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Posts posted by v42below

  1. Originally posted by 37mm:

    Been here a year and a half and still a squire... terrible to see such stagnation and yet it STILL continues to try.

    Well just to make him feel important I'll rise!

    Not just any squire, idjit, I am Squire to the Queen! I was actually knighted by Her Majesty a long time ago, but gave the knighthood up voluntarily to stop the whining of the kannigets. You see, I was knighted without ever being a serf or a squire, which raised a few grey eyebrows (perhaps the Olde Ones were trying to open their eyes for a change, but failed yet again). Knighthood? Been there, done that. Looking at some of the more recently promoted knights, is seems like I'm in better company (yourself excluded of course being a squire).

    Oh, almost forgot...BOOT!!!

    Gotta keep these young-uns on their toes...


  2. Originally posted by Leeo:

    My Mother, Nancy, trod this Earth with a determined will and powerful mind. She did many things to change many peoples lives for the better. She was also among my best friends, and I love her dearly.

    She died peacefully early yesterday morning with me holding her hand.

    Nancy, April 24, 1939-December 6,2004.

    Turns out eventually.

    May she rest in peace. My condolences, Leeo.


  3. Originally posted by Stuka:

    How dare you speak to me directly.

    Was that meant to be a question, you illitirate pile of rust? The answer is - with ease. Hi Stuka how's it hanging?

    In the case that Stuka does not like being addressed by me directly, can someone who he does talk to please let him know that judging by his presence here he was obviously not standing close enough to the bucket? Next time he should make sure he does it in an extremely small room with all the doors and windows closed. Preferably he should place the bucket on top of a good sized pile of explosives prior to commencing fire. A webcast of the proceedings would also be much appreciated.

  4. Where is the Just-a-carrot when you need him. 37mm - please acquaint yourself with the concept of Coventry by taking the initiative of searching and reading up on the subject matter. It is a tool (come to think of it, not unlike yourself) that only functions well when used by all cesspoolers unanimously. Remember the first rule of one stuck in a pool of cess up to one's bottom lip - DON'T MAKE WAVES!

    stikky - I know, turn owing. The answer is still no. But I might acquiesce to completing one as a Chrismas present though.

  5. Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    You wanna guess how long it's been since you sent me your last turn? It's in the order of Shaw's age.

    My wardogs ate it while I was siegeing Sparta. My lap top is broken. I lost the CD. If I find the CD I'm not sure if I can be bothered downloading and intalling the patch again. Also I don't like you. Furthermore, we both know that once I start sending turns, I will be staring defeat in the face. This way I'm looking at it from a distance and can't really tell whether that's defeat, victory, a donkey or two Seanachai clones stacked on top of one another. No turn for you until BFC wins Fiefdom again.
  6. <font color = #8f8f47>This is not the v42below you're looking for................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. </font>

  7. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

    You should address him formally as 'Famine', or, if you are on familiar terms with him, address him as 'the bastard Emrys.

    Famine, that's right. I'm always forgetting which one of the Horsemen he is. I keep thinking maybe, Ennui or Halitosis...

    But if you say he's Famine, well... okay.

    (Are you sure he's not Annoying Itch In An Embarrasing Area? I mean, it'd be a natural for him.) </font>

  8. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

    You should address him formally as 'Famine', or, if you are on familiar terms with him, address him as 'the bastard Emrys.

    Famine, that's right. I'm always forgetting which one of the Horsemen he is. I keep thinking maybe, Ennui or Halitosis...

    But if you say he's Famine, well... okay.

    (Are you sure he's not Annoying Itch In An Embarrasing Area? I mean, it'd be a natural for him.) </font>

  9. Originally posted by Papa Khann:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

    First, let me say:

    Happy Birthday, v42below, you bloody thirst maniac!

    Next, let me say:

    Happy Belated Birthday, Dalem! I would prefer in the future, though, that you have your Birthday on a day when I am not at a Memorial Service.

    That said, what chance this Saturday that we could do something to celebrate your birthday?

    (sorry, v42below, but I can't get together with you to celebrate your birthday, because you live in Pulpy Green Fruit Land. Dalem lives here in my town, so I can get together with him to make him feel more miserable.)

    Originally posted by dalem:

    I've decided that

    I'm gonna rock it up

    Roll it up

    Do it all

    Have a ball

    Saturday night

    Saturday Ni-i-i-i-i-i-iIIGHT!

    S-S-S-Saturday Ni-IIIGHT!

    And some of that should include some of the wanton gnome-slapping dance.

    So will you two be wearing your special birthday outfits?

    Papa </font>

  10. Originally posted by Papa Khann:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

    First, let me say:

    Happy Birthday, v42below, you bloody thirst maniac!

    Next, let me say:

    Happy Belated Birthday, Dalem! I would prefer in the future, though, that you have your Birthday on a day when I am not at a Memorial Service.

    That said, what chance this Saturday that we could do something to celebrate your birthday?

    (sorry, v42below, but I can't get together with you to celebrate your birthday, because you live in Pulpy Green Fruit Land. Dalem lives here in my town, so I can get together with him to make him feel more miserable.)

    Originally posted by dalem:

    I've decided that

    I'm gonna rock it up

    Roll it up

    Do it all

    Have a ball

    Saturday night

    Saturday Ni-i-i-i-i-i-iIIGHT!

    S-S-S-Saturday Ni-IIIGHT!

    And some of that should include some of the wanton gnome-slapping dance.

    So will you two be wearing your special birthday outfits?

    Papa </font>

  11. Originally posted by dalem:

    And oh yeah, it was my birthday Saturday. I am still younger than Joe, but that's like saying I'm younger than Trilobites.

    Happy upcoming birthday! Mine's today and I can guarantee I'm younger than all of you twits. Then again, I'm not sure whether it'a good thing or a bad thing. On the one hand I could probably whack you all on the head and leave the room only to watch you all blame each other, start a fight and then forget wht you were fighting about. On the other, I look at you and shudder to think that I too will one day be this senile. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  12. Originally posted by dalem:

    And oh yeah, it was my birthday Saturday. I am still younger than Joe, but that's like saying I'm younger than Trilobites.

    Happy upcoming birthday! Mine's today and I can guarantee I'm younger than all of you twits. Then again, I'm not sure whether it'a good thing or a bad thing. On the one hand I could probably whack you all on the head and leave the room only to watch you all blame each other, start a fight and then forget wht you were fighting about. On the other, I look at you and shudder to think that I too will one day be this senile. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  13. Originally posted by Aguirre:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by KG_Steiner:

    Where am I? baaaaarrrffff!!!!!

    How prophetic. Can i go home now?

    No, you may not. In the time I have been watching this board, I have seen this ancient, undead thread continue to fester. Every now and then it explodes in a shower of puss, only to emerge as a new but still evil excresence from the mess of blood and flacid flesh that was its last incarnation.

    This thread makes entirely too much mess as it is without some upstart with a member number so absurdly high that it dwarfs even mine coming in and randomly vomiting everwhere. You are a fly among these clumps of dung. I hate you. I challenge you to a game on the eastern front. You will accept because you know that it is the only challenge you will get here. If you do not have the eastern front game, you will buy it. Your troops will perish horribly under my fell blows, but you will learn to enjoy it, because my wrath is the only attention of another human being you will find here. </font>

  14. Originally posted by Aguirre:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by KG_Steiner:

    Where am I? baaaaarrrffff!!!!!

    How prophetic. Can i go home now?

    No, you may not. In the time I have been watching this board, I have seen this ancient, undead thread continue to fester. Every now and then it explodes in a shower of puss, only to emerge as a new but still evil excresence from the mess of blood and flacid flesh that was its last incarnation.

    This thread makes entirely too much mess as it is without some upstart with a member number so absurdly high that it dwarfs even mine coming in and randomly vomiting everwhere. You are a fly among these clumps of dung. I hate you. I challenge you to a game on the eastern front. You will accept because you know that it is the only challenge you will get here. If you do not have the eastern front game, you will buy it. Your troops will perish horribly under my fell blows, but you will learn to enjoy it, because my wrath is the only attention of another human being you will find here. </font>

  15. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Hello, you lot. I will give you now, all my news.

    On Thursday, the 16th, I had dinner with my family. We talked of many weighty matters, and I told some bad jokes.

    On Friday, the 17th, I had dinner with two friends of mine. One went off to milk goats. One drove me home and helped me into the house, and threw away all my mail, which had overflowed the love seat onto the floor. We listened to Shawn Colvin's 'Riding Shotgun Down the Avalanche'

    On Saturday, the 18th, Seanachai cried, for a while, in the mid-afternoon. On or about 2:15 PM my little sister, Kat, died peacefully of respiratory failure after being removed from the life support that has sustained her for the last two weeks. She had defeated cancer for the fourth time, but her lungs were too damaged by Chemotherapy and inflammation to sustain her.

    "No! I fight on! I fight on! I fight on!

    Yes, all my laurels you have riven away

    And all my roses; yet in spite of you,

    There is one crown I bear away with me,

    And to-night, when I enter before God,

    My salute shall sweep all the stars away

    From the blue threshold! One thing without stain,

    Unspotted from the world, in spite of doom

    Mine own! —

    And that is

    My white plume..."


    In loving memorial, to the strongest person I have ever known, from her loving brother.

    Seanachai hold fast, friend. I've never met you or your sister, but your sporadic posts about her have made me feel like I knew her, if only a little. My thoughts are with you and her, wherever she is.
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