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Posts posted by Blashy

  1. Originally posted by Dragonheart:

    Another one tongue.gif

    SuperDuperBout #5

    Rematch between Dragonheart aka Königstiger ag Königstiger aka Dragonheart.....

    Best of 5

    Game#1 Dragonheart (axis) surrenderd in round one as his first unit did only 2 damage on the polish army... :eek:

    Game#2 Königstiger (axis) surrendered in round one as his cruisers did not damage on the danish corps :rolleyes:

    Game#3 Königstiger (allied) surrendered in round one as he did not find the subs in round one :D

    Game#4 Dragonheart (allied) surrendered in round 2 as Königstiger got LC without loosing one airstrenghpoint

    Game#5 Dragonheart (axis) surrendered in round 1 as Königstiger declared war on Irland :confused:

    3:2 for Königstiger


    New record set....five games within 1 hour.... :eek: :D

    That reads like a Rambo or Zappsweden match tongue.gif
  2. Originally posted by Edwin P.:

    A programming solution, for the Canadian Corps issue, would be to

    1. Allow the UK to build units in Canada (I always thought it strange that the UK could not train new troops in Canada)

    2. Allow Allied units to operate between Canada and the US.

    When I mentioned that in SC2 every country should have their own units and MPP.

    Hubert had this comment:


  3. The Japs made there most crucial mistake right then and there.

    They did not send the second raid as was planned.

    2nd raid was total destruction of the port.

    1st raid was to destroy enemy defenses, thats why only a FEW ships were hit. That's right they did very little damage on their 1st run, they just destroyed the defenses. The 2nd run was to wipe out everything (port, oil wells, infrastructure).

    The General in charge made that decision alone, no one agreed with it. So I say he's an idiot. And I'm happy for it.

    [ December 07, 2003, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

  4. I don't want to trash you guys, I mean it's your choice how you play.

    IMHO, it's pathetic to quit so early. If things don't go your way exacly from the start, you give up.

    You think war goes smoothly for the winning side from start to finish? just look at WW2, the winners were the loosers from 1939-1943, the last 2 years they won and finished the war yet 5 of the 7 years were "won" by the Axis.

    Like I said its your game, but IMHO you are not really playing the game if you don't try and regroup from one error in the 1st months of the game that's when winning is most fun, not chewing through start to finish because you made 0 mistakes.

  5. If we want to simulate the rising tide and not completely change this game to a non historical WW2 simulation.

    Why not have USA & USSR start with higher tech levels?

    At 180 mpp per turn USA could be at L5 IT from the start and USSR at 4.

    I know Germany could invest in IT as well but then it is less in other research or just a loss of combat MPP.

    Or make a house rule, no IT for Germany.

  6. Personally, I would not touch that game with a 10' pole.

    ONE reason, dice rolls. Brings the element of luck to the game, no thanks, I don't care for that in Strategy game.

    Axix & Allies is the prime example, you're all setup to destroy the enemy outnumbering him 3-1 and you end up loosing because of rolls. :mad:

  7. 1- If ''luck'' tech is enabled, you invest in that like a madman, if you don't you are screwed, cause the Axis player is.

    2- If tech is not part of the game, you have more options and the game is not a race to jet tech, buy a gazilion planes to win the game strat. Ok so I hate tech in SC the way it stands tongue.gif

    With no tech you could have planed to stage a very strong defence of Egypt and take Iraq. You can if you manage to hold out France long enough to send troops to Egypt and planes w/ HQ. You take Ireland before hand for plunder and xp.

    Or you can start an airfleet build up, even with no tech air fleets are still a big part of the game. This is normal, since WW2 control of the Air has been essential, although you need good ground troops as well... see US/Vietnam or USSR/Afghanistan.

    You can also plan to take Brest and Bergen early on, if he comits to remove you from there it slows his russian advance, if he does not it gives you MPP and 2 ports to start landings once US is in.

  8. Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

    Unfortunately you are not right about this statement. I've talked to cheaters and read interviews. The simple truth is that for the most part, they do it because they have fun and just to piss off other players who don't get why this guy is kicking their butt. No "I need this to feel good, I have no life issues" . They just enjoy it... which makes it worse imho.
  9. The US did not want to get involved in WW2 not because of WW1, for one thing they just had a token involvement and Germany would still have lost without their involvement.

    The reason is quite simple. People left Europe for the US because they wanted to start fresh and be done with the constant struggles in Europe.

    Now go and ask them to bail you out after they bailed from you for those reasons...

  10. As I said, I would not ask for anything ever again.

    Here is why:

    quote from: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003132


    Originally posted by Blashy: Why SC2 should have an extensive editor.

    1- People could make WW2 look as they see fit instead of constantly asking Hubert for this and that.

    2- Each country could have their own MPP/Military.

    3- Each country could join / surrender or remain neutral as the player wish.

    And most of all with an extensive editor you could make mods that are not WW2. The roman empire, the crusades, the napolean era, the UK/French/Spain naval era, Gengis Khan, The Chinese battles for control of China and many others, especially my favorite The Great War. So you would not have the units of that era but at least you could have the map, the layout and use the available units as best you can. Like the Rome vs. Attila mod I made, I used tanks to represent horses...

    Can you imagine the replayability?


    Hubert ;)

  11. Originally posted by J Von Zeppelin:

    Sorry JerseyJohn... you have to face up to the fact that if neither USSR of USA enter the war anytime soon then there is no more war (After fall of France) unless germany declares war on them. If I was leader of Germany in late 1940 I would have been tickled pink with all that had been conquered. And because I, as leader, have 20/20 hindsight (as you do) I would have consolidated my gains and called it a war. The war would be more or less over, the US and USSR would never get involved (maybe a decade later but then that would have been an entirely different war). I would have also never allied Germany with Japan. So there really would not have been a WORLD War II... only the German-European war of 39/40.

    But as many have pointed out, Hitler was a "nutter". Primarily because of Hitler (aligning with Japan and declaring war on US) did the US join the war. Entirely because Hitler was obsessed with destroying the USSR did this country enter the war.

    If you take away Hitler and his "less than sane" ideas and decisions WWII would not have been WWII... and this is a WWII game. It REQUIRES Hitler-type events or it would not be a WWII game, because WWII "required" Hitler for it to become what it did become.

    Have a WWII game without Hitler and Hitler-esque consequences is like having America without the American Revolution. We would not even be making all these computer games about WWII.

    As EMINEM says "that's my 10 cents - my 2 cents are free."

    He is absolutely right on his points.

    If you intend to play Germany and not make Hitler's errors then you would have to call it a game once you have all of Europe except Sweden, Russia and Switzerland.

    Although the goal is that you play Germans with the "Hitler" intent at world domination but try and not make his strategical errors fighting wise, which he did by the bundles, good for us his Generals never killed him (although 19 attemps were done), if not... ouch.

  12. I don't like random when it can break a game.

    And myself I still have a hard time making the readiness issue for USSR work, sometimes its on the ball, sometimes its not even if I'm following the exact same pattern.

    I'm with JJ that Ireland, Greece and Iraq should be UK, Iraq was still under UK influence big time until the end of the 40s when warlords started taking control. Ireland, well they were certainly not going to export to Axis with a big UK Navy surrounding them. And Greece, that is just plain obvious that any trade they would have done would have gone to Allies, as well I feel they need to get entrenched to simulate how stubborn they were even with the crap equipement.

    Portugal, I can't say, I really don't know their position in WW2, if they cut ties with Spain then I would say yes to trading with Allies.

    The US L/L is a good idea, it's accurate history. 1 Oil / 1 Mine simulates supplies.

    Now if you want to drop the bidding, you would probably need to increase the US readiness.

  13. IMHO, we need a full map that you can edit.

    This gets repetitive, with an editable full map you could make many scenarios.

    Pacific or Atlantic only, Germans vs. Russians only, the island battles in the pacific, chinese & japan conflict, Normandy only, march to rome, so many it goes on and on, would make SC2 a game that would have a long lifespan and very attractive to more buyers ;)

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