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Everything posted by Rabidbvr

  1. Hello one and all if i recall the brits did the same with a valantine any ideas??? happy hunting
  2. Hello one and all more of the ref site here http://www.military.com/Content/MoreContent?file=NLddtank2 happy hunting
  3. hello one and all... its a shame they failed have seen doc on TV Salvaging A Piece Of History Navy Divers Prepare To Lift A Sherman DD Tank From The Bottom Of The Med Navy divers will begin recovering a piece of history from the Mediterranean Sea today: a rare World War II tank that just might have participated in the invasion of Normandy. The rescue-and-salvage ship Grasp recently moved into position over the tank in the Gulf of Salerno about a mile offshore. The salvage will take place in the next few days, Sixth Fleet officials said. The Grasp also helped recover the wreckage of TWA Flight 800 and the airplane of John F. Kennedy, Jr. The Sherman Duplex Drive amphibious tank, which sank during a training accident in July 1944, was discovered last year when an underwater cameraman happened upon its wreckage. Regina Sansalone, an Ohio preschool teacher who was working for a documentary film company in Italy, sent footage to U.S. military authorities. Eventually, it was identified at the U.S. Army's Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor in Fort Knox, Kentucky. Curator Charles Lemons checking in the records of the 753rd Tank Battalion of the 7th Army and verified that a Sherman DD tank had been lost while the battalion trained for the invasion of southern France. Only a few hundred of the "swimming tanks" were produced, and the salvaged DD will be one of only a few left above sea level. "They were conventional Sherman tanks fitted with propellers and inflatable, rubberized canvas screens that enabled the tanks to stay afloat," said Frank Jardim, formerly with the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington, D.C., and now director of the Harbor Defense Museum in Fort Hamilton, N.Y. "The idea was that tanks coming into shore on a landing craft could present a very big target," said Mr. Jardim. "But a single tank floating low in the water would be hard to see." Thus, the tanks could come ashore during assault landings and provide infantry troops some protection against fixed fortifications on a beach. "After the D-Day invasion, they were taken to Italy where the troops practiced their maneuvers. Then, they were used one more time: to cross the Rhine," Lemons said. Not many survived the war. Many sank when their delicate air bladders burst or took fire. "They were not particularly seaworthy, and the screens were very fragile," Jardim said. The Army had more use for them after the German surrender, so most were scrapped. If the tank winds up at the Patton Museum, it will be the only one in an American collection. But no one's sure yet how to pay for shipping the tank from Italy to Kentucky. Private donations may have to be solicited. Happy hunting
  4. hello one and all... Bogging means just that either in soft sand mud etc... and while trying to get out you can become imobile ie throw a track etc hope this helps happy hunting
  5. Hello one and all... Classic case of light blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance...... thats what comes of feeding tank crew to many cans of beans...
  6. Hello one and all... Classic case of light blue touch paper and retire to a safe distance...... thats what comes of feeding tank crew to many cans of beans...
  7. Hello one and all... well the day was damp with fog not great weather for a BBQ guess all the ammo and fuel on a track something has to give.... happy hunting...
  8. Hello one and all... this may help a little the site give all MKs of Churchill... main gun and ammo load out http://www.wwiivehicles.com/html/britain/PenetrationTables.htm#6pdr hope it of some help happy hunting
  9. Hello one and all... I have had some success with baz teams taking out Tigers.. have to admit all from rear/side at about 30m you just have to hide the troops and then give the tiger a rabbit to chase.. and hope he has little inf support happy hunting..
  10. Hello one and all... us troops dug in in woods... sdkfz250/1 drives past ... burst of gun fire from the us troops and a couple of well placed rifle grenades and we have a burning wreck... now the wreck stops a couple of meters short of the woods but with in a turn the woods catch light no other exchange of shots to start the blaze so my troops have to depart rapid... only to have the pants shot of them by a MKIV... would this have been from the 250/1 ????? the fire that is.. i have seen shot or art set fires etc but never a burning truck/tank etc your comments please Happy hunting
  11. hello one and all With ref to "shoot@hide" you try to tell the fool to hide after he has shot many a time i have seen them lob shot after shot at a target when all you want him to do is keep his head down...Would seem after a unit has fired once at a target he wants to crack the egg so to speak happy hunting
  12. Hello one and all... I may be wrong but my local Council seem to have no Probs with putting trenchs in the middle of the roads/pavement norm appear out the blue on my way to/from work happy hunting...
  13. Hello one and all SAME SAME nice set up trench two 6pounder (one each end) and good old vickers in the middle game starts and whoops no trench lets just sit nice and exposed here in the middle of the street ... Happy hunting...
  14. Hello one and all You can get a the same effect if you give the unit an Advance/Move/Sneak which ever is best to a point from which you wish to fire then a move order back to a safe place... most of the time the unit will advance see the .target.fire. then follow the order to move back as with most units if it sees a target it will fire.. snag is if it gets seen b4 the move back it will go to ground the other option if you wish to save your A/T unit is to send an infantry unit with them... while the A/T takes his shots split the infantry unit and run them round like headless chickens will sure draw some fire... happy hunting
  15. Hello one and all glad to have been of help... will post more as i find them not a lot to do on a night shift untill after the pubs throw out.... happy hunting...
  16. Go on press me you know it makes sence "i have used this site rather a lot lots of info on guns and even the armor they got fitted to" happy hunting
  17. hello one and all me myself and the cat... are from the UK but i seem to have noticed a few from people from canada... so i dare say you have seen this site .... its a good read so pay it call... "Click me you Know you want to" Happy hunting
  18. Hello one and all with ref to my prev post hope this helps a little happy hunting
  19. Hello one and all at first i had alook for some info with ref to small charge in ap rounds from what i can find this is not the case solid shot is as it says a solid lump of sharp steel... please forgive me if i am wrong i have used this site rather a lot lots of info on guns and even the armor they got fitted to happy hunting...
  20. Hello one and all... a little bit of info for you will try to post some bal/pen info http://www.wwiitech.net/main/britain/weapons/boys/index.html good site basic info happy hunting
  21. hello one and all... here is a little site you may like loads of Mat stuff most MKI take a look http://www.armourinfocus.co.uk/a11/ happy hunting
  22. Hello one and all Mat MKI pic for you used .50 or 303 mg as main gun and the tracks looka little exposed for comfort... happy hunting
  23. hello one and all from what i can gather the grass so to speak is a darker shade early italy and moves to green later on ... poss to do with the area southen italy is quite a dry place veg gets more lavish as you travel north.. hence the later battles will be in green fields ...... just like the troops happy hunting
  24. Hello one and all The Matilda was called an infantry tank as it was to support the infantry... British doctrine of the time was to use the mg as its main weapon and advance with the infantry to the target the gun(ap ammo) was then to be used to defend against any armor counter attack as with most early british tanks the MG was the main weapon good info site http://www.wwiivehicles.com/html/britain/matilda.html happy hunting
  25. hello one and all.... A little question for you all.. QB US troops V German (North Africa) US have about a company of Inf dug in just below a ridge line.. all on hide in rough/palm areas German troops advance to top of ridge.. I have the two Flamethrower support teams a little ahead of the rest of the company in command range.. fire arc set up for both... Now the Germans start shooting at the flamethrower.. Blast i think to myself well not quite blast but you get the idea... after a about 10 secs of shooting i get to place new orders.. most of the company are below the ridge so are not able to fire.. not a prob i thinks the flame teams will make short work of them... but NO!!! I try to target a unit but it appears i can not see it yet.. same for the 2nd F/T would seem German can shoot at me but i can not target them B4 you ask yep in range.. any ideas ... as it was i won anyway.. but i have played games when the AI gets the drop on me with Flamethrowers but he seems to spot mine quite a way off happy BBQ ing
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