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Everything posted by v42below

  1. Aaah, I see something is stirring in the gutter. I hate the Ozzies (Oi!) a little less today after watching them sloshing around in the rain for 80 minutes only to lose 7 - 16 to the mighty All Blacks. Some nice fireworks in that game too. There's nothing like a good fist fight with South Auckland Islander involved.
  2. stikky - I know it's been about a month since the last turn, but that's what you deserve for misspelling the Queen's name in your signature...I await your pathetic attempt at a turn. Please also note the change of e-mail adress. The rest of you suck. Unless you participated in our glostious Crackdom victory that is, then you still suck but in a more chivalrous and bloodthirsty manner.
  3. Congrads Lars, I'm glad my stuff up didn't cost our alliance the win. The funny thing is, as I understand it my account had something like 5mil in it when the game ended, since I never logged in last night.
  4. Speaking of civilians - I would like those modelled to, along with a boost to morale when soldiers get to pillage them.
  5. IT HAS BEGUN! My Queen your humble servant is at your command as always. Sgt Viljuri has my contact details in the game that shall not be mentioned.
  6. Oh please, please, can't we just have it put down in a slow and painful way? We can get Manson to do it, or Hannibal for that matter.
  7. At the risk of incurring Sky Kitty's wrath and potentially losing a strong ally in future rounds of Crackdom, I would nevertheless like to request a ruling from the Just-a-Carrot. Seeing as the Dame/Lady/Girl/Woman/Cutie/Bird/Chick/Honey/Kitty is (in no particular order) a: Knight of the MBT; and a) Lady of the Pool; and waffler; and e) person who uses way too many smilies for her own good. Should we treat her as one, some or all of the above? Also, what sort of treatment do the remnants of my body (if any) deserve when she's through with it after reading this post?
  8. It appears the Commies are coming. This place has become a disgrace - two pages after the original post no one has pointed out that MrSpkr misspelled "tail".
  9. I wave my hand at your inaccurate generalisation. </font>
  10. I wave my hand at your inaccurate generalisation.
  11. I thought the French *did* anything that moved, not just annoying people. And if, for whatever reason, the anything does not move, the French push it, thereby causing it to move and providing justification for *doing* it anyway.
  12. Surely that would only protect against Radiation Mines or a Burnt Turkey? </font>
  13. I think we would all appreciate it if you looked into getting one. Then you could keep track of all the things your single underdeveloped brain cell cannot store. You would no longer need to wear those grandpa nappies and we'd all breathe a little easier.
  14. Ah yes... I see you are using the phrase their country in the widest possible sense, since the Soviet soldiers were well inside Poland and Lithuania at the time. Must not let pesky facts get in the way of your teary-eyed salute to the communists of Stalinist russia though eh, so carry on lad. Have a drink for the gulag-guards while you're at it. </font>
  15. No. You've gone from talking about listening to blue grass to listening to vanilla ice. It appears you've been listening to inanimate objects singing. I ask ye a second time: 5) What are you on? $) How much does it cost? 0 u long time) Where do I get some?
  16. Anniversary of Barbarossa today. Not that you dimwits would care, but I would like to remember the border guards and soldiers who on this day in 1941 attempted to defend their country, whilst being under strict orders not to fire on the advancing enemy. Life is a cruel joke sometimes. We will remember them.
  17. 5) What are you on? $) How much does it cost? 0 u long time) Where do I get some?
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