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Posts posted by aesopo123

  1. We have lost Paris but took out the smurf panzer corps led by handy smurfy.

    The clouds are getting darker for Britain and the allies had wasted 1000 mpps trying to hold France. What can I say?

    Churgargamelchill (or whatever his name is) vowed to continue on fighting.

    The Battle of Britain starts.

    Will Papa smurf launch sealion? Does he have time to plunder Europe?

    Roosevelt is itching to get involved with the fight and quietly orders key industries to mobilize for war that increases war supplies and production. Stalin orders war footing mobilization investment of the economy that would lead to a massive mpp war materiel surplus.

    Now it's purely a defensive war for Britain and I have to pray for the US and USSR entry to tip the balance.

    I shall overcome. :eek:

    Never retreat, never surrender!

  2. I admittedly retooled my master strategy of retreat as the smurfy early advance can be checked by naval-air power and concentrated counterattacks. The redeployment of resources proved correct in hindsight. Will France hold? Will Papa Smurf finally be caught by Churgargamel? Will handy Smurf develop his tank? Will Smurfette ever get tired in entertaining? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of axis and allies in toonland!!!

  3. Stalin is licking his chops ready to pick up the pieces.

    A smurf army was destroyed to the north with combined air and naval power while a wandering smurf corps was stopped cold in front of Paris.

    The smurf sub fleet was dispatched and other naval forces are redeploying to the English channel. France is not going quietly into the night (that's a surprise to Papa Smurf).

    Italy joined the war as expected but a French Corps was deployed to the south as a blocking force.

    Handy smurf was observed to be creating a new smurf secret tank that runs sideways and in circles as a surprise weapon.

    Papa smurf starts to sweat as he is starting to encounter stiff allied resistance.

  4. The smurfs broke down the northern defenses. Churgargamelchill adopted a different strategy at this time to hold the front against the smurfies.

    The smur subs were located in the north and it is a matter of time before they are sunk.

    The whole northern strategy seems to be falling apart due to the rapid smurfy advance.

    [ May 28, 2004, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: aesopo123 ]

  5. OK here we go...

    The smurfies have taken Poland and DOW on Low Countries and took out Amsterdam by combined air and land assaults. The smurfies do not want France or the UK to be able to muster forces in France and that explains the early blow.

    Two RAF airfleets try to provide air cover for Amsterdam, to of no avail. (Hmmmm- that's where the missing airfleets went).

    We are still combing the Atlantic for those two pesky subs!

    A British corps land nearby the French coast to protect the French exposed north front. Germany garnered more than 800 Mpps from his plunder and income. Papa smurf was seen on a street corner near the Reichstag trying to score some "blue crack".

    A French HQ was hastily assembled to bolster the frontier defenses.

    Smurfette was seen traveling with the smurf 4th Army to bolster troop morale.

    Churgargamelchill envies the 4th army and wishes he could swap boots with them for two mintues.

  6. Germany declared war on Poland and Denmark. The head papa smurf was seen heading XIX panzer smoking a blue "doobie". Lodz Army was destroyed and the front defneders Poznan Army and Pozern Corps were bypassed and isolated from Warsaw by a solid front of German formations. The PAF was attacked by infantry driving it to 60 % strength. The Warsaw garrison was assaulted early on reducing their strength by 50%. Mysteriously, the vaunted luftwaffe was conspicously missing from action -hmmmmmm.

    Because of pre-war preparations, UK MPP was at an elevated level and a forward defense of France is planned.

    Chamberlain was shot for cavorting with Papa Smurf and Winston Churgargamelchill vowed to halt the German war machine early on.

    A massive hunt for Germany's sub fleet has been undertaken.

    Troops were redeployed.

    Papa Smurfffff!!!! I am coming to get you!

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