game. Additionally, when I checked the "Second Storm" file that had been saved, I noticed that it's an RAR file while all of the other scenarios are BTT files. Is there something I need to do to convert the RAR file to a BTT file? Thanks!
  14. I've upgraded my Marines/Base Game CM:SF to 1.20, but plan on getting the British module shortly. Is there any problem installing the British module on top of my already updated Marines/Base Game files? Thanks!
  15. I'm curious if there's an algorithm in operation to inject a random element surrounding when countries surrender once their capitols are captured? In my current game, I conquered Paris and chose not to mop up the remaining French armies, assuming that at the end of my turn France would surrender. To my surprise, France soldiers on for at least one more turn...! Is there a (small) random chance that countries don't always fall on the same turn that their capitols are occupied, perhaps because friendly troops are nearby? Thanks!
  16. I was wondering why the RAF cannot be operated to Egypt after its capture by Germany (German Air Fleets can be operated to Egypt and back...)? I can operate the RAF to other parts of the European continent, but cannot get it it Africa.... Thanks!
  17. Hi, Are there any accepted strategies for the Allies and for the Axis for building our Corps versus Armies (i.e., should one build out all the Corps first; all of the Armies first; a ratio of Corps to Armies)? Thanks! Sabot6
  18. Thanks so much-- That must be it! I'm looking forward to playing these new scenarios!
  19. Redundant post deleted (and sorry for hijacking your thread).... [ October 04, 2007, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: Sabot6 ]
  20. Hi, Stikkypixie & Mark-- Thanks for the fast reply, and indeed all of my PBEM files were there in the "outgoing mail" folder; and you were right, there were a ton of them.... :^) Thanks! Unfortunately, my stupidity doesn't stop there. I tried to play "PBEM" with myself to test that I know what I'm doing, and I clearly don't. I save the emailed files in the "Saved Games" section and can see them through the main menu, but when I click on them to actually play the scenario I get prompted to enter another password and save, but I can never seem to get into the scenario itself...! I've done several iterations on this, but no luck. I've checked the manual again and can't find the directions to do this properly (please feel free to tell me to "RTFM", but just tell me which pages!), and I know it's pure operator error on my part. This is embarrassing, but I really do want to play PBEM at some point! :^) Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have.... Best rgds, Sabot6 P.S.
  21. Hi, Mark-- I'm new to CM:SF but have played a lot of CMBB and CMAK, and I have to confess that I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong with PBEM here. I've downloaded, unzipped and saved the scenarios to the CM:SF "Scenario" file and I can see them from the game itself. So far, so good! Then, when I try to create a PBEM game (click on scenario, select Blue Force, etc.), provide a password at the prompt and click to save the game, I'm immediately returned to the main menu screen. I don't enter the scenario at all and when I check the "saved games" section, nothing is there...? This also happens when I try every scenario that came with CM:SF as well as all of the QB's (I know that not all of the QB permutations are populated, but I pretty much went through them all one evening and could not get a single PBEM game to load. Perhaps this question belongs in the tech forum area, but I thought you might be able to explain to me what I'm doing wrong (something obvious, I'm sure!) given your efforts in developing these PBEM scenarios. Thanks! Sabot6
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