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Posts posted by BigDork

  1. Originally posted by Hev:

    Realy good report mate, well written and nicely depicted with the screenshots.

    Im impressed with how well you did, only 3 kia even with the t55 hit.

    As a side note, what settings did you use for the battle?

    Thank you. smile.gif

    Yeah, I was shocked by that as well. I expected the number to be flipped around. Not that I'm complaining. ;)

    Small battle, probe, rough terrain, Stryker medium infantry vs Syrian random infantry

  2. Originally posted by Rollstoy:

    In the meantime I think it is fairly safe to say that there is no terrain shading in CM:SF:

    At least the hills in this AAR do not show any, and I cannot think of more extreme terrain:


    Actually I do not play with shadows turned on which is why they are not showing in my AAR screenshots. smile.gif
  3. Originally posted by Moosegum:

    Yesterday my girlfriend told me to watch a chocolate-almond cake that she had put in the oven while she went over to a friend's place. "Sure", I mumbled without removing my eyes from the screen.

    Two hours later the smoke alarm went off.


    I didn't get any cake last night.

    As a matter of fact, I didn't get anything.

    Damn you Battlefront.

  4. Another thing I'm coming to miss...

    I miss being able to give a pause to the orders I issue my units while playing WeGo. Instead they always execute the orders as soon as the turn starts. Sometimes though I don't want my unit to move until later on during the turn.

    Something else to consider adding in during a later patch. smile.gif

  5. I have to agree that I miss a lot of what was mentioned about and would like to see them brought into the game during a patch.

    One thing I'm missing is that when you move your men during setup phase you have to switch to the targetting menu to have face them the way you want them pointing. I miss the old system where after you moved a unit you got to choose which way they were facing. A minor issue but something that will save a bit of time. Especially if you are moving a company or more at the beginning of the battle.

  6. Looks good!

    But one thing I did notice (and sorry if this has been talked about before) ... in the trailer you see a Stryker pull up onto a road and there's a double yellow line running down it.

    Now I've never been to Syria so I don't know how they mark their roads but I know in Europe they use a single white line instead of the double yellow that we use in the US.

    So I guess what I'm getting at is, how do Syrians do lines on their roads?

  7. Well I went ahead and bought the full version. Bad thing is, it's still locking up on me. I find if I Windows Key + D I'm able to get to my desktop and then use Task Manager to end the game. That's a positive, no more hard booting my PC. The bad thing is that the game is still locking up even though I turned off shadowing. I have a GeForce 7800 with the latest driver so it's kinda annoying that it's locking up. Hopefully the patch will deliver and fix my issue.

  8. Before I was kind of being a wise guy but seriously, talk to a recruiter or two from the other branches.

    Initially it was a Marine recruiter who approached me about joining the military. Before that point I'd never considered joining up. But we talked and I liked a lot of what he said. It really sounded great. And I almost joined the Marines... almost. I'm very glad I talked with the other recruiters before I joined. I haven't regretted enlisting once since I joined up, I dunno if I would have been able to say that if I'd joined the Marines instead.

    But no matter who you talk to and how many different opinions you get the best thing you can do is go with your heart.

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