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Posts posted by v42below

  1. Originally posted by 37mm:

    *Walks down the aisle to thunderous applause, spots stickypiss in the crowd, BOOT's the little fecker in the groin & then moves on*

    *Takes his place at the podium & calls for silence, the cesspool immediately pipes down*

    Well, well, well it has been FAR too long in its coming if I may say so but nonetheless if a an overdue due is more deserving (unlike that fecking V42belowpar who doesn’t deserve aught but a brick in the face) then doesn't that mean the due is WORTH more than if that due we’re, say, less deserving?

    I would like to thank several people for this ‘honour’…

    My liege obviously for putting up with me for so long & for not booting me TOO hard.

    The Great House of (sigh) JD Morse (sigh) for taking me in & granting me with the power & renown that any member of that house (yes even the Belgian) automatically possesses.

    My opponent’s; stickypiss (the very definition of filthy, pointless & European but at least he’s not v42below), Nidan1 (he ain’t that bad really... I mean lets put it this way at least he ain't that total pig swill drinking feck head v42belowpar)), the Oddstralian Noba (considering you’ve been so inept at handling a platoon of Tigers perhaps a COMPANY of tigers would be more appropriate for next time) and various others who I can't be bothered to mention (they certainly don't include v42below).

    I suppose my blessed father Peng deserves some credit…

    But let’s not detract from the star of the show for too long ey?

    Most of all I thank myself for being so fecking great (and having enough stomach to put up with that fecking v42blowpar who’d normally be enough to put off ANY Messiah).

    We all have a burden, a place, a destiny… some were meant to be great leaders, some great scientists or poets, writers, thinkers or… lawyers (snicker). I wasn’t meant for any of THOSE things…I was born for one thing & one thing only… to be a Knight of the Cesspool.

    Is that a great achievement? Probably not

    Do the terrorists care? Perhaps not

    Will I ever appear on the cover of some rag of a magazine, the public asking did he? Most unlikely

    Will my name be forgotten in the great span of eternity… NEVER, for as long as Peng continues, I will continue (the only question this raises is does that mean that 4v2farbelow will also continue for fecking ever)!

    So most of all I would like to thank eternity itself for spawning me & allowing me to take my place amongst HISTORIES greats…








    *An explosion of clapping, cheering, cat calls & wolf whistles erupts from the crowd... even the 'smeg for brains' v42bastard cheers*

    *The entire Cesspool watches 37mm smiling and druelling in his sleep on the floor of the thrown room, as the twit mumbles something incoherent. An empty bottle of meths, a plastic bag and a packet of glue complete the sorry sight*

    Boo - That's the strangest way I've seen anyone celebrate their Knighthood...

    Joe - I told you no good would come of this!

    Seanachai - I suppose I might as well take the opportunity to literally piss on the lad from a considerable height. Someone give me a boost.

    v42below - Well, ordinarily I would say this is far too low, even for the Cesspool, but in this case it is my duty...nay...my privelege, to ensure this is done properly!

    *brings Yeknod over and puts Seanachai on his back*.

    Steady, Yeknod, this will only take a minute and you've seen stranger things.

    YK2 - What's all this then? Oh no you don't, not in my thrown room!

    v42below - But, your Majesty, do you not recognise the subject of this harmless prank?

    YK2 - *glances at the motionless body on the floor* Oh, quite right. It's nice to see Seanachai's dangly bits still have some use. Well then, as you were. Just make sure you have it all cleaned up by the time I've finished my bath. *walks out, stopping only to pick up a bottle of red wine from under the thrown*

    ...37 seconds later...

    *37mm opens his eyes and hears Joe's voice - Rise, Sir 370mls!

    *as he looks around something seems amiss, however, all in the Cesspool seem to be smiling at him.*

    "And why shouldn't they?, he thinks to himself, "Am I not their Messiah? Am I not the man of the day?"

    *and then it hits him*


    v42below - Those are tears of joy, my friend...all 370mls of them.

    [edited - because long posts are a pain in the ass to proof]

    [ February 06, 2005, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]

  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    The things I have to do for the CessPool ...


    The SQUIRE of Sir Boo Radley known as 37mm, having completed the course of study (such as it was ... with Boo as Liege he could have mailed it in) as set forth and required by his Liege Lord and having Quested on behalf of his Liege Lord (some Quest ... now in MY day we had QUESTS) is now acknowledged and shall henceforth BE (Gawd, I think I'm gonna hurl) ...

    Knight in Ordinary of the CessPool, Sir 37mm (and you don't GET much more ORDINARY than the House of jdmorse)

    He is to be accorded all rights and privileges of said rank and is to be admitted into the fellowship of said Knights of the CessPool {I wish Bauhaus was still around ... we could have assigned him the bench next to him ... there's a lad could deal out some FELLOWSHIP) there to do the deeds and gain the acclaim due to one of such rank.

    So let it be written ... so let it be DONE in accordance with the wishes of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread (durnk on their butts though they likely are, if they had any moxie they'd have stepped in and forbidden this farce by fiat) and attested to and so ordered by the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. (Just doing my job ... shaking the bushes here boss.)

    Sir Joe Shaw, JPCT

    Well I hope Boo will be there to clean up the imminent mess this poodle makes when he craps himself with excitement.
  3. Well, he did say this:

    Originally posted by 37mm:


    This is what you get when you just hold your nose & dive into the filth.

    This idiot is actually trying to ‘work out’ what my hopes, my desires, my motives & my fears are.

    Unfortunately he is wrong on all counts (again quite incredible you’d think he’d get something right)…

    in reference to Her Majesty, surely that is enough to leave him a lowly Squire for at least eternity?
  4. Originally posted by Sgt. Viljuri:


    What does Seanachai do better than CM?

    1) ?

    2) ??

    3) ???

    WTF ###!!!!

    You may be a comrade in arms on the Fiefdom battlefield, Viljuri, but if you want the chance to be rediculed and poked with sharp sticks here, you must have an email in your profile. Even then you'd just be an SSN, hardly worth the dirt on the soles of our shoes. You could always just sod off, you know. Believe me, it's the better choice.
  5. Originally posted by YK2:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

    If Her Majesty asked me to remove your noggin with rusty fish hooks, I would do it too.

    Enough of this talk of removing peoples noggins with rusty fish hooks!

    *Deep breath*

    *Takes a HUGE swing with a meat cleaver at v42's Noggin *

    If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing right...

    Now where did I put that pike! </font>

  6. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


    After all, who would YOU back in a bout between THIS ...


    And THIS ...


    And that doesn't even get into the difference between a Kiwi and a Former Marine!


    Are you implying that the four-eyed turtle man actually has a chance? I guess if we were having it out in the bright Australian sun, he could take advantage of that shiny noggin of his and blind me with the reflected rays. Still, I'm sure that, as long as I managed to rid him of those truck headlights he uses as his spectacles, he'd simply end up strangling himself with that bow tie.
  7. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    *snip* Our Berli, now. Well, he pisses on you from a considerable height. *snip*

    Quite...and I'm sure that by the time his pants can soak up no more of the blue refuse (got to take it easy on the meths, old boy) and a few drops actually escape outside, I will have walked way past whatever pole he decided to climb up this time in search of his meds.
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