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Posts posted by Sanok

  1. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Yep. And if you had read all the way through the thread on the BB forum, you'd have already known and saved yourself some minor embarrassment.

    But that's okay, you won't be blackballed. Not as long as you buy all the beer at the next get together, that is.



    Through it all, it got Moon to tell us the release of the patch is imminent, which was actually part of my master plan all along. lol
  2. Originally posted by Moon:

    You didn't hear this from BFC because it's not true. Sergei was pulling your leg. The patch release is actually imminent.

    But this goes to show how rumors sometimes can blow out of proportion I guess.


    Yuk, yuk. So, the joke is on me. redface.gif
  3. Sergei posted the following in a thread about the AK patch:

    I'm sorry guys, I reported about a bug that prevents scenario designers from having tanks with only MG's (such as Mark VIB) dug-in. At that point the patch was only a day from being released, but now the whole process had to be started from scratch, so the new projected publication date is in July.


    Is this going to happen? If so, I find it disheartening that we hear about it from one of the testers, but nothing from BFC. This is major news concerning CMAK.

  4. Originally posted by Deathsai:

    None of that really helped me...I still have no clue where to unzip the files to, what to name the files, etc.

    Can anyone give me a step-by-step instruction guide on how to get me started?

    I agree. I actually downloaded the program once and tried it, but was completely lost, so I deleted it.
  5. Originally posted by Dschugaschwili:

    The firepower that really reaches the target can be estimated by

    (firepower rating) * (exposure rating)

    So going from 14% to 15% exposure would increase your firepower by about 7%. Of course, you also have to take the increased morale effect when shot from the back into account when making your decision.


    So, if I have 200 firepower, which is quite a bit, firing at a squad that is 15% exspoed, only 30 is actually causing any damage? Other than morale affects and direction of fire, is that really all there is to it?
  6. What's the relationship between firepower and exposure? Say I have an MG that could fire at one of two enemy squads in woods. Both are at the same firepower rating, but one is 15% exposed, the other is 14%. Obviously, it's better to fire at the 15%, but what does that extra 1% really mean in CM terms?

  7. Originally posted by Wicky:

    You can't mod the shock wave as it was a hardcoded effect in CMBO and was eliminated in BB & AK. Explosions (& gun firing) graphics can and have been tinkered with.

    Yes, I realize the shockwaves were hardcoded. That's why I was asking if any of the talented artists out there could attempt creating shockwaves themselves.
  8. I have an eMachines PC, 730 processor. I replaced the i810 chipset with a GeForce 5200 128 mb graphics card. Upgrading to 256 mb of RAM will causes the gtaphics to load faster? I'll get less lag and skips during the action phase?

    When I play the turns, I disconnect from the net and turn off everything I can. I then reconnect to send my turns.

    How do I know if there is spyware on my computer and how do I eliminate it?

  9. I don't know much about computers. What effect does adding RAM have on playing CM? My computer has only 64 mb and can upgrade to a maximum of 256.

    I have all three CM games and have installed a lot of low-res mods. I can only play games under 2000 points. Even at that level, which is still high, I get lag and skips during the action phase. Obviously, smaller games do better.

    Is it worth the time and money to add RAM to the 256 mb maximum my computer can have?

  10. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Before giving up on the current AI entirely try playing a few scenarios always on level 1 (okay, level 2 in a pinch), no pre-overflight of the terrain map, and never venture beyond your own side's forward troops. Played this way artillery falling out of LOS REALLY falls out of LOS, and that PzIV that suddenly appears on your flank is genuinely horrifying to see! I've got to admit it takes nerves of steel to play this way and I'm only able to do it occassionally myself. But it REALLY changes the dynamics of the game.

    I think having a game option that sets the maximum camera level you're allowed to use would be an excellent thing to have. We could then play pbem games and both sides would be forced to play with limited views of the map.
  11. The AI makes two crucial errors, whether attacking or defending.

    1. It doesn't keep its infantry in command range of their HQs.

    2. It exposes its armor. On the attack, the AI will often lead the way with its main tanks, instead of scouting with infantry and keeping the armor back. On defense, it will see your attack coming and move its armor forward.

    I think the AI is excellent at placing MGs and guns in places with very good fields of fire.

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