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Posts posted by Blashy

  1. IMHO the most import thing is to have a VERY extensive editor with more control, this way you can go your on way and try different historical things.

    Right now if you activate a country you are limited in what it does, for example Italy can joined axis or surrendered to allies. We should be able to choose the others as well: joined allies, surrendered to axis. Goes the same for all the other countries. Imagine being able to make it so Russia comes into the conflict but not as an Allie or Axis, then when Germany falls Russia vs. Allies could rage on.

    I would like to be able to decided if Vichy France is installed or not.

    Able to add units to ALL countries. Best thing would be if they could buy units / have there own MPPs while they are alive (option).

    MAP editor, so you can make a world map or other areas.

    Make research luck based or purchase based.

    You should all stop worrying about how the game will be, if Hubert makes an extensive editor, then you'll be able to have the game how you wish.

  2. Can you clarify something? ZAPP states that Axis have almost = MPP, how so if all of Russian is still Soviet and UK, Canada and USA are untouched?

    USSR 460, USA 180, UK 130 -/+ = 770 MPP.

    How can Axis match that?

    Sorry for the interruption, just trying to get a picture of the situation, sounds like a great AAR. Considering I have no clue how Rambo can manage so many AC effectively knowing their cost. :confused:

  3. What you'll often see in H vs. H is the Axis putting 2 ground units, 1-2 air with an HQ and Naval protection to help prevent a Russian takeover of Findland.

    If you wait eventually those units come into play.

    While you wait you can slowly remove the entrench level of Leningrad to 0 and give experience to your Air and units attacking it from Finland.

    But I would not move in on Russian territory until my eastern front can link up, mainly not to cause the Siberian Transfer.

  4. Originally posted by Bill101:

    Give the USA a strategic bomber or two. That way, coupled with the British one (if it hasn't been sold) the allies can launch the historically accurate bombing campaign against Germany, something that just doesn't happen enough in most games.

    Even with 3-4 bombers, they really suck in this game and are way too costly to repair for the damage they do.

    Another little thing that needs a tweak so SC is not a Air Fleet / Jet research / Army game at its core. ;)

  5. Its funny, I read all this and think that if this were a First Person Shooter league I participate in I would be pissed off big time.

    But for SC I'm just not competitive, I try different things in every match I play witch often leads to a loss and I really don't care, I'm just curious to see how things would have gone if this or that had been tried.

    I've done searches on the net and I'll I've found is an MPP creator that worked with v1.06, apart from that nothing. I don't think it is as widespread as some of you beleive to be.

  6. This game does get redundant quickly vs. the AI or even vs. Humans.

    But if you have an open mind you can play the many mods that have been created that offer variety to some extent.

    In the end the lack of an extensive editor is what the game is missing.

    This was Hubert 1st game, so it was a learning experience and he still did an excellent job.

  7. IMHO, the best thing to do to even out this game is not the current bidding system. Although it works, I find it to much "off" history.

    Give USA the big starting $$$, 2000 minimum MPPs. They were the production machine of WW2 by a longshot, in SC they are just a blimp.

    Russian can hold a line with its current MPPs and once USA joins with all that $$$, at least it makes the Germans having to prepare for the invasion like they did in WW2, now you just leave corps on cities and wait to the last minute to "op" a few units to defend France.

    That is my preference.

  8. Originally posted by zappsweden:

    Why on earth would Hombre Plin spend hours hacking and programming something if he was to quit playing SC?

    If he's a programmer of any kind, they'll dable in anything they have an interest in just for curiosity. Programers love programing and see if they can understand it in many ways.

    I have one friend who keeps looking for things for another game and building them... he barely plays anymore.

  9. Originally posted by zappsweden:

    You threw first blood, not me.

    IMHO, if we go way back, your rule changes in your league drew 1st blood.

    But then again you want to make Z-League a competitve one so you changed the rules to make it so. Its your league you have every right to do so. But I don't see why you came here and complained Terif was leaving because of this which he stated. So what??? It is his choice to leave and your choice to make YOUR league as you please.

    The bottom line is you both can't accept this :D

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