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Posts posted by Sanok

  1. Originally posted by Wisbech_lad:

    I've always assumed that fox holes are small slit trenchs and scrapes, dug in a few hours with a spade. 2-4 feet deep

    A trench would be deep enough to allow hidden movement, with a firing step. Timber reinforcement of the trench walls. 6-8 feet deep, maybe dugouts to ride out arty bombardments.

    This makes sense, but the post directly above yours about foxholes in open ground being 45% exposure is an excellent point. Infantry has less exposure in a grain field. I think BFC just did a major flub job on how they modelled them.
  2. What's the reasoning behind making trenches so superior to foxholes? They're both essentially the same thing: a hole in the ground. We must remember, foxholes are abstracted anyway. There isn't one, huge hole containing every member of a squad. There could be ten different holes, each containing one man. Is this realistic or poor modeling?

  3. Originally posted by mahon72:

    In the end, it's a big pain in the neck, but when the end result is CMBO looking terrain wise as good as CMAK it is most worth the effort.

    I was going to say that this must be taking quite a bit of time and effort. There's got to be a list somewhere of what the terrain BMP numbers are. With all the modding out there, someone must have created one.
  4. Originally posted by Sanok:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abteilung:

    It is "Lozhis!" and it means "(take) Cover!", iirc. Someone posted a link to the Russian and German transliterations a while back. I'll do a search in a moment and see what turns up. :D


    This is what I found: Link

    Also, "Lozhis" is listed as meaning "get down", so I misled you a bit initially. Serves me right for going on my memory.... :(

    Thank you very much. </font>
  5. Originally posted by Abteilung:

    It is "Lozhis!" and it means "(take) Cover!", iirc. Someone posted a link to the Russian and German transliterations a while back. I'll do a search in a moment and see what turns up. :D


    This is what I found: Link

    Also, "Lozhis" is listed as meaning "get down", so I misled you a bit initially. Serves me right for going on my memory.... :(

    Thank you very much.
  6. I have SE. I feel it's not worth purchasing it if you already have the regular version. SE is already fully patched, which you can get online. It has over 150 scenarios, but it is my understanding that you can get them online. It has mods in a file, but you can get them online as well. Save your money and purchase CMBB. smile.gif

  7. In CMBO, if you set smoke affects at fast and compatible, all explosions appeared as easy-to-see, white, expanding half-globes. You could watch the action phase from an overhead view and see every explosion. In CMBB, the explosions appear more realistically, but they are also easy to miss.

    Is there a mod that will change them to appear as the CMBO half-globe? Is there a way to use the CMBO graphic in CMBB?

  8. Originally posted by redwolf:

    BFC doesn't like to comment on this stuff since Charles is busing coding the patch and the others don't want to promise things that turn out Charles can't get in easily after all.

    Boo hoo. There's something called customer relations.

    I have CMBO and CMBB. I really want to purchase CMAK, because I want to play the Americans. However, the more I hear about the game, the more I want to save my money instead of throwing it away on a game that appears to be a number of steps down from CMBB.

  9. "How many civilians were deliberatly killed in bombing attacks on germany/japanese cities? Not trying to diminish the brutality of the axis. Just saying the allies didn't exactly have clean hands, but war is war."

    Oh, please! There's a difference between allied nations defending themselves against attacking countries aggressively trying to destroy them, and those same aggressive nations brutally killing unarmed civilians.

  10. Originally posted by JJL:

    Thanks for the reply Slappy! ;)

    Would just targeting "area fire" on the spot I think the unit will appear at work as well? Wouldn't that result in my unit immediately rotating to position itself for firing at that location? Or is rotating first and letting the unit fire on it's own the better way to go? Thanks for your patience.

    Don't use area fire in this situation. If you do, your FT will fire at that spot, even if nothing is there, thus revealing its position and likely wasting a shot.

    Also, be careful about what you reveal on this forum about an email game. Your opponent could be reading it! smile.gif

  11. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    People who actually read out abbreviations as if they are words need to be horsewhipped.

    Seriously. They tend to be female; I've known one or two terrificly annoying clerks who would say "A coy" instead of "A Company." But worse would be when they answered the phone "Ay Coy Cal Hi's" instead of "A Company, Calgary Highlanders".... due to the fact that at some point they thought our abbreviation - Calg Highrs - should somehow be made into a word, with two silent g's, a silent h, and a silent r. :rolleyes:

    I believe the correct pronounciation of CMAK is "Combat Mission: Afrika Korps." :cool:

    It must be the cold, Canadian winters....

    I've always said See Mack.

  12. Does anyone remember the games Ambush and Behind Enemy Lines? My ultimate game would be WW2 at the scale of those games, where each soldier was shown, instead of abstracting infantry into squads. Individual AFVs could still be shown as well. The battles would likely be no bigger than platoon level, but the main problem with a game of this scale, would be creating enough scenarios. Still, I'd be the first one to buy it if they made a game like this.

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