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Everything posted by KG_Cloghaun

  1. @ Keke I was unable to find in this thread you mentioning if you are planning to make a Kursk scenario out of this map you are working on, or just the map? If you are making a scenario, could you give some details on it, like what you'll name it, what it will cover exactly, etc,.. I am impressed so far. I am currently working on an operation covering the Battle of Kapitanovka, the initial objective of 5th Guards/2nd Ukrainian Front in their bid to create the Korsun Pocket. My map is 5040x2320,..quite a challenge. Thankyou
  2. I'm sorry, but I do not understand this. Is this a tool that you use to make your own campaigns if you want or is it a campaign itself? Are there any places that give overviews of campaign tools or even how to play a campaign? I can't seem to find any tutorials or introductions to this style of play anywhere. Thankyou
  3. I apologize for butting in, but I am relatively new to the world of CM still and do not understand this whole Campaign play element of the game. Could someone please put it into perspective for me? Thankyou
  4. Great looking maps! Any word on whether or not we can look forward to new CMBB operations? Any being worked on? Thankyou
  5. @junkdrive, Yes, I believe I understand. I am just wondering how I got a cme and a cmf for the same named file. I guess I screwed up somewhere. The bottom line is that I want to be an op, so I just have to make sure it always stays a cmf file. The 1st thing I did when I began is clicked "New Operation" and then I started to make my map. In order for my map to be in operational format it's required to click "New Operation", 1st right? I can't make a map then go back and finally click "New Operation" because you can't import maps into an operation. I think I have it now. Just make sure it stays cmf. Thanks
  6. Map making is really starting to wear on my nerves. I'm having trouble with cme/cmf file differences. While working on my operation map, I realized I have 2 files under the same name, a cme and a cmf. Today, I loaded the cmf file and worked a bit on the map. I saved my work under the cmf file. I reload the cmf file and my progress is there. I save again under cmf and exit. I load the cme of the same file name and todays work is not there. It prompts me to save before I leave under the cme and I hit yes. I reload the cmf file which has todays work and now the work has disappeared under cmf. This cme/cmf crap is really causing a great deal of confusion. I'm afraid to do anymore work and end up doing one little thing wrong and losing all my work. Could someone please help me understand what I am doing wrong? Thankyou
  7. There is a function called setting the size of "no man's land". This is to prevent the next battle from starting with the 2 opposing forces facing each other only a few meters apart. My question is what if I have defending units dug into fortified positions just beyond the battle window(say 20 meters), waiting for the next battle and the attacker reaches the very end of the battle window in the previous battle. The "no man's land" is set for bigger than 20 meters. When the next battle starts what happens? Are the defenders pushed out of their positions or are the attackers deployed further back from where they advanced in the previous battle? Neither possibility seems fair. The defender could lose it's beautifully fortified defense or the attacker could lose an objective he paid dearly for and now has to retake it.
  8. I am amazed that anyone can get their head around all the variables that are offered in making a scenario, let alone an operation. The manual gives you the tools, but it certainly didn't come with the instructions laid out, lol. You guys have been very helpful and I really appreciate it. Back to my laboratory, lol.
  9. Thankyou sir! I do agree with you but I am puzzled; Why are there reinforcement drop down markers for operations? I mean, it gives you the option to put them on reinforcement #1,2,3,4,5, etc,.. but they all end up on the 1st day of each battle regardless when you go to play it. Why not have that part of editor lock out when your editing an operation? It would've saved a lot of confusion. Perhaps just an oversight by the game designer? [ January 12, 2004, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: KG_Cloghaun ]
  10. I'm having a lot of difficulty figuring out the reinforcement part of the editor. Here are the facts; I know you can have a side reinforced at any point during a battle. I also know that you can get reinforcements at the beginning of each new battle in an operation. What I want to do is both. I want reinforcements in my operation to come during the middle of a battle as well as at the beginning of each new battle. (Tentatively, I have 3/25 turn battles in the operation. My current problem is this; I understand on the unit editor there is a drop-down reinforcement panel at the right of the page. There is also a button at the bottom for battle arrival of units. How I understand it is say you want reinforcements for battle #2. At the bottom, you set it for battle#2 and you pick your units. Now if I wanted more units to arrive during battle#2, say turn 5, I would go to reinforcement#5 and pick units, making sure the bottom button was on battle#2. I ran tests where I have reinforcements arriving for the begining of each battle and that worked fine. What doesnt work for me is trying to have units arrive on a particular turn in a battle. I have for battle#2, reinforcements arriving for each slot, representing turns. But when I get to battle#2, all the reinforcements arrive at the beginning of the battle and not on the turns I want them to. Is it possible in an operation to have units arrive on a particular turn in a particular battle with using the "scheduled" format and the "reserve" format?
  11. lol, I just realized the double-negative. I understand, thankyou for being so helpful.
  12. You are right, I checked. But, even though this is a Russian attack, it doesnt mean I can't still have it static, right? I mean, I'm editing the units for both sides so the attacker has enough to get the job done. The point is that I want objectives for the attacker. The goal is to capture a town by the end of the op, so having VL's would seem required.
  13. Thankyou Kieth, I understand your answer to question#1 @flamingknives I thought flags appear in assaults also? Question#2 What I want to do is have only part of the map revealed for the start of the 1st battle. When battle#2 starts, I want the entire map revealed. I guess this is not possible. I understand the "rolling window" concept, but that will not do. I guess I will just have the whole map revealed from the beginning.
  14. Thankyou for the responses, they were very helpful. Latest troubles; In working with the map editor for creating an operation, I am doing test trials to see how things come out. The test, which somewhat reflects the actual op I want to do, is 3 battles long, 25 turns per day. I've picked a few units for both sides for day one and reinforcement units and had a battle window for the 1st battle. I wanted to see everything pan out, such as how big I would have to make the battle window, whether my reinforcement would show up the way I wanted to, etc,.. My initial problem is that when I go to play the test against the AI(with me as the Germans), the Russian units appear only 10 meters away from the Germans. I am sure when I created the map, I placed the russians within a deployment zone that was over a 1000 meters away. I do not understand why they pop up right next to me. Question#2 I realize you can set the battle window for the 1st battle, but what about the following battles? If I have 3 battles in my op, can I make 3 battle windows, or does the 2nd battle by default reveal the entire map, regardless of anything? Thankyou.
  15. I have completed historical research on a scenario I want to do, but I am still learning how to make scenarios. I am leaning toward making an operation out of the project I am working on. The scenario will cover 3 battles over roughly a 24 hour period. My question is this; What is the time seperation for each battle in an operation? Are they meant to be one battle per day or is it left uninterpeted so I could write in the brief that one battle takes place in the early morning, the next in the afternoon and the last at dusk, all in one day? Also, What does "Opening battle time slot" mean? Thankyou.
  16. Very, very cool site, Michael. Anyone can see you put alot of hard work into the site. Great job. BTW, the one on CMAK is looking beautiful as well.
  17. ::MISSION STATEMENT:: KG is a group of individuals that find themselves in a particular place and at a particular time associating with like-minded individuals. Our general interest has evolved from World War 2 history and war-gaming to online gaming in general. We hold onto our love of history and high-minded ideals of Honor, Integrity, Maturity and Attitude. Our clan has it's roots in the Close Combat series of games going back 5 years ago and has gone on to support a few others including Combat Mission. If you would like more information about our group and are interested in joining feel free to check out our site. Thankyou KG_Cloghaun Vice Kommandir Kampfgruppe
  18. ::MISSION STATEMENT:: KG is a group of individuals that find themselves in a particular place and at a particular time associating with like-minded individuals. Our general interest has evolved from World War 2 history and war-gaming to online gaming in general. We hold onto our love of history and high-minded ideals of Honor, Integrity, Maturity and Attitude. Our clan has it's roots in the Close Combat series of games going back 5 years ago and has gone on to support a few others including Combat Mission. If you would like more information about our group and are interested in joining feel free to check out our site. Kampfgruppe -a fusion wargaming clan Thankyou KG_Cloghaun Vice Kommandir Kampfgruppe
  19. I use outlook express w/my provider comcast.net. Outlook express is excellent. Also, using winzip or winace to compress files helps a rgeat deal.
  20. I recently got the CMMOS program and am still learning about it. Is the SU76 mod compatible with CMMOS? Thankyou
  21. Hell's Gate is the best book I've ever read covering an event on the Russian Front. I highly recommend it. After reading the book, I spent 6 months recreating it into a playable campaign for the game "Close Combat III", complete with accurate battle and operational breifings. Being new to the world of CMBB, it is my hope to recreate some key engagements that were fought in and around the pocket in the future. http://www.kgcooper.com/kg3/kg3_main.htm
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