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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by aesopo123

  1. Very hard pressed in the east. I had to retreat my northern front. Lunged in the southto distract him.

    Attacked Amsterdam - corps unit reduced to one. No air attacks as we need to reorg. Mine captured in france. First French Corps was enlisted. France up to 78 mpps.

    Why getting desperate Comrade Trapp? He had his navy and air deployed elsewhere, why not take advantage of it?

    What is your German mpp now Curry?

  2. In the east, managed to kill a panzer formation and had to withdraw from my adventure into Finland. I am bleeding heavily in USSR.

    In the west, success! We are going to liberate Amsterdam the next turn but it was costly. Another success! We have taken Hamburg by amphib!

    He now has to redraw his resources in Russia to meet the western threat!

    I think Papa Smurf is kaput! He got aggressive with his navy and positioned it far north of UK waiting to ambush me which he did for one battleship. But he left Hamburg open.

    How are you going to handle this setback Papa Smurf?

  3. Our lines are too fluid in USSR. We are barely able to coordinate attacks which is bad. If it weren't for those pesky jets - he would have run out of steam by now!

    In the west, we pressed on and took Bordeaux. Defensive lines have solidified though we have to focus our attacks for breakthroughs. We really needs to save our US mpps as we sorely need a new general in the field.

  4. I have not heard from the usual suspects berating my "assmypooo" to throw in the towel.

    Evrything I am doing is in contrast to their wisdom and conventional/learned tactics.




  5. Paris had fallen. We have liberated France! italian defenses are in disarray. UK is bleeding and resorted to cannibalizing. This is valuable MPPs Smurfdom can't lose! Stalin also rejoices hearing the news in his bunker in Moscow. Gen Eisenhower still feels the fight is still ahead when the German borders are reached.

    Damn jet fighters!

    In the East, we are trying to hold in the south and the center is almost gone. We have destroyed two armies and weakened a lot of other formations in the north. His northern line is disappearing. Our isolated units began a vacation tour on the Russian countryside.

    He has been trying to amphib infantry to the south but we are blocking.

  6. Finally! Got the turn to you. Looks mpretty grim in Russia. Headhunting really hurts if you can't compete with air power. Ouch! Southern front has been pushed and also central front. The only progress we are making is in the north and he has allowed me a breakthrough to pur in massive infantry troops (hurting for generals also). Let's see how this ends.

    Had to start cannibalizing our research techs little by little to get extra mpps.

    Hard to play against experienced convention but it is not over yet.

    US troops had reached the outskirts of Paris and have punched a major hole in the Italian defenses. His jets are within arm reach of US infantry now. Will he stay or retreat his air cover?

    The battered remnants of the allied navy had to scurry home like wounded dogs, vowing to fight another day. We have to make due with what allied troops we have in France now.

    Will his attention divert from Russia?

    Well, I hope I am giving Curry a challenge in this match although it looks pretty harrowing and grim for me.

  7. Jersey,

    I feel your pain man. A working stiff myself, and it so funny how how Ron is being deitified by republicans. Echoing earlier sentiments: Running the country into massive deficits, no problem! Mortgaging the future of your children, no problem! My anti-commie friends have death squads, no problem! I gut services for the poor, mentally ill, no problem! I trade missiles for hostages, no problem!

    Yep, you can sum it all up if you ask Ron, no problem! May God have mercy on his soul.

  8. Temper...temper...temper...

    I should start an anger management class for you folks. It's just a game for fun, don't let your egos get wrapped up into this. That's why it is called a game.

    It is up to you folks to either read this or just plainly ignore it.

    This is the fight. The axis navy had been drawn out and we take heavy damage. British air tries to draw smurf air resources into a dog fight.

    We counter-attack their naval assets and was able to sink one ship and heavily damage another.

    In Russia, we start probing.


    The mighty allied armada launches into the fray as smurf forces are concentrating their forces in a southern attack into USSR.

    The northern and central USSR fronts are not being challenged.

    Brest is empty and the smurf cowards choose to abandon it.

    The allied armada is bracing itself for axis naval counter-attacks.

    Let's rock... Al Bundy

  10. Yeah-yeah-yeah

    Papa smurf slowed his advance into Russia and has definitely pulled air assets out to watch out for overlord.

    Trade space for time, reorg, strengthening forces.

    He is now starting to understand this cat and mouse game. I am the mouse and he is the cat chasing me deeply into my hole; however, the dog is on his tail and about ready to bite.

    We are getting ready to rock but Papa Smurf sees my plan and he is reinforcing France.

    Why not take the plunge? Papa smurf fathoms the strategic nuance of my plan and is reacting accordingly.

    Level 12 infantry for Russia now and he is also almost ready to bite back. The mousee becomes the mouser.

  11. He-he so goes the peanut gallery.

    The allies have finally caught up with Germany's tech advantage and even surpassed them in some areas.

    Papa Smurf is taking a measured advance into Russia and seems to have pulled off some of his air support from the eastern front. It appears that Papa Smurf is afraid of getting spanked right away in France.

    But Stalin cooes him again and his bloated ego, please come into my house and let's play.

    USSR is entrenched and ready for the first defensive line.

    The allies are starting their build-up in the west.

    Iraq was invaded and will fall the next turn. Darn spaghetti eating facist Mussolinis! This opens the southern front into Russia.

    All of the facists are cheering for their idol Papa Smurf while the defenders of democracy are utterly silent...We shall overcome the facist smurf idealogy and cancel their show! :mad:

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