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Posts posted by aesopo123

  1. On March 3, 1940, Hitler violated the low countries' neutrality and sweeped their resistance within a month's time exposing the northern borders of France. Spitfires have tried to provide air support but of no avail. Goering ridicules the Briton's feeble air coverage. He predicts he would be able to bomb Britain into submission and win the war through air power alone.

    BTW, Col. Guderian was shot for speaking ill of Doenitz and the High Command. An unknown private by the initials of FF is being sought by the gestapo, any information leading to his arrest and summary execution will spare your family's lives.

    [ May 22, 2004, 01:12 AM: Message edited by: aesopo123 ]

  2. Poland layed in ruins as the remnants of the badly demoralized Polish Armies and diminished airforce tried to flee to the east. A Polish Corps and Army was trapped in the middle of Poland was easily destroyed. The gods intervened and gave the Poles a reprieve when we had a power outage... grrrr. 2nd time again destroyed the remaining Polish airfleet to the east and the Polish Corps that was defending it's front. Poland capitulates and yielded 343 mpps. Axis raiders sunk 16 mpps of allied shipping.

    There is a bitter dispute in high command to whether to secure the Scandinavian resources or immediately launch an attack on the wine guzzling swines.

  3. Fall weiss commences...

    General Bock knew he had to neutralize the Pomorze Army blocking the northern approach to Warsaw. 4th Army bypassed the Polish front lines and struck from the northeast inflicting considerable damage. 8th Army was ordered to march north to hit the weakened Polish defenders from the south. The 1st Polish Airforce was forced to sortie against the II Luftlotte as it was pounding the remnants ot the Pomorze formation. The PAF suffered a 30% casualty rate. The Poles valiantly held on and it took the Wermacht II Corps to finish the job.

    General Rundstedt asked the fuerher to release the 3rd Army to hit Warsaw as part of his plan to capture Warsaw. The 3rd Army was released from Konigsberg to hit Warsaw from the north which severely battered the morale of the Polish Army to see their capital attacked in the first few days of the war. XIX Panzer blitzed through the tattered Polish formations to hit Warsaw from the northwest. Rundstedt ordered I and IV Luftlottes to start bombing the beleaguered Warsaw defenders. The Poles defended valiantly and still held on to Warsaw. XVI Panzer raced through the front to hit Warsaw from the south and it was all over for the Warsaw Corps. VII Corps victoriously marched into Warsaw and attacked the airfields of the 1st PAF to the east reducing their strength to 30%. XXIII corps had to be operationally moved into Konigsberg to protect it against the Polish Modlin Corps. VIII Corps advanced to the northwest of Poznan Polish corps to engage it.

    The remnants of the Polish government fled as it's calls for aid went unheeded in France and England. The Polish Army has now lost their major supply source and has had mass desertions.

    Lodz Army was still standing fast on the front but it was reduced to 50% strength after combined attacks from the 14th and 10th German Armies.

    Doenitz ordered an aggressive campaign for the Atlantic and Britain lost 14 mpps to submarine wolfpacks.

    The skies are dimming for democracy... Sieg heil!

    [ May 20, 2004, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: aesopo123 ]

  4. Come on folks! Anyone else who have done this at this level and give us a short description of what you did. I am trying the axis right now at expert level and giving the AI plus two experience. No free French. It's a little (yeah right!) difficult. It seems you have to sit tight on the Russian front and deal with the UK with sealion (please do before they start bombing the hell out of you and you take massive losses because of their increased experience) and hold the eastern front line as the mountains in your eastern front provides excellent defensive terrain and just stack army units on your other hexes. I have to push tech 5 levels in infantry and 3 in jets, and two in armor to roll the USSR.

  5. Just thought we should have an updated running list of people who are able to take on the axis computer on expert level and plus two experience. FOG on, free french, siberian transfer on, random entry, partisans on.

    I have already boasted about this in the past but it is been awhile since I played SC again.

    I admit that I had to use gamey tactics to win. Transfering a lot of French forces to UK territory, disbanding their naval units to get their MMPs, siting tight with the UK and doing max research on fighter tech. Keep your fighters out of reach of the luftwaffe. Also put some money into industrial tech. Don't go buying yet until later.

    When Germany invades the USSR, haul your forces to form a defensive front along Moscow, to Stalingrad and Rostov. Put your research pts into your anti-tank techs. Hide your aircraft as they are no match for the luftwaffe ( you might even want to disband them to get your generals ).

    Last line of defense would be the ural mountains as they offer excellent terrain for defense. Your center will usuall by broken and concede into halving your army defending behind the urals and the stalingrad rostov river line. Don'twaste time going after Finland. It's not worth the MMPs and time.

    Put your armor in reserve for counterattacks against weakened enemy units.

    When the US comes on board, put every research money into anti-tank as you need strong infantry to make d-day successful. Don't ship your units to UK as you have the double expense of transporting them again for the invasion.

    When your fighters as the UK reach three level and your US infantry tech reaches three, get ready to invade. By now, the UK would have about 5000 MMPs. Just pour it all on two generals and 10 air fleets and you are ready to rock.

    The USSR at this point is defending either at the urals or barely holding on to moscow-rostov defensive line.

    At this point your sea invasion will cut through France and Germany like a butter knife.

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