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Posts posted by aesopo123

  1. July 28, 1940:

    The German 8th Army and 14th Army, combined with air attacks destroys II French Corps. The lone French 4th Army was isolated to the north and was promptly dispatched by combined attacks by the 4th and 10th Armies supported by air attacks.

    3rd army and XVI Panzer assaults IIII Corps reducing it by 90% strength.

    The Italian 1st Army assaulted III Corps inflicting 20% casualties versus its own 10% loses. The II Italian Corps assaulted VI French Corps, defending Marseilles, to no effect.

    Paris is expected to fall by the First week of August as it now facing the following German forces: VIII Corps to the NW, 4th Army to the N, 8th Army to the NE and 3rd Army to the SE.

  2. I think wasting 600-1000 mpps to delay the Germans a few turn turns is not a wise investment. The allies could not match the airpower and HQ organization Germany had in 1940. I am still for the early massive Dunkirk idea and I am willing to take on anyone on the same bid 1:5:20 (UK, US, USSR) if they would take the axis. Britain is wasting resources they could ill afford to squander. Germany could easily match attrition loses in the Army and Airforce. Where the heck is your navy Trapp?

  3. III and IIII F Corps were destroyed by combined land and air raids. 8th Army was restrengthened and XVI Panzer raced into the Ardennes. XIX Panzer also raced into the front vacated by the III F Corps.

    OKW is still holding on to the projections of reaching Paris by July 1940.

    Mass refugess were seen streaming from the front clogging major roadways and hindering French reinforcements to the front.

  4. The French III Corps was decimated by German airpower while II Corps was reduced to 10%. Also coordinated attacks on these corps were performed by 4th, 14th, 3rd and 8th Armies. 8th Army went into the French gauntlet vacated by the defunct F III Corps. Manstien was worried about it's exposed position but hoped air support would protect it.

    French forces were seen hurriedly trying to dig trench defenses and recreate WWI conditions for the invading Germans. OKW had pushed it's table protections of reaching Paris by mid-July 1940 and Il Duce has sent an encrypted message that he would join the war at that point.

    Goering still gave an optimistic assessment of the strength of the luftwaffe and reassured Manstien of total air superiority.



    AFP- Berlin, March 30, 1940 - Radio Berlin reported that Adolf Hitler was assasinated while playing with his rubber duckie and toy submarine in his bath. His assailants are unknown at this time. High Command has issued a communique stating strong suspicions that a British commando squad infiltrated Hitler's HQ when a truckload of prostitutes were ordered by Hitler was not scrutinized by his security.

    Gen. Manstien was appointed commander-in-chief by consensus at High Command.

    Gen. Himmler was summarily executed and the Gestapo SS was disbanded after a failed coup against Manstien. The SS waffen was integrated into regular Panzer formations.

    Manstien vowed to vigorously pursue the war and ordered the German economy to be at full war footing and mobilization.

    Il Duce sends his congratulations to Manstien and gives a secret promise to attack the southern French front when the opportunity arises.

    While London and Parliament was celebrating for the disposal of the bohemian corporal, Churchill, in his office overlooking the river Thames, had a maligned and distressed look on his face. His aide asked him what was wrong?

    The old bulldog replied "Against Hitler, it was a matter of time when we would triumph. Now, we need all the time to stave off defeat".

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