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Posts posted by Shmavis

  1. I suppose I should have said this long ago as I've been an owner of the CM games for a while, though I haven't posted often, but I guess those who contributed to its creation will always welcome praise. Also, the strategy guide has proved a great help. The fact that I, sadly, have yet to play against a human opponent is the only reason I haven't been severely thrashed by poor tactics against which the guide warns. Lastly, I mean no offense to other scenario designers, but I have greatly enjoyed Mr. Orosz's and Mr. Weatherspoon's work.

  2. I appreciate your response, but it really doesn't answer my question. If there are infantry company and battalion HQs, what about the armored vehicles? Would a company just be too large of a formation for a tactical scenario? It seems like having a company command vehicle present might help maintain command influence, say, if a platoon leader's vehicle was knocked out or abandoned.

  3. I'll take even a short-barrelled Pz IV over a Pz III. The Pz III's sturdier turret doesn't make up for its weak main armament. I've read about Pz III's firing on KV-1's from 30 and even 10(!) meters without penetrating. At least the early Pz IV's have HC ammo. There's a reason the Pz IV, as previously stated, was produced throughout the war and the Pz III was not.

  4. I remember first seeing a demo for CMBO back in the latter part of 2000, I think. I was totally blown away. The friend who had the demo told me the story of independent developers and programmers at BFC striking out on their own. I was impressed. I've been playing WW2 games ever since my Dad pulled out his old Panzer Blitz box, and never thought something like CM could be done. A balance has to be struck between historical accuracy and playability/fun(except for the grognards maybe) or no one will buy the game.

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