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Posts posted by Pinetree

  1. I'm playing the first mission in the Campaign in WeGo (Elite) and I have a spotter on the berm, now all of a sudden if I click on the spotter, then the fire support button and then select the 155, I get a CTD. I have a save game and it's repeatable.Do you want me to send the save to you?

    [ July 31, 2007, 03:17 AM: Message edited by: Pinetree ]

  2. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    The problem with that them becomes sync'ing it with the brief and the units chosen.

    E.g. If your scenario brief says 2 Platoon, A Company then the decals need to be different to if it refers 2 Platoon, B Company, etc.

    Also you need to match the decals to units that you select, so the Pl Comd needs a different set of decals to his Sgt, etc. if they are just random its not worth the effort.

    You could designate it in the editor. Remember how the fonts were in a .bmp in CMx1? You could do the same thing here, tell the editor it's 2 Pl, B Coy

    and it would type on the the decal 2/B etc.

  3. Originally posted by Pandur:

    basically, i couldnt figure out how to use a javelin without having the squad using up its small arms and 203´s onto the wall.

    there's a couple of ways you can do this, first pull the squad back out of small arms range and they should let loose a javelin, or you could detach the anti-tank team, pull them back a bit and then target the wall.
  4. I've noticed that when you replay a turn, the buildings will show damage that they haven't received yet. For example: In the MOUT training mission,I let loose a Javelin and it took out the bottom floor of a two-story building(awesome sight BTW :D )It didn't destroy the building but the walls were knocked out.In the turn replay, I zoomed into the doomed building to get a close look at the action and before the javelin had fired the walls were already showing as destroyed. As I zoomed back out they went back to being whole until the Javelin did it's thing.

  5. Originally posted by Blackmuzzle:

    I've seen Strykers "do the dance" for no reason in particular on wide open terrain, so I can attest that there's something fishy in the pathfinding - or at the very least in the AI movement command system itself.

    Yep, me too.

    In the Mout training mission(WeGo mode, elite setting BTW) at the start I sent 3 strykers on parallel diagonals to the left(they should have finished the movement in a line) and one on a diagonal to the right, one of the ordered-left strykers started going right then corrected itself, it then went round the other ordered-left strykers (who by this time were in their line position, sort of) and ended up facing sideways in front of them.

    I don't suppose BFC has modelled drunkenness and the driver was having a "way-hey!" moment? :D

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