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Everything posted by v42below

  1. stikky, I have now re-sent the turn twice (once from hotmail and once from another account) if you still have not received it, there must be something wrong at your end - please fix or do somefink.
  2. Your smoke and mirrors do not fool me. You are obviously changing your tactics to "think before pushing GO". Hopefully by the next turn you'll learn to convert the outcome of those thinking processes into orders to your troops. It will be fun dropping arty on them as they all go shopping for some peanuts. Goodnight to all you twits. May the floss be with you.
  3. You silly old sod, you would not have even noticed the Queen's absence if it were not for me. stikky stop your mumbling and send a turn, before I resort to making fun of your real name.
  4. Thanks for the advice! I have indeed gained a valuable insight - Jim is an idiot, even in comparison with my inanimate reflection!
  5. Stop "feeling the love" (or if you do go on, at least feel it with something else) and send me a blimmin turn, capito?
  6. SLAP! Snap out of it, man! This is what passes for a knight these days? I'm glad I've relegated myself to squire for the time being. Hopefully by the time I am knighted (again) it will actually mean something!
  7. Turn out to stikky, whose "valiant" italian troops are currently eating the dust of the steppes. They seem to obey two commands only: "duck!" and "cover".
  8. Jim, I believe you were lecturing about lame exchanges on the MBT. Please, do continue.
  9. The trouble with old people these days is that they make too many assumptions - he hasn't got CMAK, I can beat him with my eyes closed, no one will notice that I forgot to put on my pants, etc. The reason for my preference of CMBB is that I currently need to travel a lot on business and only have CMBB installed on my work laptop (I prefer to keep only one non-work related application on my laptop at any given point in time). I am more than happy to play CMAK, but the turn rate will be somewhat slower, as I will have to do all the turn sending from home when I'm there. CMBO is also an option (subject to the same conditions as CMAK) if you are willing to subject your failing eyesight to the horrible graphics. In case your short term memory has once again wandered off I'll summarise: SEND ME A SETUP! CMBB is preferred, but CMBO and CMAK will make just as good a paddle for your long-overdue spanking by my bloodthirsty maniacs. [edited to say Nnnnnnnnni! to the usurper of the crown, who is oblivious to the correct spelling of the word throne and the fact that his highness refers to a prince, rather than a king] [ April 05, 2004, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]
  10. Perhaps you might want to start a game with a turn-sending cretin then? CMBB? 500-1000pts or so? Would you not enjoy grinding the only MBT member who, being an SSN, was first knighted and only then taken to squire, into the steppes? And now for a slightly harder question to answer, do you remember where you put your teeth? [edit: as I remember we started a CMBO game which was never completed, so this would give us the opportunity to catch up on lost quality battle time. It also appears that stikky is just not providing enough blood to satisfy the thirst, so the bloody sacrifice of your troops would be most welcome] [ April 05, 2004, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: v42below ]
  11. [serious]Does anyone know what happened to the Queen? She hasn't been around for a while, ever since the endgame of the last round of crackdom. I've emailed her, but as yet have no response[/serious]
  12. Turn out to stikky Jimmaeh! Your lecture on MBT etiquete is duly noted, despite the fact that you're a senile mumbling old git (my guess is that the only way you manage to partially disguise this fact is being able read, rather than having to remember just what it was you posted a few minutes ago). Stikky and I will try to post less and do so in a larger font (we'll even try to throw in pictures of objects that start with the corresponding letters) to make it easier on you.
  13. An SSN should not be allowed to start a thread until they get a license or somefink. [ April 02, 2004, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]
  14. 1. Ha, I, unlike your smilie-using self, seize the opportunity when it comes to taunting - you had weeks to taunt me, yet you failed to carpe diem. 2. Ha-ha, I shall use whatever tricks and strategies I can come up with, in order to ensure that your hairy olive-growing servants of El Duce are ultimately pounded into submission in the name of the Proleteriat Party of the Union of Workers Peasants, the Father of all Nations Comrade Stalin, the Motherland and the Ultimate Triumph of the World Revolution. 3. Ha-ha-ha! In the name of our just cause (see above) my "worms", as you describe them,will gladly be blown to smitherenes, as long as the note in their breast pocket "If I die, I wish to be remembered as a Communist" remains intact. 4. Ha-ha-ha-ha! Please do. 5. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I blame you and am intent on feeding all those pasta lovers I capture nothing but potatoes for the next three years, whilst they help restore Stalingrad to its former glory. Good day. Kalinka, kalinka, kalinka moya! V sadu yagoda malinka, malinka moya...
  15. Hey, stikky, when you charge my uber russians with those things try to make sa much noise as possible, it might drown out the laughter.
  16. Has anyone seen stinky? Strictly speaking, you don't really need to see him in order to detect his presence, but still, it's good to have a LOS on him, just to make sure he doesn't try anything funny. Where's my turn you maccaroni-munching, yellow-bellied, greasy, tele-tubbie-suit-wearing, arty-ammo-wasting twit?
  17. Can't a faithful squire fish just a little? In any case, I only ask since she didn't seem to be around for the drubbing we gave the CB, does anyone know where she is?
  18. I missed that particular scumBag since he neither displayed the CB logo, nor stood up for those I was erasing. Still I finished in 13th even after I wasted my resources on the slaughter. It was nice to see in the final rankings the Queen standing on top of two CBs, I hope she appreciated the effort.
  19. stinkywinky has started his attack with an artilery barrage on the victory flags. How uncouth. Having placed my troops nowhere near the flags, I remain, unfortunately for stinky, completely unphased by his waste of ammunition, as my Russian bogatyri slowly consume their extra rations of 42below, graciously provided by the New Zealand troops from CMAK. (Of course this could be a feint, in order to get stinky to move the barrage away from my hapless troops which are actually being cut down in swathes as they scream for mercy directly under the barrage) [Or this could be a feint within a feint and my troops are nowhere near the flags, as discussed above] {However, the bene gesserit discipline, which I am a big fan of, reffers to a strategy of "a feint within a feint, within a feint", so you never know} Now that stinky has warped his fragile little mind trying to figure out what the hell I just posted, hopefully he'll just click go without issuing orders and concede the game, or, better still, charge me with everything he's got. You've got mail, stinky
  20. stinkywinky - I am now free from my fiefdom obligations, our struggle shall soon resume.
  21. Well, it's all over. Someone pass me some warm water and a towel to cleanse me of the blood of the Crimson Brigade scum. That armour needs seeing to, with all those gashes, I might as well get a new one. Kitty, bless her soul, came in third and ended the carnage. As bloodthirsty as I am, I was gettnig weary and my troops needed a rest. The MBA truely took revenge on the CB this time. Our attacks relegating them to a supporting role. Realising that no CB member would be allowed within a mile of winning, they chose to financially support spidermonk of the Sabre Wielding Wackos (who seems like a nice enough fellow and may be an ally next round, assuming we play). With the financial weight of two alliances behind him, spidermonk snuck through to the first spot unnoticed. Then it was time for carnage. Having been one of the front runners for a while, and not caring much for the second spot, I decided to demolish the CB, in order to take revenge for their dogpiling in the last round, and the Alliance agreed. Everyone helped out as much as they could. A special thanks goes out to Queen YK2 aka Mordred, Seanachai, Sturmy, Leeo, Sgt. Viljuri, the Wafflers who helped me in a time of need, and of course HVAP for his unwavering resolve. I apologise if I have forgotten anyone - my helmet sustained many a knock in the game, so the memory is not what it used to be. We progressively took down and completely demolished every single CBer who was brave enough to be a public member - Milkman, Maverick, Tethias Veneteer, Mugse and Balder. Considering that several of these were consistently in the top ten, it was no easy feat. By the end of it all, none of them would be in the top 50. Oh how they whined and squeeled! To give them credit they fought bravely to the last man, but alas we slaughtered those too. For my part, I must say that I managed to avoid breaches in my defences throughout the game. Even when spidermonk, having won the game, turned his huge army against me and wiped mine out, the CMers in the game came to my aid and in 5 minutes I was stronger than before the attack. Unfortunately many were not as fortunate as I - HVAP, despite his valiant efforts, was wiped out, as was the Queen who ran in first place for most of the game and was mercilessly dogpiled. I did my best to ensure their smouldering fiefs were avenged. It was fun while it lasted, but I doubt I will play again - my blood debt to the CB is now repaid and real life is catching up with me. However, if we get the numbers and organise a general CM alliance, which could rival Yorick and CB combined - I will have no choice but to play! Final Rnakings http://www.evolvingworlds.com/fiefdom/rankings.php Strength and Honour, my friends! [ March 29, 2004, 08:24 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]
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