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Everything posted by Mick782

  1. I can follow your agumentation, but hmm... First, it never happened to me, that the AI moved Axis HQs at the Endbattle far away from Germany...maybe because they are high Priority Tagets for me... Ans second...if Germany is really defending own Ground, NO German HQ should leave Germany...the other way would be right...all HQs outside of the Homeland should return Asap. So no need to play with numbers what should or what should not...its the last Battle, so every man should be defending and not moving around in other Countrys.... Just my 2 cents
  2. Maybe for Historical Reason ? When the Americans moved on in Italy, the Germans sended Troops and stopped the Americans at Monte Cassino. Then the Americans tried an amphibian Landing at Anzio to surround Monte Cassino and other German Troops attacked them...the Italian Army wasnt strong enough to stop them. But Italian Troops in Germany at the End ? Hmm...no clue...the Italians gave up some time before when Italy was occupied by the Americans....
  3. Great FAQ, but one Question is still missing...date of release ? Ok...only a Joke... Good work...like alle the others here, i cant wait to test it
  4. I hope not...this part of game is already in the strong hands of the patisans I mostly play the axis side and it is always a bad thing if you read again, that partisans capped the supply routes or new partisans spotted in Yugoslavia Even if they are very weak...they bind troops i really could use at the front
  5. Hi all, i have some questions and i dont know if this was asked before, but maybe you can help me regardless of this first, i looked at the Feature list and the forum but i didnt found any informations or screenshots about artillery. I i know that there are rockets but how about the "regular" artillerie ? Espacially for the russians it was very important, but every other country used them too in huge numbers...even more then tanks. second...multiplayer... i never played SC1 in multiplayer mode but how about SC2 ? I know that there is a multiplayer mode, but how can i find another player ? Is there a IP list somewhere ? Or can i multiplay it only with email ? I hope, that i dont need gamespy...im not a friend of it...brrrr... Any Infos about this already ? Are there any infos already about how to purchase the game and the prize ? Im from Germany, so it might be not as easy for me to purchase it as for the most other players here Oh, and another question because i readed the "production delay" thread.... How long will each round be ? One Day ? A week ? two weeks ? a month ? or can i adjust this for myself ingame ? greetings from Bavaria Mick [ September 07, 2004, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Mick782 ]
  6. Well, maybe it will be too complex and make the game unplayable....but i agree to some of Retributars Ideas. I remember PG 1...i played it for weeks, month...years over and over again. Then i saw SC 1 and i like it very much...still playing it...and then i thought, a mix of both would be perfekt. Lots of different Units with different strenghs compared with a world map, science&productions and political aspects... Until today, there is no game that contains both...there are some strategie games like SC with few unit types but large maps and tons of games with hundreds of different units but only playable in small scenarios or missions. I really would like to see a game, that have all of this in one game...but the other side of the medal is, that this would be very hard to realize...
  7. Yes Seamonkey, i agree with the paratroop/transport idea. That would fit perfectly. If there are Paratroops in SC2, then we need a seperate Transport plane on both sides which could be used for Supply duties too (like in history). The Germans didnt use any kind of "glider" for Paratroops (in fact, they hat only very few of them) but for the Allies, the gliders were pulled by DC3 as far as i know, so it would be historical correct. To quote you "but remember AFs represent many airplane/jet types" maybe that is the true for the Allied airforce...i dont know, but for the German Airforce, espacially in Russia, its not true. There were only small Airfields at the frontline mostly used by Fighter Squadrons. The Bombergroups stayed mostly behind at seperate Airfields with only very few Fighters (mostly reinforcements or supply) at the same Airfield. The Bombers were placed in safe Areas, took off and met their Airsupport close to the frontline because of the limited Range the fighters had. For the Allies it was nearly equal, but there Airfields in England were close together...and they had enough fuel so it wasnt that important for them.
  8. Hi all, im pretty new here, but i readed most of the Topics allready and still have some Questions First of all, is there any release Date already ? Q4 isnt very precisely and maybe it will be later.... Where can i buy SC2 ? only on CD in a shop or can it be Downloaded here and payed with a Credit Card (i.e. like GalCiv)?
  9. Thats not exactly the true...Stalingrad was very important because of the 4 supply routes that met there. Oil, Coal and Ore were needed in Germany and all this runs through Stalingrad. The other point was the moral effect to capture a City with the Name of the russian Leader, so Hitler ordered to take it and with all the Victorys in the past, it seemed to be just another Town which could be taken easily... After the surrounding of the 6th Army, Göring said, that he can easily supply the 6th Army from Air. That was the biggest mistake and one of the biggest lies in the war, because the german Airforce wasnt able anymore to transport around 500 tons a Day of supplys because of lack of supplys, Planes, Crews and missing fighter cover...and anybody knew this at this time, even Hitler but he wanted this Town at all costs and still believed that a German Soldier is worth 10 enemies... (sorry, my english is not as good as i wish ). Ok, back from this little historical lesson, i have to say, that the idea of Airsupply is really great....but to use a Fighter Group for it isnt very historical and i dont like this idea. Its a small difference between a german FW190 fighter and the common JU52 transport plane Maybe there should be some extra Unite type "Transport" for this...the Allies had a DC3 as far as i know while the Axis had the JU52...i think it isnt to hard to add
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