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Posts posted by yacinator

  1. Wouldn't Vietname be the logical compromise if you wanted to keep the maps the same size, but still have accurately modelled CAS? Or am I way off base?

    It would suck for tank vs. tank, but in that case they could throw in the Arab-Israeli wars...

    yessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! nam is even better than modern combat. jungle fighting, dropping napalm on civilians, nigt vision scope (starlight), dropping napalm on civilians, punji stick pits, dopping napalm on civilians, and the problem with map being too small for an appache mentioned by redwolf wouldn't appear couse a huey doesn't have long range weopns.
  2. ATLCTNBTMAGA=All The Little Conflicts That Nobody Bothers To Make A Game About

    Wouldn't it be cool to have a game that wraps up the Falkland War*, the little civil wars in Africa, Kosovo, the war wher Croatians attacked Yugoslavians (?) and took back what Yugoslavians captured in the previous war between them*, other Balkan area wars, drug wars, Chechnya* and various commando raids around the world.

    * These wars aren't really little, they just aren't as big as other wars, or ones that people don't hear about, or aren't as important.

  3. quote:


    Originally posted by yacinator:





    Originally posted by BARMAN1950:

    The NKPA used mostly Russian tactics




    human wave tactics. duh! i don't think cmx2 should be a korean war game because mostly everything would be like ww2 and we already have that.


    That's funny, because I wasn't aware the Russians commonly employed human wave tactics after 1943.


    yeah well human wave is an attack tactic and russians were defending before 43
  4. pretty good idea except it has 2 flaws. firts : boring siege like fighting , second : armor only after 1916. and i personally think that cmx2 should happen in vietnam or modern times. the only redeeming quality of a ww1 game would be mustard gas. couldn't resist the temptation to gass out french trenches and then send my gas masked strom troopers to finish the job hehe.

  5. quote:


    Originally posted by BARMAN1950:

    The NKPA used mostly Russian tactics



    human wave tactics. duh! i don't think cmx2 should be a korean war game because mostly everything would be like ww2 and we already have that.
  6. i was thinking about bunkers. u can tell infantry to "embark" in a bunker and fight from it and u can also tell them to get out. another very important thing (to me at least) is having sandbags as a purchasable units instead of terrain type. it really pisses me off when i'm playing a quick battle and i don't have the benefit of sandbags becouse the random map generator isn't made to put 'em on the map. and even if they were put on the map i would have to stick to putting my troops there. besides enemy knows where the sandbags are and can drop some he on them. this needs to be fixed in the next cm game AND in the next patch for cmak

  7. quote:


    Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:



    Originally posted by yacinator:

    my favorite smg is the m3 grease gun. why? it's light, cheap, reliable and rugged. plus it came with a caliber convertion kit so if u ran out of lead u could kill a german smg gunner and take his ammo, change the barrels and u r back in action.




    Nope, he's all yours

    wtf r u talkin' about?
  8. flares used by infantry or packed in artilery shells would be nice. incendinary tank shells would be good. also if the game is happening in or after vietnam night vision would be good. like an hq unit can have a has starlight(i think thats what they called it) or not option that can be set in the editor. there also should be a night sniper with a starlight scope on his gun.a starligh equiped unit would of course have it's point value doubled or tripled. a plain spotlight mounted on a vehicle would do the trick really nicely too.

  9. really nice,long and informative post koening. u have a very good point molotov's coctails should be made availible to italians. and to the americans and germans and brits and every other army in the game. i didn't do any research and i don't know if the use of molotov's coctails by allied armies is documented but i'm sure that some soldier used it. also the italian seem to be using german hand grenades.

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